Maryland Overrides Hogan’s Veto to Enact Expansive Pro-Abortion Law


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
The Maryland General Assembly has overridden Governor Larry Hogan’s veto to enact an expansive pro-abortion law, becoming only the 15th state in the country to allow non-physicians to perform abortions.

It’s a sign of the bill’s extremism that Hogan attempted to veto it. Though he’s a Republican, Hogan bills himself as pro-choice. Yet even he refused to support this new law, which not only allows nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician’s assistants to perform abortions but also requires Maryland insurance providers to cover the entire cost of an abortion procedure. It also requires Maryland to spend $3.5 million annually on training for performing abortions.

Hogan wrote that the bill “endangers the health and lives of women by allowing non-physicians to perform abortions” and “risks lowering the high standard of reproductive health care services received by women in Maryland.”

Maryland Overrides Hogan’s Veto to Enact Expansive Pro-Abortion Law | National Review
This is just evil. I saw a local lady’s Facebook page the other day and she was stating that she was “pro-abortion.” Not pro-choice, but pro-abortion. It’s sickening.
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