Loudoun County Dad Arrested For ‘Trespassing’ At Local Public School Board Meeting Found Not Guilty


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014

A Loudoun County father, whose arrest at a June 2021 school board meeting was used by the Biden administration to justify a politicized attack on concerned parents, was found not guilty of trespassing on Wednesday.

Law enforcement arrested Jon Tigges at a Loudoun school board meeting on June 22, 2021, after he tried expressing concerns about the school district’s “moral decay.” A Virginia district judge found Tigges guilty in October of 2021. Loudoun Circuit Judge Douglas Fleming Jr., however, cleared Tigges of any wrongdoing.

Loudoun Dad Arrested At School Board Meeting Found Not Guilty
Hundreds of Chicago Teachers Raped, Sexually Assaulted, Groomed Students in 2022

---but our AG/DOJ - colluding with teachers unions & DOE - have concluded the problem is domestic terrorist parents who protest the sexualization of PK-12 children.

Read that again, not a dozen, or several, but hundreds. Just in Chicago.

I refuse to send my children to public schools. My wife and I decided last year that we would look at the tuition cost in the same way we view the mortgage and insurance, it’s a necessity rather than a luxury. People need to wake up! The government and the liberal machine are aiming their efforts at our children.
I refuse to send my children to public schools. My wife and I decided last year that we would look at the tuition cost in the same way we view the mortgage and insurance, it’s a necessity rather than a luxury. People need to wake up! The government and the liberal machine are aiming their efforts at our children.

I don't blame you but unfortunately we can't outrun this problem - imo, THE problem of education - with private schools, even those with a religious basis. Not only are private schools, especially those under the NAIS banner, some of the worse offenders pushing leftist ideology, but public schools outnumber private schools >3-1. We can't simply rescue 'our kids', look away and abandon the rest to the vile left; they win that equation. Your well-rounded child that you did your best for, will live subjugated in their society.

Don't mean to dampen spirits, but it simply isn't enough.
I refuse to send my children to public schools. My wife and I decided last year that we would look at the tuition cost in the same way we view the mortgage and insurance, it’s a necessity rather than a luxury. People need to wake up! The government and the liberal machine are aiming their efforts at our children.

Let me start by saying mine are grown (although the youngest is dragging out grad school) and I’ve never seen the garbage taught to kids here that they teach elsewhere. whole idea. Get it together Americans! I hear rumors here of some such sh*t but cant confirm first hand.
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I don't blame you but unfortunately we can't outrun this problem - imo, THE problem of education - with private schools. Not only are private schools, especially those under the NAIS banner, some of the worse offenders pushing leftist ideology, but public schools outnumber private schools >3-1. We can't simply rescue 'our kids', look away and abandon the rest to the vile left; they win that equation. Your well-rounded child that you did your best for, will live subjugated in their society.

Don't mean to dampen spirits, but it simply isn't enough.

No. I understand what you mean. Private schools are a risk as well. We are given easy access to their curriculum. We did a ton of research and we feel good with the school we chose.

But you are right. At the end of the day, we can’t be with them 24/7. They are always at risk. Every parent has to decide what they feel is the best approach towards education.
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Let me start by saying mine are grown (although the youngest is dragging out grad school) and I’ve never seen the garbage taught to kids here that they teach elsewhere. whole idea. Get it together Americans! I hear rumors here of some such sh*t but cant confirm first hand.

Why are the Feds even involved in education?
I actually support the USG. It has become some overbearing burdensome Goliath that thinks they need to stick their nose in everything. All funded by a Representation of Idiots that have to learn on the job about economics, military. healthcare, FP..They are novice and rolled over at election cycle sans the McConnell's and Biden's of the world .so the career bureaucracy are de facto the leaders of national policy.

It doesn't matter who is elected. The bureaucracy will support you or destroy you. The Swamp.
Why are the Feds even involved in education?

Check out this quote. Written in 1923 by J Gresham Machen

“When one considers what the public schools of America in many places already are--their materialism, their discouragement of any sustained intellectual effort, their encouragement of the dangerous pseudoscientific fads of experimental psychology--one can only be appalled by the thought of a commonwealth in which there is no escape from such a soul-killing system.”

He wrote that 100 years ago!

Check out this quote. Written in 1923 by J Gresham Machen

“When one considers what the public schools of America in many places already are--their materialism, their discouragement of any sustained intellectual effort, their encouragement of the dangerous pseudoscientific fads of experimental psychology--one can only be appalled by the thought of a commonwealth in which there is no escape from such a soul-killing system.”

He wrote that 100 years ago!

They even want to do away with grading. Like what is the point . They just pump out students into society and get funds.
No personal accountability or consequences to anything. I know where this is written.
I don't blame you but unfortunately we can't outrun this problem - imo, THE problem of education - with private schools, even those with a religious basis. Not only are private schools, especially those under the NAIS banner, some of the worse offenders pushing leftist ideology, but public schools outnumber private schools >3-1. We can't simply rescue 'our kids', look away and abandon the rest to the vile left; they win that equation. Your well-rounded child that you did your best for, will live subjugated in their society.

Don't mean to dampen spirits, but it simply isn't enough.

All true. We made the switch. It just guaranteed we aren’t the slowest guy running away from the bear.
When my wife and I have kids we'll likely have them in a private school down in Lima, Peru, if possible. My ideal is to homeschool them and split time evenly between the US and Peru.
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Loudoun Sheriff investigates online Threats Against Parents Who Spoke At School Board

The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office is investigating violent online threats allegedly made against parents who spoke out at school board meetings.

The sheriff's office opened an investigation into private Facebook group "Loudoun Love Warriors" after a citizen made a complaint. Threatening messages were allegedly shared in a group chat on the Facebook page.

Loudoun sheriff investigates online threats against parents who spoke at school board
Loudon County School Board still refers to the sexual assaults in their bathrooms (that they went out of their way to hide and suppress) as “alleged” incidents.

Over a year after an assailant was found criminally responsible beyond a reasonable doubt for committing forcible sodomy, abduction, and sexual battery at school, LCSB inexplicably continues to refer to these incidents as 'two alleged sexual assaults at LCPS.'

Proven forcible sodomy = “alleged sexual assault”

Loudoun Co. school board chose Scott Ziegler over accountability in sex assault cases: OAG

Some seriously sick MF’er s running the schools up there in Loudon County.
Loudon County School Board still refers to the sexual assaults in their bathrooms (that they went out of their way to hide and suppress) as “alleged” incidents.

Proven forcible sodomy = “alleged sexual assault”

Loudoun Co. school board chose Scott Ziegler over accountability in sex assault cases: OAG

Some seriously sick MF’er s running the schools up there in Loudon County.
It’s every where. We had no clue this kind of garbage was going on nation wide.

Prosecutor Who Tried To Jail Loudoun Dad Wiped Out At The Ballot Box​

Buta Biberaj as well as the rest of the remaining Loudoun County school board members voted out of office

Voters have opted to kick to the curb the most over-the-top villain of the Loudoun County, Virginia, transgender rape coverup — a prosecutor who won her position backed by an absurd sum of George Soros cash, then tried to jail the father of the rape victim despite running on a platform of leniency.

Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj, the “progressive” prosecutor who openly boasted that she would simply decline to enforce laws if they didn’t mesh with her personal politics, lost narrowly to Bob Anderson, a Republican who previously held the position from 1996 to 2003.

Her political corpse, and those of every school board member who was in office during the 2021 scandal, joins that of former Superintendent Scott Zeigler, who was convicted of a crime for his role in the rape coverup this fall.

Loudon County School Board at it again…

Killed the cameras, and are moving to restrict public comment -

In a meeting Thursday afternoon, two Loudoun County School Board Members expressed interest in placing more stringent rules on public comment sessions during school board meetings.

At the last school board meeting, the Loudoun County School Board voted 6-3 to turn off their livestream camera during public comment.

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I don't blame you but unfortunately we can't outrun this problem - imo, THE problem of education - with private schools, even those with a religious basis. Not only are private schools, especially those under the NAIS banner, some of the worse offenders pushing leftist ideology, but public schools outnumber private schools >3-1. We can't simply rescue 'our kids', look away and abandon the rest to the vile left; they win that equation. Your well-rounded child that you did your best for, will live subjugated in their society.

Don't mean to dampen spirits, but it simply isn't enough.

The paranoia of conservatives is amusing. There are millions of students in public high schools, and 95 percent of them are doing fine.
The paranoia of conservatives is amusing. There are millions of students in public high schools, and 95 percent of them are doing fine.
The other 5 percent have really good weed. Truly thankful for those little bastards.

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