
take the image and save itt. i opened it up and he is for real
Now how can you save a partial image and get a full image from it. That doesn't make any sense to me.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Jan 24, 2005 8:28 PM
Now how can you save a partial image and get a full image from it. That doesn't make any sense to me.

i tried to save it but it is still only apartial image

what is the pic of?
view it before you open it. like your about to click on it. i can see the pic and it is him. view it before you click on it. like you know when your looking for what pic to look at and you can see the image in a smaller form, you can see the full image, he is for real.
he has a wife beater on with pants and has a sign with orange letters written on it
Yep, I have seen it too....if you right click on the image and then send it to my pictures for your documents board you will see the full image of appears to is a full image
Yep, as much as it pains me to say it.......I have to agree with vols2345 on this one. I see the same thing he does and it seems real to me. Sorry for doubting ya Dre, hope you can understand why we did though. :thumbsup:
I can see the thumbnail of the guy holding a sign, but it's too small to tell what the sign says.
thank you. thats where i see it man. everyone on here doubted him.

vols2345....... :worship:

Dre, forgive our disbelief, please. We have seen some REAL wackos on this board.
Welcome to VolNation.

Can I have your autograph?

Hey Freak, put your email address on here so that he can send it straight to you and you post it.
yo man we are all happy you chose to talk on this site with us man.
yo when i first saw it i was shocked. happy to see there are some sane people on this planet who dont act like others.

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