Marvin Austin



Old School Orange
Jan 12, 2007
i did some checking on the FSU boards and there is not much talk at all about MA.
any new inside info...this would be a very important get for UT if they can pull this off
There are people on the Scout message board that say he is a silent verbal to UT. There are also people that say FSU has him locked. I think that he has ruled out USC due to distance. With Rico McCoy I give the Vols 60-40 odds to land him.
I think we are still very much in the mix. The Marvin Austin debate seems to come up in every recruiting thread with some saying we have a good shot and others saying he's FSU bound without a doubt. I try to pay attention to what hv says because he seems to know his stuff, and he says we're in the mix. I'll roll with that.
I do have a gut feeling it is FSU to, but he did visit UT and was at campus. Anyone we get to campus i feel we would have a great chance of landing him so i wouldn't count UT out of this yet.
LOL, yeah, that's good stuff right there. I'm sure Jimmy Clausen is going to decommit and announce for Bama soon as well.
I wanted to watch MA ona recruiting show last night. but he was with Jimmy Clausen who was wearing this ridiculous white headband, I just couldnt watch.....JC is such an a**, maybe he'll mature as he ages, but right now he is a complete jacka**
he was wearing white headband in US Army All-America game...

I have not seen anything special on his yet, based on his performance in US Army game
Marvin Austin said in an article today that it was between FSU, Tennessee, UNC, and USC. He said he did not see him at a place like Alabama to put rest to those rumors.
I'm not saying we get him. I just think that everyone says 100% lock is probably underestimating us. Most think he is just giving UT lipservice because of Rico. I think he is playing the game with UNC, just like he was with Ill, Maryland, Miami, LSU, and Bama. He already said distance is an issue with USC and, when a kid says distance, it is as much as over for that school.
On a bad note with Marvin, he will be visiting FSU on the 26th. I originally said 26th but read it was changed to the 19th but it is back to the 26th because of scheduling complications. I'm not sure when or if we will have an in-home with him.

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