Marthas Out.

Gotta remember, we live in a world where the best alibi in every case is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Martha got a raw deal. Compared to Ken Lay, Andrew Fastow, etc. what she did was pretty minor and didn't really hurt anybody.

Just goes to prove that the cover up is always worse than the crime.
So, which was worse: the infamous Bronco "low-speed chase" and a bloody glove scandal. . . . or brutally stabbing your defenseless ex-wife?
I don't about that doc, all I have to say is that slow speed chase left much to be desired!
You bastards disgust me.

Here I am, destitute in the realization that my Martha didn't even bother to tell me she was being released, and is there one word of comfort? Is there a single offer to slash her lawyer's tires on the way home along some secluded Connecticut byway so we can finally enjoy a private moment after so long apart?


Instead all you do is harp back on that old rumor about O.J., my Martha, and the 'low speed chase'.

Well, you microencephalitic toads, I'll say it one last time- The reason you couldn't see Martha's head was because, as everyone knows, the floorboards of the Broncos of that time were unusually deep, and when OJ's lawyer suddenly leaped into the vehicle she dropped her favorite mock-amish melon baller, and it took her a good 2 1/2 hours digging around between OJ's legs to finally pull the thing out and get it back down her pants where she wanted it.

So there! Bite that you filthy minds.

I don't know dv, that's a close!

And where in the world did mv come up with that 60 letter word that cries out to the whole world for a definition? :question:
Originally posted by surrealvol@Mar 5, 2005 10:40 AM
I don't know dv, that's a close!

And where in the world did mv come up with that 60 letter word that cries out to the whole world for a definition? :question:

I'm guessing you're refering to "microencephalitic?"

"Abnormal smallness of the brain"

micro- "small"
enkephalos - (Greek) "brain"

(Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 26th ed.)

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