Memorable Moments In #Vols Football History (video)

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A make good for my previous post
Thanks for that video! I'm so friggin' pumped about the start of the season. We've had so many big time players and great teams from the past and I really think we are finally taking the steps back in the right direction. Tennessee's on the way back baby!
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Hello Sara Mitchell...

John ward " what did he do? All he did was score Joey Kent on play Number 1." He was a great commentator

I'm fired up
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For me, THE memorable moment will always be the Stoerner Stumble. That one play took me from nearly the lowest I've ever felt as a Vols fan to nearly the highest.
A make good for my previous post

That brought chills up my spine. My only trip to the swamp and that was the one thing that made the trip worth it. At that moment I thought for sure we were about to start stomping on them. Lord how wrong I was.
Thanks for that video! I'm so friggin' pumped about the start of the season. We've had so many big time players and great teams from the past and I really think we are finally taking the steps back in the right direction. Tennessee's on the way back baby!

Weren't we pumped when Fulmer was fired and we got a younger coach? Then we figured out that he did not embrace the U.T. values and traditions and we started to lose our support for him. Then we lost to Ole Miss by a scat back who burned us for 200 yards. Once that happened, we figured out that our "defensive co ordinator" who is the best to ever walk the sidelines of the N.F.L. was not really ready for the S.E.C. Then we got torched again by Virginia Tech in the bowl game. Then our coach left with only an hour notice to us.

We then got pumped when Dooley was hired! Good we finally get another S.E.C. guy. He understands the S.E.C. We lost our pump, before the season was 1/2 over.

Now, we are pumped because our current coach (1) says all of the things that the fans like (2) he has the #1 list of committments in the nation for the 2014 signing period. However; it is a big difference between these players comitting and signing on NSD.

Let's all just take a "wait and see" approach. Me, personally, I am going to wait four seasons to see how things shake out. Unless, there are some ugly losses in the near future, I will wait until the whole house has been built, brick by brick before I make my final judgement.

The bricks are being laid, but there aren't even enough bricks being laid right now to even complete the foundation, much less the frame or the roof.

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