MEXICO: Drug dealers, criminals, rapists!

Yeah, there are costs. We have leeches, but some illegals actually pay into the system on fake SSN's and don't ever collect.

Document everyone and then we can tax everyone. Problem solved.

Or fix your own sprinklers!

The only potential illegal immigrants I've ever hired were the Russians who installed granite counter tops throughout my house. My sprinkler dudes were white, so were my pool guys, so is my yard guy. Maid service though, and I am in Jacksonville right now, is alllll American (obama voters).
Rapists hurt people by doing violence directly to them. The large majority of illegals are good people. This comparison is JoeVol-level absurdity.

What you don't understand is that I'm not justifying the acts of harmful criminals, I'm defending the people who are not hurting others.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to justify criminals being ok just because they make things cheaper for you..

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I get out quite a bit. Illegal immigrants are why I'm paying $15 a plate instead of $22 at my Korean BBQ joint. Illegal immigrants are the reason hotel stays are reasonable (maid service). Illegals are the reason I can afford somebody to come fix my sprinklers when I don't feel like doing it myself.

I would guess that nearly every interaction you make in the marketplace is positively impacted by illegal immigration, at least by some small degree, and there is often a big impact. Consider that for a moment...

...then consider how many times an illegal has hurt you.

I'm not looking at it as if they are hurting me but more as them hurting our economy.

They send the majority of their money back to their home land Hell one of my co-workers just bought his 3rd house in Mexico. And will be leaving to go back to Mexico next year.
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I'm not looking at it as if they are hurting me but more as them hurting our economy.

They send the majority of their money back to their home land Hell one of my co-workers just bought his 3rd house in Mexico. And will be leaving to go back to Mexico next year.

I don't care if they send money back home. I get that they want a better life because Mexico and central America are gigantic festering cesspools of humanity.

But the thing is people who support this stuff might as well support slavery. Illegal immigrant labor is literally a modern form of indentured servitude/slavery. They will do ANYTHING for anything almost.

Sure..we can make them legal..but guess what happens then? They stop doing all that stuff that made your Korean plum cat ribs so dericious. Make them legal and who takes their place?
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Tell you what Huff, here's your chance.

You're the President. Now tell us how you fix immigration.

I think the plurality and maybe even the majority of illegals are people over-staying their visas. You can fix that to a large degree by changing expectations. They don't go home because they believe they have no chance of getting another visa next year or the year after or whatever.

So I think that means we should issue about 5 million visas annually to Mexico and streamline the process. I think we issue 1M or so.

I think people going through this visa process should be able to earn a pathway to citizenship. Maybe 2 or 3 visits here with no hiccups and steady work and we approve them for a longer term stay where they can work towards permanently staying.

Most illegals are not border hoppers, but we need to make that as unattractive as possible. If people can reasonably expect to get here in the next 1-3 years and become a citizen in the next 10-12 years by following the process, they are less likely to break the law.

One of the biggest problems with immigration is that few politicians/officials are willing to be tied to harsh immigration enforcement...even Trump will be gun shy. I believe one of the reasons we can't/don't treat illegal immigrants harshly is because we do understand that the process is bogus and we don't have the heart to kick people out. If we create a more legitimate process and let people in within reason, I am actually OK with harsher enforcement.

I think we take money out of the military budget and put a fraction of those savings into watching the border more effectively.
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I'm not looking at it as if they are hurting me but more as them hurting our economy.

They send the majority of their money back to their home land Hell one of my co-workers just bought his 3rd house in Mexico. And will be leaving to go back to Mexico next year.


You're talking about the guys you work with that are living in a small apartment with 6 roommates. That only represents a fraction of illegals. Most of the illegals I know have their whole family here and don't send much money to Mexico.

I would bet a lot of money that it's not even close to the majority of their earnings.
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Same ole sh!t about immigration, different thread title is all.

Mods please merge this with other garbage.
I think the plurality and maybe even the majority of illegals are people over-staying their visas. You can fix that to a large degree by changing expectations. They don't go home because they believe they have no chance of getting another visa next year or the year after or whatever.

So I think that means we should issue about 5 million visas annually to Mexico and streamline the process. I think we issue 1M or so.

I think people going through this visa process should be able to earn a pathway to citizenship. Maybe 2 or 3 visits here with no hiccups and steady work and we approve them for a longer term stay where they can work towards permanently staying.

Most illegals are not border hoppers, but we need to make that as unattractive as possible. If people can reasonably expect to get here in the next 1-3 years and become a citizen in the next 10-12 years by following the process, they are less likely to break the law.

One of the biggest problems with immigration is that few politicians/officials are willing to be tied to harsh immigration enforcement...even Trump will be gun shy. I believe one of the reasons we can't/don't treat illegal immigrants harshly is because we do understand that the process is bogus and we don't have the heart to kick people out. If we create a more legitimate process and let people in within reason, I am actually OK with harsher enforcement.

I think we take money out of the military budget and put a fraction of those savings into watching the border more effectively.


Not a lot of time left at work today. I'll respond when I get home.
The Donald's BIG mouth during the campaign... denigrating anybody and everybody, including our neighbors to the South. Our Moron-in-Chief promises a great, big "beautiful" wall to keep out all those "drug dealers, criminals and rapists". He then calls NAFTA a "disaster" and the "worst trade deal ever".

All our homeboys in the Midwest eat up Trump's HATE, FEAR-MONGERING and pure IGNORANCE up like cornflakes baby. WOOT WOOT!!! You go, Donald! Show them Mexican rapists we mean bid-niz.

Now... reality. The Donald is actually our President. And guess what happens. He actually comes to "learn" (a very loose term when referring to The Donald) that NAFTA actually is a pretty fair trade plan. Not perfect, but pretty damn good. As in, good enough to have survived multiple Republican and Democratic administrations prior to The Donald.

The Donald: "Oh, wait what? You mean me throwing a trade agreement out the window might cause problems for me (and Americans... not that he cares)? Oh, well, then **** it, don't change anything, the Midwest suckers already put me in office."

Result? Threefold.

(1) Mexico is royally pissed off at us. Rightfully so. Our stupid ass President ridiculed and demeaned them, and even promised that THEY were going to pay for the pointless, big, beautiful wall between us.

And guess what... that got the Mexicans thinking. "Hmmmm.... what leverage do we have against stupid Trump? Hey, how about corn?"

Yep. Them taco-munchin' Mexicans import nearly all of their corn from the U.S., and now THANKS TO TRUMP, they are looking to potentially eliminate that trade and buy instead from other South American countries.

And guess. Who. Suffers.

The very nimrod, anti-Mexican suckers in the Midwest who put dumb Donald in office.

Per NYTimes:

"The prospect that the United States could lose its largest foreign market for corn and other key products has shaken farming communities throughout the American Midwest, where corn production is a vital part of the economy. The threat is particularly unsettling for many residents of the Corn Belt because much of the region voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Trump in the presidential election.

“If we lose Mexico as a customer, it will be absolutely devastating to the ag economy,” said Philip Gordon, 68, who grows corn, soybeans and wheat on a farm in Saline, Mich., that has been in his family for 140 years.

Mr. Gordon said he planned to call Mr. Trump at the White House “and remind him we need trade.”

“He’s a businessman,” Mr. Gordon said. “He understands how much support for him came from the agricultural community.”"

(2) The Donald apparently plans to back down from his CAMPAIGN PROMISES (pesky things) on NAFTA.

Per NYTimes:

"President Trump, who has called the North American Free Trade Agreement “the worst trade deal” ever signed by the United States, appears to have backed off his threat to abandon the deal and is instead proposing keeping major planks in place when he begins renegotiating it later this year."

Wait, Donald? I thought NAFTA was the "worst deal ever" and a complete "disaster". OHHHHH, that's right... voters probably actually took your words LITERALLY. And thanks to Kellyanne Conway, we now know that when you speak, it's all about "ALTERNATIVE FACTS", not reality.

And lastly,

(3) The big, beautiful Mexican-funded wall.

Ahhhhhh... can't you just see it now? 30-feet high, sparkling, magnificent, symbol of American might and power (with an attractive view from the North side, mind you... South side, not so much).

Well, I for one am excited. The Donald told me that Mexico is going to pay for this big ol' crazy wall, so LET'S GET STARTED!!!! :dance2::dance2::dance2:

Wait...what? I'm sorry, did you say that Mexico actually said that there was no way in hell that they are EVER gonna pay for this wall??? BUT!!! BUT!!! The Donald said so!!!!

Well, no worries, let's just write that whole nonsense off to pesky campaign "promises". Silly stuff. At least it'll only a couple billion, and we won't have any issue building it.

Wait... what? $21+ billion? Lots of eminent-domain lawsuits? But... but, Donald said!!!


I hate Donald Trump. I will be "that guy" who is first to start dancing in the streets when the big clown gets the big impeachment boot to the curb.

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You're talking about the guys you work with that are living in a small apartment with 6 roommates. That only represents a fraction of illegals. Most of the illegals I know have their whole family here and don't send much money to Mexico.

I would bet a lot of money that it's not even close to the majority of their earnings.

I don't need a link. I work with these folks every damn day. They tell me what they do huff. I don't need to read a book to figure this stuff out man.
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I get out quite a bit. Illegal immigrants are why I'm paying $15 a plate instead of $22 at my Korean BBQ joint. Illegal immigrants are the reason hotel stays are reasonable (maid service). Illegals are the reason I can afford somebody to come fix my sprinklers when I don't feel like doing it myself.

I would guess that nearly every interaction you make in the marketplace is positively impacted by illegal immigration, at least by some small degree, and there is often a big impact. Consider that for a moment...

...then consider how many times an illegal has hurt you.

Wrong. All this really does is drive down wages for legal workers pushing them into unemployment. And, puts an undo burden on companies who won't hire illegals.

In the food industry it really doesn't save you much. Surely you know that restaurant workers, in general, don't make a lot, and most work for tips. Cook's and clean up crew don't make much different, if any, whether legal or illegal.

You have no way to back up your numbers.
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