Ministry of Truth



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
NY Times Calls For Biden To Appoint "Reality Czar" To Fight "Misinformation" | ZeroHedge

“This task force could also meet regularly with tech platforms, and push for structural changes that could help those companies tackle their own extremism and misinformation problems. (For example, it could formulate “safe harbor” exemptions that would allow platforms to share data about QAnon and other conspiracy theory communities with researchers and government agencies without running afoul of privacy laws.) And it could become the tip of the spear for the federal government’s response to the reality crisis,” states the article.

As we have exhaustively documented – the most harmful “conspiracy theories,” – such as Saddam Hussein’s non-existent WMD’s and supporting “freedom fighters” who were actually jihadists in Libya and Syria – are always exclusively peddled by the mainstream media.

The corporate press pushing these two whoppers created the consensus for war that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and an international migrant crisis.

The New York Times was one of the most prominent outlets that amplified both these damaging deceptions and yet they faced no consequences whatsoever.
You know that they are already changing websites and news stories to hide what they originally said. How long before we get digital books censored?

How long before we have groups going into libraries and modifying books?

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