MMA In Tennessee



...stay frosty.
Jun 2, 2005
On my way home from work, Rampage Jackson was on the local ESPN affiliate here in Memphis and he is working with the city and state government on bringing MMA to Tennessee. He and a fight organizer in the state have started an online petition to supplement their proposal to the local leadership. I added my own signature for whatever it's worth... any others who could sign the petition would be appreciated.


MMA In Tennessee Petition
Oh, how I hate that MMA is so large here in the Quad Cities... I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm a fan, but everyone here thinks they are MMA fighters and it's stupid. Tim Sylvia and Pat Miletich come in to my work all of the time, in fact I saw Pat yesterday. They're both pretty cool guys and I've partied with Sylvia on a couple of occasions.

It's a good idea, but just hope that MMA training centers don't pop up on each corner.
I'd make the special trip out there to see Rampage defend the belt in Memphis. Petition Signed.

there will be "McDojo's" popping up like Starbucks for a little while, but not everyone can do this stuff, and that will even things out.

trust me, it only takes getting the hell beaten out of you ONCE to take care of most of the posers.

Sylvia seems like a tremendous he? the fact that you see Miletich is pretty awesome, though.
Sylvia seems like a tremendous he? the fact that you see Miletich is pretty awesome, though.

Couple of the nicest guys I've ever met. I've met Matt Hughes a couple of times at work, too, but never really helped him. Miletich Fighting Systems is only across the street and one block down from the hardware store I work at.

VN Store
