Memphis choked on a big one tonight

Aaaaaand with 9 seconds left before halftime and Memphis insdie the 10 yard line, with Memphis up 14-3, the Tigers tried for a quick pass in the endzone (and kick the FG if incomplete). Well the Memphis QB threw an INT and the Rice defender ran it out to the 10 yard line to finish the first half. I just had to chuckle.
Aaaaaand with 9 seconds left before halftime and Memphis insdie the 10 yard line, with Memphis up 14-3, the Tigers tried for a quick pass in the endzone (and kick the FG if incomplete). Well the Memphis QB threw an INT and the Rice defender ran it out to the 10 yard line to finish the first half. I just had to chuckle.

Almost as big a UT choke job at UCLA. Same reason for loss - dominating, blitzing defense in first half, vanilla conservative defense in second half.

Only 47 days til Midnight Madness when Tiger athletics really start!!

almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
Almost as big a UT choke job at UCLA. Same reason for loss - dominating, blitzing defense in first half, vanilla conservative defense in second half.

Only 47 days til Midnight Madness when Tiger athletics really start!!
Typical Tiger football fan. "Yeah we suck at football but just wait till basketball season" after the second game... :eek:lol:
This was no joke fellas, Rice is a really good football team this year and Memphis ain't that good as always.

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