man it might all just be rumor but from what i'm been hearing, jackson will not be the last... smith and several others have been rumored to be talkin about all coming to UT. some of the stuff they said was this: this has all been quoted from a bunch of places like twitter, myspace, facebook and interview tid bits but i could never figure out who the guys were because they want people to know who they were in case they don't leave i guess.
one was talkin about why he would go to tennesee and he said "to turn dem round quick n put dem boyz back on da map n so i can show da scouts i'm forreal."
another said "so i can try n get that ring b4 i head to tha league."
another said "i could just see myself goin there because of the SEC, school traditon and how coach dooley treats his players like family, it's never been like that in my 2 years here, it's like a job here."
another guy said "UT seems like it would be my place to shine and help them get back to a NC. if we manage to do that i know i'll be a first rounder."
and finally "if i show out at the sec level da pros will know dat i'm the realy mccoy, not just another socal bust"
man it's sounding aweomse! i'm not sure how trustworthy all that is but i hope it's true!!!!!