Making progress: 'Driven' Justin Worley targets improvement as UT Vols starting QB

If Justin can step up this weekend it could be the difference between us being post-season eligible or not (whether we win or lose). Plain and simple. Timing between the receivers and Justin is critical.
This article is not what the Worley doubters want to read or comment about. Seems the positive progression continues and he is well ahead of the other three in what they are trying to do and with his level headed approach.
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This article is not what the Worley doubters want to read or comment about. Seems the positive progression continues and he is well ahead of the other three in what they are trying to do and with his level headed approach.
A Junior showing superiority over three underclassmen two who have never played a down of CFB in their lives?

You need to read this post linked below and re-read the article without the glare of the Orange Koolaid pitcher shining in your face.
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I think this is the best quote of the entire article:

"I can't go in and force balls and things like that, trying to make the play," he [Worley] added. "I need to play within myself and just manage the offense and keep the chains moving."

Right there speaks volumes about the kind of player he is. He knows he can't force the bad passes and knows his limits.

For me, I'll take a quarterback that knows where the line is between smart play and dumb move. As long as he knows how to keep moving the chains down the field, I think we have a good quarterback.
This article is not what the Worley doubters want to read or comment about. Seems the positive progression continues and he is well ahead of the other three in what they are trying to do and with his level headed approach.

I'm a Worley doubter for the same reasons cited by his coach and himself.
I'm still rooting for the guy, I hope he improves, and I'm sure he's busting his butt to get there.
"I think [it's] delivering the ball where a receiver can run with it," he said. "A couple of throws in the past two weeks I've missed. I know Marquez, I missed him. He made a great catch, and I was getting hit, but I still could have delivered the ball maybe a little bit earlier where he could have just walked in the end zone."
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I'm a Worley doubter for the same reasons cited by his coach and himself.
I'm still rooting for the guy, I hope he improves, and I'm sure he's busting his butt to get there.

They won't listen. Worley is the Dooley of 2013. Nothing is his fault and we should love and revere him because he is a VFL.
They won't listen. Worley is the Dooley of 2013. Nothing is his fault and we should love and revere him because he is a VFL.

I think there is a huge difference in Worley who has so far managed 120 minutes of good football for us but hasn't been that impressive while throwing the ball and Dooley who proved over three years he was ineffective as a coach.

Difference is?

Worley knows his shortfalls and is working to improve them.

I'm so sorry he wasn't your pick for the starting QB and every little mistake the kid makes will be scrutinized by the people who have never put on an orange jersey while crying "Peterman could...!" or "Dobbs would...!" or "Ferguson can...!"

Glad the University picked Butch Jones to be our coach since we internet coaches have been to every practice, seen the quality of work the quarterback staff puts in and can make the decisions for him.
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Most popular guy on the team?

The backup QB

Ill trust our coaching staff. As long as he doesnt force balls and throw picks. I would like to see better accuracy but i can live without bad throws and sacks for now
I think there is a huge difference in Worley who has so far managed 120 minutes of good football for us but hasn't been that impressive while throwing the ball and Dooley who proved over three years he was ineffective as a coach.

Difference is?

Worley knows his shortfalls and is working to improve them.

I'm so sorry he wasn't your pick for the starting QB and every little mistake the kid makes will be scrutinized by the people who have never put on an orange jersey while crying "Peterman could...!" or "Dobbs would...!" or "Ferguson can...!"

Glad the University picked Butch Jones to be our coach since we internet coaches have been to every practice, seen the quality of work the quarterback staff puts in and can make the decisions for him.

Worley is the Dooley of this year. He has gotten the same dumb love/support him threads Dooley got. Nothing is his fault with his supporters. He throws at someones feet and its the WR's fault, he misses a wide open WR and throws an int its pressure, he throws behind North and misses a td and he was getting hit. Some people can't objectively admit Worley is not that accurate and his arm strength is average at best. He may win some games but he has to get a lot better to beat anyone decent. I don't just put blind faith in someone who hasn't proved anything nor shown flashes of great potential.
All we can hope for from Worley is to be a game manager and not make mistakes. He's not going to put a team on his back. The running game is our bread and butter, but he'll need to be able to convert easy passes to keep the chains moving.
Are you seriously referring him to Dooley? Do you even remember who Dooley was and you are comparing Worley to him. Dumb post thing is Dooley got to the point he knew he was in too far over his head and I honestly believe he gave up Against mizz. Leave Worley alone it's really getting old he ain't even had time to prove himself.
Worley is the Dooley of this year. He has gotten the same dumb love/support him threads Dooley got. Nothing is his fault with his supporters. He throws at someones feet and its the WR's fault, he misses a wide open WR and throws an int its pressure, he throws behind North and misses a td and he was getting hit. Some people can't objectively admit Worley is not that accurate and his arm strength is average at best. He may win some games but he has to get a lot better to beat anyone decent. I don't just put blind faith in someone who hasn't proved anything nor shown flashes of great potential.

I think it's the "dumb love/support" we show for any Volunteer player that stayed at our team through thick and thin and wears the Orange proudly. And I can objectively admit Worley hasn't had the greatest accuracy and doesn't have a great arm...yet. First season as a starter, following in Bray's shoes, new receiver corps, new coaching staff, new offense...yeah, miracles happen overnight.

And if you'd take the time to actually read that article you'd actually see where he is taking ownership of his mistakes and is trying to correct them.
I think it's the "dumb love/support" we show for any Volunteer player that stayed at our team through thick and thin and wears the Orange proudly. And I can objectively admit Worley hasn't had the greatest accuracy and doesn't have a great arm...yet. First season as a starter, following in Bray's shoes, new receiver corps, new coaching staff, new offense...yeah, miracles happen overnight.

And if you'd take the time to actually read that article you'd actually see where he is taking ownership of his mistakes and is trying to correct them.

I believe he can get better and hope he does. I know he is taking ownership as he should. My point is the Worley fans on here are blaming the things he took responsibility for on the wrs. All you hear is they are running the wrong routes and he has gotten hit so that is why he threw bad passes.
I believe he can get better and hope he does. I know he is taking ownership as he should. My point is the Worley fans on here are blaming the things he took responsibility for on the wrs. All you hear is they are running the wrong routes and he has gotten hit so that is why he threw bad passes.

And yet the Worley haters have yet to compare him to CDD either...
Well-written, positive but realistic article. Patrick Brown is almost like a journalist or something.

Meanwhile, somewhere behind the KNS paywall, John Adams is howling in twisted agony that we all don't understand why Worley should be tossed in the Tennessee River with a weighted down sack of newborn kittens and the Tennessee football program summarily disbanded. Good luck getting people to pay for that, KNS!

If a John Adams screams into the void, but no one is there to hear him, does he still make a noise?
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This article is not what the Worley doubters want to read or comment about. Seems the positive progression continues and he is well ahead of the other three in what they are trying to do and with his level headed approach.

Agree but what the anti Worley crowd thinks means nothing. You always have this type on boards. They always think that they know more than the coach.
I would feel much more confident if Bray were still the QB...North would have 250 + yards recieving with 4 TDs so far with Bray throing to him....Bray under Butch's coaching would have been think we wasted talents such as Patterson, Hunter, Duhrick and Bray under Dooley....their college careers could have been so much more decorated under a real coach.
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