Mesa State College senior has pinkie amputated to save career



Premium Member
Jan 8, 2007
Trevor Wikre was willing to forgo a finger for football.

The Mesa State College senior offensive lineman fractured his right pinkie so severely in practice on Tuesday, doctors told him he needed immediate surgery. His season and career would be finished.

Instead, Wikre told them to amputate the finger. He's now missing a good portion of his pinkie

"I'm just short one," Wikre said with a chuckle. "But this game means that much to me. This team means that much to me."

Wikre will miss the Mavericks' game Saturday at Colorado School of Mines, but will be back the following week - albeit with his finger covered in a cast.

"Football is something that's been in my blood," said Wikre, who's from Berthoud, Colo. "It's something I have a passion for. The game quits everybody eventually - you want to hang on to it as long as you can."

Wikre was going for a block in practice when he caught his finger in a teammate's jersey. At first, he didn't give the ailing pinkie a second thought, thinking the sensation he was feeling inside his glove was a piece of tape that had simply slipped off.

But when he removed his glove, the bone was jutting out, and he was immediately sent to the hospital.

Doctors informed Wikre he would need surgery to insert a pin and that he'd likely be out for up to six months as the finger healed. He couldn't bear the thought of his career ending so abruptly, so he decided to forsake the finger.

"This was the best way to get me back out there," Wikre said. "There are worse things in the world - a pinkie is not that bad in my mind."


Would you do the same? He said even if he was a sophomore, or junior, he would still do it.
this is one stupid man. he plays for Mesa State for christ sake. What possible upside does he have by cutting off his finger? he's sacrificing the rest of his life to play 2 more months of football. brilliant.
there's no way I would. he's from a small school and it's not likely he'll be drafted, so keep your pinkie and use it for the real world
Well now he's stuck being only the guy at the table that can't order another round for a table of five.
this is one stupid man. he plays for Mesa State for christ sake. What possible upside does he have by cutting off his finger? he's sacrificing the rest of his life to play 2 more months of football. brilliant.

Half of a pinkie is nothing.

He just lined up some sweet public-speaking deals.
This reminds me of Lott...I think it was a chunk of his Ring Finger? Correct me if I am wrong.
this is one stupid man. he plays for Mesa State for christ sake. What possible upside does he have by cutting off his finger? he's sacrificing the rest of his life to play 2 more months of football. brilliant.

I wonder: What is it that would absolutely require a pinkie? I have lived a while and I can't think of anything I'd have done worse without one pinkie (of course I didn't think too hard). Maybe my golf swing - but its so crappy anyway, probably not.
Why would any doctor perform this for him? I know if I were whatever type of surgeon I'd send him out the door.
He's gonna need to use the keyboard in his life after college much more than his helmet. It would've been wise to keep that finger. If you're Ronnie Lott, it's awesome and keeps you playing but when you're this dude, it doesn't look all that great.
I wonder: What is it that would absolutely require a pinkie? I have lived a while and I can't think of anything I'd have done worse without one pinkie (of course I didn't think too hard). Maybe my golf swing - but its so crappy anyway, probably not.

Uh, there are lots of things that absolutely require a pinky.

Drinking tea and doing Dr. Evil impressions come to mind.



This guy's life will never be the same now.
I don't think it's stupid if playing out the season means that much to him.
I can't see myself making that decision, but I didn't play college sports.
Its like two months left... I think its stupid no matter what unless he had an absolute guarantee that he was going to be able to play on Sundays.

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