McCain/Clinton 08?????



Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
Fri Jul 28 2006 19:19:50 ET

On a congressional trip to Estonia, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton astonished her traveling companions by suggesting the group do what one does in the Baltics: hold a vodka-drinking contest!

Delighted, the leader of the overseas delegation, Sen. John McCain, quickly agreed, the NEW YORK TIMES is planning to report on Saturday.

The after-dinner game went so well -- memories are a bit hazy on who drank how much. McCain later told people how unexpectedly fun he found Hillary to be.

TIMES reporter Anne Kornblut has filed a story on the curious relationship between Hillary and John McCain, newsrooms sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

"One of the guys," is the way McCain describes her.

NYT TIMES editors plan a front page placement of Kornblut's report.

Clinton and McCain have developed an amiable relationship.

They worked together, both on the Senate Armed Services Committee and on the issue of global warming. But as the 2008 presidential campaign begins to take shape, with McCain and Clinton at the top of the polls for their parties' nominations, they are increasingly doing things that underscore their differences.

"But the interplay between the two senators -- both celebrities, both self-styled centrists, both with compelling personal narratives and a knack for infuriating their own parties' bases -- remains intriguing as they navigate the early phase of a presidential race with an eye toward conceivably running against one another."

Ok, here are my thoughts.

1. I would LOVE to see them shun their parties, and run TOGETHER as Independants. There is no way the media could ignore them, and no way they could leave them out of debates. However, I don't think they will do it.

2. Here's what I think WILL happen. Hillary is smart enough to know that she has no chance at becoming the President of the U.S. at this moment in time. The Democrats are smart enough to know she can't win the Presidency at this time in history. (The chances are shrinking with more unrest in the world and middle east. The more war, the less chances a woman will have.) So, here's what will happen in my opinion. Clinton will run for the Democratic nod, and she will start out well, then out of nowhere, the party's true candidate will come along and defeat the amazing Hillary, only to add her to the ticket as a Vice President. IF Hillary were able to be VP for 4-8 years, she would have the clout to run for and win the Presidency. Until then, she doesn't have a chance.

Hillary is not a centrist. Of the two, I would view her as choosing positions based on what she thinks will get her into a power position. I think McCain has been more consistently centrist.

Further, a centrist position is a tough way to win a primary. Both party's bases would run screaming away from such a ticket.
(volinbham @ Jul 29 said:
Hillary is not a centrist. Of the two, I would view her as choosing positions based on what she thinks will get her into a power position. I think McCain has been more consistently centrist.

Further, a centrist position is a tough way to win a primary. Both party's bases would run screaming away from such a ticket.

However, I could see them winning if they ran as Ind. The 2 of them in the WH scares the crap out of me. 20 million "new" citizens running around and we'd be paying for everyone's healthcare. *shudder*
If McCain wins the Republican primary, I doubt I will vote in the general election.
(therealUT @ Jul 29 said:
If McCain wins the Republican primary, I doubt I will vote in the general election.

This makes more sense now that I've read the article from which your signature comes.

Write in Vader in '08!
(volinbham @ Jul 29 said:
Hillary is not a centrist. Of the two, I would view her as choosing positions based on what she thinks will get her into a power position. I think McCain has been more consistently centrist.

Further, a centrist position is a tough way to win a primary. Both party's bases would run screaming away from such a ticket.

I agree however I believe if a Dem is to win they'll have to be much more centrist than a candidate like Kerry or Clinton. BUT if you remember Bill Clinton's first successful run for the presidency, he sounded more Republican than GW Sr. It wouldn't surprise me if Hillary took the same approach. The closest thing to a centrist currently in the Dem Party is Lieberman and you see what is happening to him in his homestate. Therefore the race will ultimately turn out to be between 2 extremes (extremists).
The more war, the less chances a woman will have

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