Mike Bobo coming to Knoxville?


first flight

New Member
Nov 18, 2008
I work in Ga, so have to deal with these AL and Ga fans especially this year. There is alot of talk here about BOBO coming to Knoxville, any thoughts.
I work in Ga, so have to deal with these AL and Ga fans especially this year. There is alot of talk here about BOBO coming to Knoxville, any thoughts.

I live in the middle of Dawg county bascially and I have heard nothing about him being mentioned. Not one peep.
Why would we bring a former quarterback with 2 years of OC experience? That would be suicide. Hammy might as well hand fans his balls on a platter.
I am now officially joining the movement to reinstate Faildozer.

I'm in agreement.

Maybe if Bobo comes he can bring Zeier with him to be on his staff. Between those two it seems they have about 25 years of experience playing QB at UGA.

I'd rather Andy Kelly, and I'm not advocating his hire in any way...
What's with the Tommy West, Mike Bobo, Pete Carroll, Bob Stoops, etc. threads? These are coaches that have no chance in hell of being here by either their choice or ours. Are people really that clueless or are they trolling? Wipe them off of the forum, please.
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I work in Ga, so have to deal with these AL and Ga fans especially this year. There is alot of talk here about BOBO coming to Knoxville, any thoughts.

For what?...A visit?..To go to Dollywood?...Hit the go cart tracks?...For a stay in gatlinburg?...He certainly won't be the head coach here or even get interveiwed would be my guess...Ahhh these silly rumors
Im calling BS on this one. IF and I mean if Bobo gets a head coaching job it will be in one of the lesser divisions. He has to little experience to be thrown in with the big boys.
I work in Ga, so have to deal with these AL and Ga fans especially this year. There is alot of talk here about BOBO coming to Knoxville, any thoughts.

For the last three years, every Gator fan I know rejoiced at the thought of Phil Fulmer keeping his job. Think about that for a hot minute...
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