Message for meateaters.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Dear SAOVA friends,

The report below is from the 2009 Animal Agriculture Alliance conference. Among the many speakers were: Mike Adams, Host, AgriTalk Radio; Tom Field, Executive Director-Producer Education National Cattlemen’s Beef Association; David White, Senior Director, Policy Development & Research, Ohio Farm Bureau and Former Executive Director, Ohio Livestock Coalition; and Dr. Wes Jamison, Associate Professor of Communication, Palm Beach Atlantic Univ. For more information on the Animal Agriculture Alliance visit their website:


Susan WolfSportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance - cPanel® lobbying and working to identify and elect supportive legislators

Cattle Network: Take Home Messages from the Animal Agriculture Alliance Meeting

7/28/2009 11:38:00 AM

Consider these facts: Ninety-five law schools now offer at least one course in animal law. A publication exists called the Journal of Animal Law and Ethics. The World Bank has created a publication on animal welfare.

Animal rights issues have permeated our culture, and animal agriculture is seeing the effects. So in May, when farmers, legislative leaders, veterinarians, issue management specialists, government officials and others interested in the future of agriculture came together in Arlington, Virginia, for the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s Stakeholders Summit, that’s what they talked about. This year’s theme was "Politics, Activism and Religion: Influencing the Debate on Animal Welfare in America."

Here are some of the highlights:

There was a warning from Wes Jamison, associate professor of communications at Palm Beach Atlantic University: animal rights activists are using messages with religious themes and language to advance their agenda: vegetarianism.

Part of what makes it possible for groups to use religious language is that so many people today have a vague and undefined religiosity, a lack of doctrinal anchor: they are attracted to the language and the ideas.

Their lack of theological understanding makes it difficult for them to refute an argument couched in religion. “We’re in a post theological world, adrift without a rudder,” he said. He referred to the animal rights groups as “meaning entrepreneurs”: their audience is in search of meaning, and the groups are trying to fill that void.

Dr. Jamison explained two major reasons driving the activists to take this route. The first is that people motivated by religion tend to donate money generously; the second is that people motivated by religion can maintain the intensity of their beliefs over time. Religious converts tend to be very motivated – and interested in creating more converts.

This approach also allows for groups to attract bipartisan support; religious feeling crosses party lines.

So does pet ownership, and pet owners are particularly vulnerable to the guilt on which animal activists thrive. Pet owners have to find a way to deal with a certain cognitive dissonance in their lives: they live with some kinds of animals as pets/companions, while they eat other kinds.

(the irony here is that animal rights activists ultimately think it wrong to own pets and while using such terms as 'animal companion', in the end profess to end all pet ownership altogether.)gs

The guilt involved in treating pets one way and food animals another way goes to one of the activists’ core messages; people donate money to alleviate that guilt.

Other religious-themed messages relate to the value of individual worth (God knows every animal, but factory farmers commodify animals); asceticism (animals suffer for our gluttony); and compassion, what Jamison called “the big message to the middle.

All religions stress compassion. God is compassionate; factory farming is not.”

The theme of responsibility – that humans should do what they can to restore the planet – appeals to what Jamison called today’s “meism”: the growth of narcissistic self-importance.

Bruce Vincent, a third generation logger from Montana, also gave an impassioned talk, warning that animal rights groups thrive on conflict – in fact, they must perpetuate conflict to survive.

t is a conflict industry, he said. "Groups involved in this industry generate cash by marketing fear.” He warned that activist groups put before the public false choices, especially on animal welfare and the environment(the only way to have clean water is to eliminate animal agriculture, etc.).

Because he believes “the world is run by those who show up,” Vincent urged people in agriculture, and other resource-based industries, to become activists themselves: to add a line item for activism to their business plans, ensuring they set aside both time and money to do the work.

"America is ready for a new leader and a new vision, based on hope instead of fear, science instead of emotion, education instead of litigation and resolution instead of conflict," Vincent said. "That new leader should be us."

Vincent is the executive director of Provider Pals (Provider Pals), a cultural exchange program that links classrooms with farmers, ranchers, miners, loggers, oil field workers, commercial fishermen and “others who provide the basics of everyday life.”

Other messages:

Mike Adams, host of AgriTalk Radio: Media coverage of agriculture is of prime concern and importance. Look at the irresponsible reporting of H1N1 – even the New York Times still calls it Swine Flu. More unity in agriculture is needed to get messages out properly.

Cindy Smith, USDA under secretary of marketing and regulation: Ethical treatment of animals creates marketing opportunities – responding to concerns translates into a better bottom line. Well-informed consumers are good consumers. There’s going to be a greater consumer demand for information on where food came from.

Jim Wiesemeyer, senior vice president Informa Economics: Agriculture has not done any analysis on climate change – e.g., what would impacts of cap and trade be? Agriculture needs to provide vision on the issue.

Don’t make HSUS the subject. If you talk to PETA, you’ve lost.

If you think Washington thinks for your industry, think again. Bring he who has risk in the industry to speak for you; lawmakers will listen.

Nils Beaumond, director of international relations, Interbev: The animal welfare movement in the European Union is extremely strong, thanks to non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

On the issue of transport, there have been directives regarding intervals for watering, feeding, density limits, lateral doors on trucks to access animals directly and restrictions on environmental parameters during transport (how hot or cold it can be). A new draft proposal reflects rising surveillance pressure, including a requirement for live positioning.

Ed Pajor, associate professor, Purdue University: The 13 largest European retailers plan to increase regulations on animal welfare. Meanwhile, in the U.S., the private sector is taking the lead, with guidelines driven by retailers/producers. The plethora of programs is now becoming a problem, causing confusion.

Kay Johnson Smith, executive vice president of the Animal Agriculture Alliance: Regulation will be the next step if producers don’t follow guidelines on their own farms. Don’t tell consumers what you want them to know – tell them about what they are concerned about. Don’t do away with the discussion; take it over. Americans won’t put up with anything that seems anti-animal or anti-environment.

Mitch Head, managing director, Golin Harris: There have been more state ballot initiatives in this decade than in any other.

The ballot initiative process has populist beginnings, and the states that allow them are mostly in the West. Their attractions: They’re cheap to get on a ballot. You get to write the ballot language. They’re sometimes called Superman laws because once passed by voters, they cannot be trumped by the state legislature. Courts are reluctant to intercede. Even if they lose, they get statewide attention.

If agriculture allows animal rights groups to start state initiative process, they’ll end up playing defense.

The Internet may have an effect; activists have learned to use the Internet better than industry has.

Mike Opperman, public relations director, Charleston/Orwig: Modern agriculture is harder for consumers to understand and relate to. The industry tends to respond to emotional issues with science, but needs to speak to consumers’ hearts and heads.

Source: Suzanne Bopp

Take Home Messages From The Animal Agriculture Alliance Meeting - Cattle Network
There are lunatics on both sides, it wouldn't hurt to improve the quality of our food chain with improved conditions of animals.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
There are lunatics on both sides, it wouldn't hurt to improve the quality of our food chain with improved conditions of animals.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

No you have real world people on one side and the lunatic fringe on the other.

In what way should the condition of animals be improved???

If you are raising animals for the market, does it make sense to mistreat them??


More words for DC:

News Release


National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Ratifies Policy Resolution in Support of the Horse Industry on a Unanimous Consent Vote!


With a unanimous vote, the National Conference of State Legislatures granted its staff full authority to lobby against federal legislation that would restrict the market, transport, processing, or export of horses. Two such bills are currently before Congress: H.R. 503, the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act, and its counterpart in the Senate, S. 727. The measures would make it a felony to transport horses for the purpose of processing for human food.

(We have dealt three hundred years of established law a terrible blow wehn we have unwisely elevated crimes against animals from misdemeanor to felony, many times for the most dubious of reasons)gs

The full NCSL membership ratified the policy yesterday at its Annual Legislative Summit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, without a single dissenting vote. The policy resolution was originally passed by an overwhelming majority at the NCSL Fall Forum in Atlanta, Georgia last November.

The policy resolution establishes that the States recognize, and that Congress should recognize the need for humane and regulated horse processing facilities in the United States. It also calls on Congress not to interfere with State efforts to establish processing facilities in the United States.

"This is a remarkable moment," says Wyoming State Representative Sue Wallis, who has championed this effort since the beginning, "when the preeminent national organization that all state legislatures belong to joins the National Association of Counties, the National Congress of American Indians, and more than 200 other organizations in supporting the rights and options of horse owners."

With the NCSL policy firmly established, the efforts of horse owners and concerned citizens who have come together from across the Nation to promote real solutions that ensure the humane care, management, and euthanasia of horses; to ensure the long-term sustainability and viability of the equine industry; and to restore the market for all horses are energized.


The United Organizations of the Horse Points Out the Problems Inherent in the Passage of the ROAM Act


In a surprise move that was apparently designed to keep lawmakers in D.C. for votes on other critical issues, H..R. 1018 to amend the Wild Horse and Burro Act, passed the House on Friday, the 17th of July. Because of the sudden nature of this vote, the United Organizations of the Horse believes that many lawmakers cast their vote without realizing the true ramifications of the legislation.

The United Organizations of the Horse is a new organization that represents the horse owners of the United States based on a set of Core Principles that includes the proper management of wild horses. Central to this position is the idea that wild horse populations on public lands should be strictly controlled to ensure sustainable habitat for horses, wildlife, and livestock.

Included in the Core Principle on Wild Horses is that the recommendations of the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Committee should be implemented. Excess horses removed from public ranges should be disposed of either through sale or adoption.

If the horses cannot be disposed of they should be humanely euthanized and processed and the meat and useful byproducts provided to the disadvantaged, or marketed and the proceeds reinvested in habitat enhancement and better management of wild herds. No wild horse should be held off of public land at taxpayer expense for longer than 90 days.

The Government Accounting Office (GAO) has published a report that clearly indicates that the methodology used to count wild horses is flawed, and undercounts population. (Bureau of Land Management: Effective Long-Term Options Needed to Manage Unadoptable Wild Horses-Oct. 9, 2008.) Actual experience in tragedies like Trail Springs in Nevada, where hundreds of horses died from thirst and starvation in a Horse Management Area where the BLM methodology estimated around 300 horses, and when they gathered the area after the disaster was discovered, they gathered over 1,100 animals not counting the ones that had already died.

These indications and the fact that informal Google Earth photo counts indicate well over 100,000 wild horses on public range that can sustainably carry 27,000, and which is already overstocked with the 36,000 that BLM's flawed methodology indicates are on the land.

The ROAM Act exacerbates and intensifies the destruction of our public lands from too many animals, and offers no realistic solution to the problem. Without the ability to control populations, BLM's hands are tied, and we are left with a $700 million dollar welfare program for old horses at a time of dire circumstances in this Nation.

The ROAM Act as passed by the House does not have a companion bill in the Senate, and it is our hope and intention to make sure that it does not progress. Included in several of it's provisions is the ability of the federal government to preempt any multi-use of government land to establish single species sanctuaries that would allow every wild horse to live out its 30+ years of natural life without any ability to control the population.

The United Organizations of the Horse will continue to work with other livestock organizations, tribal governments, and public lands stakeholders to educate Senators and Congress on the pitfalls of this very dangerous piece of legislation.

To learn more visit their website, UOH Home, and subscribe to their free e-newsletter.


Progress on the H.O.R.S.E. Act, and the Need for Constant Attention On-the-Ground in Washington, D.C.


Things are progressing. We are still waiting for the bill language for the H.O.R.S.E. Act which is being drafted in Washington, D.C. We hope to have that to you soon. Please be patient.

The sudden and apparently fairly easy passage of the ROAM Act amendments to the Wild Horse and Burro Act through the House is a clear indication of how desperately we need to gather the resources to have on-the-ground representation in Washington, D.C. on a constant basis to protect the interests of horse owners, and horse owners rights. That is simply not possible now. We do not have the financial capability to provide what is needed.

We need the help of all interested citizens. We need you to become a member, and to do what you can to influence the horse organizations that you belong to to sponsor our activities.

On these issues, in particular, the issue of controlling and managing the wild horse population, and the issue of restoring our markets in the United States--which are connected by the need for reinstating humane and regulated horse processing in this country--we have benefited from the good work of our friends in the beef, pork, chicken, all of the animal agriculture industries, the sportsmen, dog owners, and animal advocates who understand the difference between animal welfare that we all support, and animal rights, which would eliminate our ability to own, manage, or enjoy animals in our lives. We continue to appreciate everything that all of these groups are doing on our behalf.

One group, the National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA) has just published an excellent newsletter which will be distributed to every Congressional Office, and to State Legislators, that is largely devoted to the issues surrounding horses. Read it at

While the assistance of like minded organizations and individuals is incredibly useful, and gratefully is not enough. We, as a horse people, a horse industry, need to stand on our own two feet, and be our own best advocates. We are the people who know horses, know what it takes to keep them healthy, and know what it will take to keep both horses, the world of horses, and horse people vibrant and contributing members of our society.




Sue Wallis, Founding Leadership Team
United Organizations of the Horse
(307) 680-8515

Dave Duquette, Executive Director
United Horsemens Front
(541) 571-7588
:lolabove: LOOK! There's one! He voted for Obama. :eek:lol:

When they ban meat, those grain fed vegetarians are going to start looking tasty.

Is tofu a grain??

Funny thing about that, a guy once told me human flesh wasn't bad, tasted like pork only a little sweeter.

Of course I did a double take when he said that so he elaborated.

He was from up in east Tennessee originally and back in the sixties or seventies he was working for the Times as a writer and he and another guy from up there who was serving as his photographer went to cover some civil war in Africa.

They had no idea what they were getting themselves into, a plane dropped them off at some airport and it wasn't like they went through customs or anything.

They disembarked the plane next to a hanger and the plane taxied back onto the runway and left and there they were.

So they acquired a vehicle and proceedted to cover the war. Oft times they could hear gunfire, mortar fire and see smoke from burning villages, which is what they mostly tried to avoid since they were, for one thing, the only white people they saw the whole time they were there.

As they were traveling about trying to get second hand accounts of what might be going on they visited one particular villiage of a tribe they had been told that to decline food was the ultimate insult.

So they sat down to eat with them and everything was going fine until he glanced over at the pot and he saw some guy scooping out more meat and spied what had to be a human arm bone, he didn't have many more questions to ask before thanking them profusely for the food as they hurriedly left.

Dont they know Cows cause global warming and should be eaten in order to save us from mortal doom!!

Dwight Eisenhower once said something like;

"Farming looks easy if you're a thousand miles from the nearest corn field and your plow is a pencil."

You can bet it was some freaked out nutcase vegan in the EPA that came up with the proposal to tax cow farts.

Common sense has become highly uncommon these days.

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