Maggitt, Jacques Question if you are Butch?



Obviously, ESPN HATES US!
Oct 5, 2007
Don't know the current status of these two but everything I have read indicates these are two of our better D players especially for pass rushing purposes. If your were CBJ would you:

A.) Go ahead and try to play them against Oregon.

B.) Hold them for one more week of practice and evaluation and play them against what "seems to be" a more beatable FL team.

I know beating O would be huge, but at this point I think a win against conference foe FL would be even bigger.

I may be a little biased here because of my deep seated hatred of FL, so "Don't Taze me Bro". :)

It depends on how they feel. I'd simply ask them around Thursday if they're ready. If no, then they won't play.
Jac has a thumb injury. If he's ready and can help, you play him. What's the worst that can happen?

Maggit, you have to be more careful.
If I'm Butch, I play 'em. I know FL is much more important game, but I hate losing, so I play the players that give me the best shot 1 game at a time.
Nothing is more important than the health of the players, but it would nice to see them both playing in this game.
I'd like for them to get some meaningful playing time prior to Fla. The Fla. game is too important for them to be making their debut and knocking the rust off - Of course, that's only if they are healthy! That has to be top priority... We need these guys for the long haul.
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I sit them this week and get them ready for the games that actually mean something. Even with those two at almost 100% it's still a long shot this Saturday
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I sit them this week and get them ready for the games that actually mean something. Even with those two at almost 100% it's still a long shot this Saturday

So you mean beating the #2 team in the nation doesn't mean something? C'mon man!
I think you definitely play them. They're both leaders, which I think is most important. Plus, this week, this game is more important. Win here, were possibly ranked, undefeated and a lot of momentum. Worry about FL next week
How about

C.) Evaluate them in practice this week. Consult with the medical staff. Then, play them if they're healthy enough to play effectively.
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