Yea def a joke, he was talkin about the "electric" atmosphere, they've got nothin on NEYLAND!! GO VOLS!!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
They may be drunk cajuns but they know when to cheer unlike the Vol fans. Did you see CLK when the Vol fans were very loud when we were inside the 10 and he was trying to get them to shut up. Vol fans seem to cheer when they don't need to and usually wait for the team to do something to make them cheer. Vol fans need to try and help make something happen instead of setting there like a bunch of blue hairs waiting to complain about someone standing up.:bad:Spoken like someone who has never been to Death Valley at night.
Sorry but you get that many drunk cajuns who have been drinking ALL day in one place its hard to beat it.
They may be drunk cajuns but they know when to cheer unlike the Vol fans. Did you see CLK when the Vol fans were very loud when we were inside the 10 and he was trying to get them to shut up. Vol fans seem to cheer when they don't need to and usually wait for the team to do something to make them cheer. Vol fans need to try and help make something happen instead of setting there like a bunch of blue hairs waiting to complain about someone standing up.:bad: