Mondays with Bobby - Tennessee Week

Again, why are we so concerned about the thing WKU are saying. Insecure are we?

It's not so much that "we" are concerned. It's just info/fodder to read and discuss in between last week's game and this week. It's what happens on message boards. Don't like it? Don't read it.

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I'm glad WKU is fired up for the game. If their fans and supporters think they will win then more power to them. Fans should think their team will win

Then on Saturday we can give them an ol fashioned East Tennessee dog whupping
Tyree Robinson might want to schedule a couple of English classes or public speaking courses this Fall.
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Love reading this crap from him/them. It makes me say, "BRING IT"!! Then, I come off of the illusion that I have any effect and just hope that is the attitude of the team. I have no real idea, but CBJ seems to have a healthy mix of not letting fodder distract and knowing exactly when to whip out tidbits as motivation. Cheers to not knowing and having complete trust in a coach, for a change, no matter which way he leads. Good read and thanks for posting!
P.S. regardless of any attempt to the contrary, the players are dialed into this stuff. I sure hope that they watch, in particular, the Vandy youtube every single day.
After the last 5 years, it's not out of the question to at least be a little bit concerned this week. However, unless I've totally misread them, I think our staff will be prepared and have our players prepared both physically, but more important, mentally. The momentum, and the buy-in by our players is still there. I think they know they need to really be ready to go full speed each game. Never be satisfied, and correct mistakes from each game to steadily improve play at all positions.

We'll know a lot after we play Oregon, but I think this week will give us a good prospective of team 117, too.
Again, why are we so concerned about the thing WKU are saying. Insecure are we?

Why are you so concerned about whether or not someone else is concerned?

I enjoy seeing articles like this. It's interesting to get a feel for the opponent's perspective. And what else are we going to fill the time with while we're waiting for Saturday to get here?
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That was a good read. They were very respectful of the TN. They know they have a big challenge. Can't wait. I think we win handily.

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