Michael Jackson verdict

I'm just glad it's over. This has been like watching a months long train wreck.
Part of the reason why I have withheld from watching cable news altogether. I'm 100% cable news-free for the last five months.
I honestly don't know whether he did it or not. At the very least, he's a cooky guy with bad judgement, but amazingly the Prosecutor was stuck with the accuser's family which had as much baggage as Jackson.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Jun 13, 2005 8:11 PM
Guilty or not, the money didn't hurt anything.

Very true. Never hurts to be able to outgun the prosecutor.
The case was WAY TOO WEAK.

I could have gotton off if I would have been on trial.

Not that he is innocent, but atleast in the court's eyes he is.

Guess they are right, Justice is Blind.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Jun 14, 2005 12:13 AM
He is always wearing that sparkly stuff...

...but only on one hand.
. . . .Guess we'll see what the public thinks when his next album comes out. (Not that the last ones have been any good, anyway -- his most recent effort only sold 2 million copies, compared to 26 million to date for Thriller).

Guilty? Not guilty? Only he and the kids know for sure. What we ALL can agree on is that he has been "inappropriate," and when it comes to dealing with children, society should have no tolerance. At some point, parents need to step up to the plate and question whether overnight "sleepovers" with a strange adult are the right thing to do.
I just don't understand how they are gonna say he's not guilty....I mean seriously...I don't think that these kids would make up these things especially as youg as they are....I mean sure the parents may have had a role in that but seriously, how many parents do you think would put their own kid through that? He's gonna try playing touch football in the bed room one day with the wrong kid and they will tell their parents and Michael Jackson will be no more....JMO
Jackson's next CD could sell a good amount of albums but even that wont stop nobody from touching him publicly, company wise

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