More impressed with coach Heupel , than ever before.



Jul 25, 2010
Our starting left tackle was out for the game , his replacement went out hurt . Our generational talented QB had turned the ball over twice , once deep in our own territory. We had the lead and at that point Coach Heupel made the decision to protect our lead our dinged up O-Line and our young QB . He put the game in the hands of our elite Defense ( elite at all three levels ) and our elite special teams . It worked to perfection.
It was a brilliant display of coaching in my opinion and any doubts I had about Coach Heupel are gone now.
Our starting left tackle was out for the game , his replacement went out hurt . Our generational talented QB had turned the ball over twice , once deep in our own territory. We had the lead and at that point Coach Heupel made the decision to protect our lead our dinged up O-Line and our young QB . He put the game in the hands of our elite Defense ( elite at all three levels ) and our elite special teams . It worked to perfection.
It was a brilliant display of coaching in my opinion and any doubts I had about Coach Heupel are gone now.
Thank you for this. I don’t think many people understand what it takes to do this when your entire identity is offense. He’s realized he has an entire team now and it’s not all on him. Thats growth.
Thank you for this. I don’t think many people understand what it takes to do this when your entire identity is offense. He’s realized he has an entire team now and it’s not all on him. Thats growth.
We have a week to heal up and then we head to Arkansas for another tough SEC road game .
I am confident that Coach Heupel will have our VOLS ready .
He’s a smart guy. The team is playing lights out. Offense is run-first and versatile. This team is different from what I expected. Different and really good. Look at those rushing stats from last night.

I was surprised last night by the return of the legion of the miserable.

I always say I have heard it said all my life “if you don’t hate the Vols you’re not a true Vol fan.” Heard it all my life.
I do have one critique. Heupel said “aight” in the locker room speech. I’ll let it slide this time but he has to be sensitive to how that word triggers so many of us. I was shaking and sweating for 3 hours after it, having visions of Guarantano throwing to Kentucky players.
I’m okay now, but it really triggered me.

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