Lunardi's "Final Four In" Accuracy



Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
Now the third yr of the 68 team field and play ins f bottom 4 at large teams...fwiw lunardi has picked 2/4 in 11, and 3/4 last yr, a 62.5% success rate. Thought might be interesting to some...


Prediction---->USC, VPI, StMary's, Clemson
Actual---------->USC, Clemson, UAB, VCU

2 out of 4


Prediction--->NCSt, SetonHall, Iona, BYU
Actual--------->NCSt, Cal, Iona, BYU

3 out of 4
I'd also like to advise people that's his FINAL bracket. He has a reputation of making changes on Sunday to teams that didn't even play, so don't be shocked if he moves say MTSU out on Sunday randomly, or someone else.
Lunardi is playing to his audience trying to get views and clicks right now and trying to keep interest in the conference tourneys.. It will change 50 times between now and Sundy night.
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UAB 2011 probably the worst at large I've ever seen and vcu wasn't that far behind so neither would surprise if they weren't even in first 4 out, but no, I don't have that

Do you happen to know of the 3 he missed how many were in his first 4 out?
Joe Lunardi is high...

I have lost a lot of respect for his bracket, he talks out of both sides of his mouth. He says Ole Miss has probably the worst Resume in the SEC and one win they jump all the way in. He says Kentucky might still get in after another bad loss. And Alabama he said probably needs to win the whole thing, but after beating Tennessee he puts them way ahead of Tennessee.

We need to find someone else to follow, Lunardi is a spaz...
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Lunardi is playing to his audience trying to get views and clicks right now and trying to keep interest in the conference tourneys.. It will change 50 times between now and Sundy night.

Not only will it change 50+ times, none of his hocus-pocus sleight-of-hand nonsense can be proven as right or wrong.

But it doesn't matter, I guess. He's set the hook and has people interested in him and ESPN.
Lunardi is a businessman trying to sell a pile of crap to the gullible. Just tune in Sunday and see if we made it or not and go do other things with your life between now and then other than follow Lunardi.
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Objectively speaking the SEC was not good this year. I checked to see wins that SEC teams have against the current TOP 25. Here are the results:

Florida = Marquette and Wisconsin
Mizzou = Florida
Tennessee = Florida
Kentucky = Florida
Arkansas = Florida

Not one other team in our conference can claim a victory over the current TOP 25. I understand the argument of "They were ranked when they played the game" but that is weak considering how teams stack up now. Slive is probably praying for Bama to beat Florida today to get their lone signature win, and for Ole Miss to win the SEC tournament. An argument could be made that Florida is the only quality team in the SEC. Mizzou actually has an extremely unimpressive resume when you check their schedule and Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and Ole Miss are Jekyl and Hyde every time on the court. You simply don't know what you are going to get outside of the Gators. Pains me to say it.
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VCU made the final 4 that year...:crazy:

Yes, but I heard Jay Bilas on radio last week, and he specifically talked about that VCU team. He said it doesn't matter that they justified being put in. It matters what you do in the regular season to get in. We can speculate about what teams will do in the tourney all day long.
It's show biz.
Beats professional wrestling and golf.
Morehead St beat Louisville what?

Throw Georgia in this year's bracket and they could make the sweet 16...huge upsets always happen....wouldn't mean they were deserving. You dont judge it by the outcome any more than you would say, "wow...Louisville probably should have been seeded much lower since morehead beat them"

VCU made the final 4 that year...:crazy:
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Looking back, I would say the committee made the right decision on VCU considering they made the Final 4.
Now the third yr of the 68 team field and play ins f bottom 4 at large teams...fwiw lunardi has picked 2/4 in 11, and 3/4 last yr, a 62.5% success rate. Thought might be interesting to some...


Prediction---->USC, VPI, StMary's, Clemson
Actual---------->USC, Clemson, UAB, VCU

2 out of 4


Prediction--->NCSt, SetonHall, Iona, BYU
Actual--------->NCSt, Cal, Iona, BYU

3 out of 4

On Saturday before Selection Day 2012, Lunardi had Washington, Mississippi St., Seton Hall, and NC State as his last 4 in. Of the 4, only NC State made the tourney. Iona was team 72 on his March 10 list but was an at large selection.
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I'm here to pull for Tenn and hope that somehow we make it in but if we don't I'll pull for us in the NIT.

With that being said I would like to point out that a week ago Lunardi "knew his stuff" by many on here when he had us in and ahead of most SEC teams. Now he's "a salesman", "stupid", "high"... lol

Many members of this fanbase is shallow sometimes. They can't allow someone to say that maybe we didn't/or might not make it without calling every other team weaker and scream that we are being screwed and whine about other teams fighting to get in.
I'm here to pull for Tenn and hope that somehow we make it in but if we don't I'll pull for us in the NIT.

With that being said I would like to point out that a week ago Lunardi "knew his stuff" by many on here when he had us in and ahead of most SEC teams. Now he's "a salesman", "stupid", "high"... lol

Many members of this fanbase is shallow sometimes. They can't allow someone to say that maybe we didn't/or might not make it without calling every other team weaker and scream that we are being screwed and whine about other teams fighting to get in.

The girl in your avi needs a good spanking, amiright??
On Saturday before Selection Day 2012, Lunardi had Washington, Mississippi St., Seton Hall, and NC State as his last 4 in. Of the 4, only NC State made the tourney. Iona was team 72 on his March 10 list but was an at large selection.


I still think we're out, but it's not because some yuck from ESPN said so.

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