Mindset of winning



Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
There is one thing about it, this talent we have this year was never coached up! We have a coach now that's is miles ahead of the past staff and you can bet your a$$ these guys will play miles ahead of what they played in the past! Will they win every game this year? Who knows season don't start till next sat. But it would not surprise me to see 8 wins out of this team and that's very possible! I will tell you this this staff and this team will go into EVERY GAME with the MINDSET OF WINNING!!!
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CBJ did a masterful job of making it a fair competition across the board. Listened to the Brewer interview from yesterday and he basically said DD put some young guys in over the seniors that had been there. DD never did find balance with player discipline or the competition. In effect he never built a team which is the exact opposite of what Butch has done. He's torn down the old walls and stereotypes and given them all a fresh chance to build a new identity.
#brickbybrick @117
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There is one thing about it, this talent we have this year was never coached up! We have a coach now that's is miles ahead of the past staff and you can bet your a$$ these guys will play miles ahead of what they played in the past! Will they win every game this year? Who knows season don't start till next sat. But it would not surprise me to see 8 wins out of this team and that's very possible! I will tell you this this staff and this team will go into EVERY GAME with the MINDSET OF WINNING!!!

What He Said !!:pepper:
There is one thing about it, this talent we have this year was never coached up! We have a coach now that's is miles ahead of the past staff and you can bet your a$$ these guys will play miles ahead of what they played in the past! Will they win every game this year? Who knows season don't start till next sat. But it would not surprise me to see 8 wins out of this team and that's very possible! I will tell you this this staff and this team will go into EVERY GAME with the MINDSET OF WINNING!!!

Cue the doomsday preppers in 3-2-1...

BTW, great post.
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I hope your right op. 8 wins would make me pure giddy. I'm expecting 6 and bracing for 5.

But I will guarantee one thing. I will be at every home game and I WILL bring the WINNING attitude to every tailgate. I WILL bring my LOUDEST voice and promise to rarely, if ever, take a seat.

#GameTime #GBO
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I hope your right op. 8 wins would make me pure giddy. I'm expecting 6 and bracing for 5.

But I will guarantee one thing. I will be at every home game and I WILL bring the WINNING attitude to every tailgate. I WILL bring my LOUDEST voice and promise to rarely, if ever, take a seat.

#GameTime #GBO

Six wins and Jones has only beaten teams that he has a talent advantage over. There are a 2-4 teams on the schedule that may have a slight to medium talent advantage but are certainly within the range that coaching will make the difference. Five or even 6 wins would be underperforming the talent on this roster.
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Dooley had some good technical coaches. The intensity from the top down was not there though. More importantly, the "belief" was not there.

I played on my HS's first state championship team. Two years before a team with more talent finished 5-5. A new coach was hired. He had to break a lot of eggs that first year with discipline issues. He benched his best player because he had a habit of getting injured on Friday, recovering Monday-Wednesday, showing up for the light practice on Thursday, then playing on Friday. He still went 7-3 losing only to the conference champ twice and a state champion from another class.

His second year... he went 14-0. He did this in spite of our school playing a division above what our enrollment actually was.

The biggest difference is he believed and he would not let anyone else not believe. We played our assignments and trusted that the guy next to us would too. We were never the biggest and seldom the most athletic. We believed and played together as a unit.

If Jones is the right guy, he WILL be the difference in UT winning or losing in a game this year against a favored opponent.
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I'll believe it when I see it but I am very very hopeful and excited

Coaching makes a difference in W/L records.

Until Tn HSFB is on par with the better states with homerism for the Vols reigning across the state... UT MUST have a coach who can outcoach teams with more talent to win championships. THe '14 class is shaping up to be great. But Bama, UGa, UF, and LSU are going to get that or better every year. UT's coach has to get "close enough" talent wise then outcoach the coaches of those schools.
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.

-Vince Lombardi

Let's hope our will is stronger each week.

Freaking 99Gator! Every time I make up my mind to not like you, you do something that makes my subconscious ask me, "Why not?" Freaking lizard! :)

I have to admit, I thought the video was going to be about the Vols imploding since 99gator posted it. However, I'm glad to say, I was wrong. That is a great video and reminded me of how much I miss John Ward! Nobody could tell it like John Ward...

Thanks 99gator.

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