Sure they should have a right to boooooo Lou. He may have turned the program around but he has left a path of destruction every where he has ever coached.
Posted this yesterday:
I don't think Lou is as credible as ESPN seems to think he is. He's a flake. I guess when you are a big cheat ESPN values your opinion. Anyone ever looked at the skeletons in Lou's closet?
Minnesota: NCAA Investigation
Arkansas: NCAA Investigation
Notre Dame: NCAA Questions (come on like they will ever receive any sanctions)
South Carolina: NCAA Investigation
Not quite as clean as he would have you to believe. The success that he enjoyed always seemed to come at the beginning of his coaching tenure at these schools. He would build and leave before the @#$# hit the fan (Minnesota and ARK) or they would run Lou and the family out of town (ND and USC) I don't listen to him. When he starts his cackling laugh I turn the channel.