Baby shampoo. It helps, but is more of a psychological thing.
At the OP, here's something that will help.
It sucks, it will burn, it will feel like the aforementioned 1000 pins of napalm hellfire on your face. But it won't kill you.
The fan really helps in the beginning. Also, don't grind in with a towel after getting your face wet. Blot as you are trying to remove the resin portion of the Oleoresin that makes it stick to your face. But do not grind it in.
After effects will depend on the level of dosage you get (7%, 10%, 12%, etc). Decon is important, but I will tell you this, even areas you think you got, you didn't get and as soon as they get hit with water the next day in the shower, they will be a reminder that you didn't get everything you thought you did.
What I've done in the past is about two hours afterwards, start using baby wipes with aloe all over your entire head and neck. Don't leave a spot untouched to include inside your ears. It will burn the first few times, but if you do it hourly, the next day's recovery is way, way, way easier.
Good luck, it sucks