LSU fan looking forward to Sea of Orange...



Oct 23, 2006
First off great game against the Gumps!

Here are couple of takes from a Tiger fan!

The Meachem(sp?) kid is special. The spin maneuver that he did against the Bammer player really showed off his athleticism and the kid has been solid since game one!
Ainge is overall a very talented athlete and a very good QB, but is still unpredictable.
Cut has really brought confidence to your team and the players are responding.
Of the three tough games you guys have left I believe LSU and Arky will be the toughest. I think LSU has a slight edge in talent but playing ranked opponents away is apparently too much to over come. We love our cupcakes, but can't win against ranked teams outside of BR! :BANGHEAD2: I would really like to think this game's a tossup, but I predict LSU will lose to UT in a very close physical battle especially if UT brings it's A-Game and the fans get into it. You guys are way more talented than Arky minus McFadden & Jones. I believe you guys win that one in the 4thQ with the talent of the depth chart taking over.
As far as the circumCocks, I believe you guys will roll in Columbia. I just wish our game was at 6:45PM instead of 3:30PM.

Anyway, nuff bout that for now. Me and a co-worker are going to make it to Neyland Stadium for the first time ever. I have another co-worker who is a Vol season ticket holder that got me tickets for the game. So I will probably be sitting with the Tennessee faithful.:clapping:

Since I am getting in early, what I really need to know are the Do's and Don'ts at Neyland. I here you guys have great tradition and tailgating activities. Does anyone have a list of activites like Vol-Walk and what time that begins and also what are the rules about alcohol on campus. Yes, we Cajun corndogs love our Bourbon. :toast: Also, I have heard of the Vol Navy. Definitely sounds like a unique tradition unlike some other SEC teams *cough Ole Piss* cough cough Albarn* but what exactly is the Vol Navy and how did it start?

Anyway, sorry for the long post and I look forward to the replies. I am especially looking forward to some good Tennessee cooking. We have great food but it is Cajun food & corndogs week in and week out. Sometimes it does the body good to see how the other half lives! GEAUX TIGERS! VOLS BEAT COCKS! :rock2:
make sure you hit the Strip/Cumberland Ave before the game, O'Charley's is always full of hotties
First off great game against the Gumps!

LSU is doing great, but you want even get as close as we did, so go back to your Bourbon St park bench and catch some shut eye.

Oh we will hand it to you too later on in the season....
First off great game against the Gumps!

Here are couple of takes from a Tiger fan!

The Meachem(sp?) kid is special. The spin maneuver that he did against the Bammer player really showed off his athleticism and the kid has been solid since game one!
Ainge is overall a very talented athlete and a very good QB, but is still unpredictable.
Cut has really brought confidence to your team and the players are responding.
Of the three tough games you guys have left I believe LSU and Arky will be the toughest. I think LSU has a slight edge in talent but playing ranked opponents away is apparently too much to over come. We love our cupcakes, but can't win against ranked teams outside of BR! :BANGHEAD2: I would really like to think this game's a tossup, but I predict LSU will lose to UT in a very close physical battle especially if UT brings it's A-Game and the fans get into it. You guys are way more talented than Arky minus McFadden & Jones. I believe you guys win that one in the 4thQ with the talent of the depth chart taking over.
As far as the circumCocks, I believe you guys will roll in Columbia. I just wish our game was at 6:45PM instead of 3:30PM.

Anyway, nuff bout that for now. Me and a co-worker are going to make it to Neyland Stadium for the first time ever. I have another co-worker who is a Vol season ticket holder that got me tickets for the game. So I will probably be sitting with the Tennessee faithful.:clapping:

Since I am getting in early, what I really need to know are the Do's and Don'ts at Neyland. I here you guys have great tradition and tailgating activities. Does anyone have a list of activites like Vol-Walk and what time that begins and also what are the rules about alcohol on campus. Yes, we Cajun corndogs love our Bourbon. :toast: Also, I have heard of the Vol Navy. Definitely sounds like a unique tradition unlike some other SEC teams *cough Ole Piss* cough cough Albarn* but what exactly is the Vol Navy and how did it start?

Anyway, sorry for the long post and I look forward to the replies. I am especially looking forward to some good Tennessee cooking. We have great food but it is Cajun food & corndogs week in and week out. Sometimes it does the body good to see how the other half lives! GEAUX TIGERS! VOLS BEAT COCKS! :rock2:
Glad to have ya...the Vol Navy is pretty cool...if you want to see it up close and personal, head to the TN Grill (go to Calhoun's if you want good food...TN Grill is OK, but not great) or Calhoun's on the river...they're just across the stree from the stadium, both on the water....if you're there in the morning and early, early afternoon, you'll get to see many a boat coming up the river to dock...and if you're real nice, someone may invite you to participate!! as to how it started...i used to know, but it escapes me right now...but it's pretty cool to see it.

as for other traditions...about 2 hours before kick off, head on over to campus and you can see the Pride come down to the stadium...from Frat row all the way to the stadium...and i forget when exactly the Vol Walk happens, but that's worth seeing as well.

as for after the game...go the's not what it used to be, but you'll be able to find an establishment or two that will fill the need....but the Old City is probably better at this point from what i hear these days.

as for the me it depends on which Jamarcus Russell shows day he looks like Superman, the next he looks like a garbage man. LSU's D is stingy, so i don't know that we just line up and beat them. would likely need the garbage man to show up and give us a little help.

should be a good game...Go Vols.
Especially since it closed.
One of the really cool parts of the Volwalk is usually near the will hear the crowd way down the line roaring...that let's you know Trooper Taylor is on his way.....jumping, chest bumping,ect.
First off great game against the Gumps!

Here are couple of takes from a Tiger fan!

The Meachem(sp?) kid is special. The spin maneuver that he did against the Bammer player really showed off his athleticism and the kid has been solid since game one!
Ainge is overall a very talented athlete and a very good QB, but is still unpredictable.
Cut has really brought confidence to your team and the players are responding.
Of the three tough games you guys have left I believe LSU and Arky will be the toughest. I think LSU has a slight edge in talent but playing ranked opponents away is apparently too much to over come. We love our cupcakes, but can't win against ranked teams outside of BR! :BANGHEAD2: I would really like to think this game's a tossup, but I predict LSU will lose to UT in a very close physical battle especially if UT brings it's A-Game and the fans get into it. You guys are way more talented than Arky minus McFadden & Jones. I believe you guys win that one in the 4thQ with the talent of the depth chart taking over.
As far as the circumCocks, I believe you guys will roll in Columbia. I just wish our game was at 6:45PM instead of 3:30PM.

Anyway, nuff bout that for now. Me and a co-worker are going to make it to Neyland Stadium for the first time ever. I have another co-worker who is a Vol season ticket holder that got me tickets for the game. So I will probably be sitting with the Tennessee faithful.:clapping:

Since I am getting in early, what I really need to know are the Do's and Don'ts at Neyland. I here you guys have great tradition and tailgating activities. Does anyone have a list of activites like Vol-Walk and what time that begins and also what are the rules about alcohol on campus. Yes, we Cajun corndogs love our Bourbon. :toast: Also, I have heard of the Vol Navy. Definitely sounds like a unique tradition unlike some other SEC teams *cough Ole Piss* cough cough Albarn* but what exactly is the Vol Navy and how did it start?

Anyway, sorry for the long post and I look forward to the replies. I am especially looking forward to some good Tennessee cooking. We have great food but it is Cajun food & corndogs week in and week out. Sometimes it does the body good to see how the other half lives! GEAUX TIGERS! VOLS BEAT COCKS! :rock2:
I hate LSU.........WHY...........damn you for not beating Fla. No, you guys have one hell of a D and it should be a great game. GO VOLS
Check out each wednesday before the game. It gives you a list of that game day's activities. Click on football then on game day (will be on right side of page). It will tell you what time the Volwalk starts (usually 2 or 2-1/2 hours before kickoff) and other things.
i've had two certain tailgates that i always attend when in for UT games. I've never been to O'Charley's, or at least what was O'Charley's. But for like the tenth straight week, someone recommends O'Charley's, then someone says especially since it's closed. I'm starting to wonder is where O'Charley's was the place to hang out still or was it O'Charley's the restaurant that was the cool place to be, now it's gone and a lot of people don't realize it?
Be there EARLY to park. There is no parking on campus without a donor parking permit. There are pay lots at the strip, a large church between campus and downtown, and several downtown lots. If you are parking around the west side of campus (Ag Campus), you can take the Three Rivers Rambler, a restored passenger train, which shuttles people from the far west side into campus.

The Vol Navy ties up adjacent to Neyland Drive at Volunteer Landing between Calhoun's and the UT Crew Boathouse. The tradition was started by George Mooney (UT broadcaster before John Ward) in the 50's, as a way to get to the game and beat the traffic.

Get ready to tailgate your tail off. Its technically a dry campus, but all law enforcement officers suddenly lose their senses of sight and smell around alchohol on gameday. Check to see if one of the sororities or student groups is having a barbeque at Circle Park. There is usually some concert/cookout/etc. there on gamedays.

IMO the strip is a little overrated, it has really gone down the last few years and most of the good places have closed down (O'Charleys Sports Grille, McGhee's Irish pub, Sam & Andy's, Joe's Pizza, etc.) If you do head over there, I would suggest Buffalo Wild Wings, Copper Cellar, Gus' Good Times Deli, Old College Inn, or Cool Beans.

The VolWalk is 2.5 to 2 hours before gametime. Players leave the Neyland-Thompson center, walk by the Wall of Champions, and go throw the 1/2 mile tunnel of people to the stadium.

After the VolWalk, stick around Stokely Athletic Center, shop at the Tennessee Traditions store (they have some other SEC team stuff too), talk it up with other fans, enjoy the scenery as the co-eds start to filter to the stadium, and then you are in the perfect place to see the Pride of the Southland start their parade into the stadium. The band has a police escort going down the road, so you can follow behind them towards the stadium and avoid the crowded sidewalks.

Peel off from the band at Peyton Manning Pass (Torchbearer statue), and you have a shortcut to the stadium. You can go thru the gates quickly then, because most everyone stays outside until the band comes through. If you wait, the lines get insanely long since everyone enters at the same time.

With this plan, you still have around 45 to 60 min. until gametime; which is plenty of time to drain off the tailgating libations, pick up some concessions and hike to your seat.

Have a safe trip up! We hope it is a long ride back:thumbsup:

Vol Insider:ninja:
As mentioned by all the above posts, there's plenty to do. Just to add, get a taste of our band. Our band is just apart of gameday events at UT as any. They follow the volwalk and stop and play in front of the stadium. Also, watch them in pregame, the power t and running through the t is a tradition unlike anywhere else. They are also very good at halftime. Also notice, neyland never plays music over the pa. all sound is from the band, and of course, we play rocky top a thousand times!

the volwalk is fun and definetely check out the strip

the campus is beautiful and the overall intensity and excitement is incredible

enjoy yourself in knoxville
One of my biggest disappointments in college football was watching the UT-LSU game last year at a local Cajun restaurant. The owners are B-I-G Tiger fans, with a Death Valley throw rug hanging on the wall. The owner's nephew waiting our table gave me all kinds of crap for the Vols gear I was wearing. Said he'd loan me an LSU jersey to put over it as we got further and further behind. We finished our meal and left at halftime, and I was so bummed I didn't watch the second half at home.

Of course, I read about the Rally in Death Valley the next morning. Had to read it three times to believe it. Called the restaurant that night and offered the kid a VOLs jersey to wear over his Tiger shirt.

But it just wasn't the same as watching it happen.

I kind of like LSU, though. I still root for them, especially against Gators and Bama.
LSU is doing great, but you want even get as close as we did, so go back to your Bourbon St park bench and catch some shut eye.

Oh we will hand it to you too later on in the season....
come now, were starting to seem relatively decent leading up to the game last Sat. Did the taste of yet another loss in this 12 year reversal of fortune take all that away? Show some decency, please...this poster has come in good faith, and we show due respect where it is merited. Have you nothing left but the pitiful gratification of telling another team's fan they will suffer a worse fate than yours did? Jeez!
Attacking Gus's amounts to blasphemy.
agreed. Gus's is one of those places you wish you had in the town you currently live in. You knew going in the drunk tax would be in full affect, but that's the cost of doing business at 3 or 4 a.m. on any given night.......:p
I as well look forward to my trip. Have fam in Chattanooga, so will be driving up early in the a.m. on Sat. Look forward to seeing what Knoxville has to offer. Will be my first time in Neyland and scored some good seats in lower Z12, which i was told should be next to the LSU band.

Where do most visiting teams set up tailgates?

Thanks for any help!!
I might get ridiculed for it but the atmospere inside and outside of Tiger Stadium rivals Neyland IMO. Inside is even a little more electric as it seems they don't have a lot of the older fans sitting on their hands like some on the west side of Neyland. I have loved my visits to Tiger Stadium though the fans are quite rough on visitors.

As for LSU's visit this year, LSU ALWAYS travels well just like Tennessee. I have seen LSU play two away games, once in Neyland (2001) and once in Vaught-Hemingway (2005) and it reminds me of Tennessee's traveling fans. They completely took over O' Charley's in 2001.

It is games like this that make Saturday's great. Having a school that travels well come into town is always fun.

If the Vols offense plays like they did against Bama, it will be a huge struggle.......however Russell has been known to help out opposing teams.:p

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