Michigan Nursing Homes



revolUTion in the air!
Mar 19, 2011
Is there a defense for Gov Whitmer putting young, healthy people with covid into nursing homes that I’m missing? At first I thought this was a fake story.

When the legislature tried to end the practice and protect nursing homes from covid outbreaks, she even vetoed the bill.

What am I missing?

Man charged in punching of Detroit nursing home patient found competent
I'm not sure what took so long to make this a story. It's been out there for awhile...I guess the media is out of Trump news. Run her out of office like Cuomo and hairdo Newsom. It's a three way race. Oh wait maybe Bettlejuice will enter the race.
I'm not sure what took so long to make this a story. It's been out there for awhile...I guess the media is out of Trump news. Run her out of office like Cuomo and hairdo Newsom. It's a three way race. Oh wait maybe Bettlejuice will enter the race.

Harris might see her as a potential primary threat in 24.
Now that PedoJoe is in office all problems are nonexistent. Just the fact that the Pedo in Chief has one of his handlers mimic him and say "we are going to look into that" ensures that problem will be fixed. I mean look at race relations and poverty. Bidens already solved those problems with committees who are "looking into things" and the first half black VP! Imagine what will happen when the first black President gets elected!!
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I'm not sure what took so long to make this a story. It's been out there for awhile...I guess the media is out of Trump news. Run her out of office like Cuomo and hairdo Newsom. It's a three way race. Oh wait maybe Bettlejuice will enter the race.

It looks like the story came out in September
It looks like the story came out in September

Agreed but what I find so strange is that it was only covered by local media. This seems like it should be a main story on all major networks. Young healthy people were placed in nursing homes with covid. Yet the same state also prevented family members from visiting because “they may spread covid”

This strikes me as eugenics level bad
Is there anyone surprised by all this and the fact it was covered up because it's a Democratic Governor?

Will anyone be surprised when she wins reelection because people are too stupid to vote against her because the other party is racist, sexist, bigoted and not "progressive"?
Is there anyone surprised by all this and the fact it was covered up because it's a Democratic Governor?

Will anyone be surprised when she wins reelection because people are too stupid to vote against her because the other party is racist, sexist, bigoted and not "progressive"?

Won’t matter because Trump. You know how they roll...
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Is there anyone surprised by all this and the fact it was covered up because it's a Democratic Governor?

Will anyone be surprised when she wins reelection because people are too stupid to vote against her because the other party is racist, sexist, bigoted and not "progressive"?

She’s not going to run for re-election, she’s challenging Harris in 24 and that’s why the MSM finally ran with the story.

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