Meet the pipe layers union

I said i've began posting a lot more often. Which is present tense. Which means I have been posting a lot more lately. Understand?
Oh, son, I'm not ever worried. Took you awhile to find a dictionary. If you don't know that I'm just messin' with ya, you need to back up and figure it out. I gave you the old post count troll.:p

hahah I really speak some spanish. I'm babysitting my little sister right now so i'm a little busy.
Lay pipe inside brother. I know you are an outdoorsman, but a lot of folks enjoy laying pipe indoors.

If you still want the outdoors feel, make a pillow fort and lay pipe in there.

I lay pipe through the rain, sleet, snow or aunt flow. I was simply giving the PLU an update on the conditions outdoors today.

Happy laying bastages.
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Has fallen into shambles. I predicted this day would arrive. In union fighting, greedy pensions and pay, and lazy ass workers.

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