More tidbits on FDR.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
The greatest enemy of truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived and dishonest - but the myth - persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. --JFK, June 11, 1962

Herbert Hoover, 1928 Democrat Presidential Nominee Alfred E. Smith, and the 1924 Democrat Presidential Nominee John Davis all called the New Deal communistic.

The world's leading authority on depressions, called the failure of the New Deal a policy disaster "unparalleled in other countries."

Winston Churchill said in 1937: "The Washington administration has waged so ruthless a war on private enterprise that the actually...leading the world back into the trough of depression."

FDR made the depression worse and prolonged it, including the FDR recessions of 1937 and 1939. When he was elected there were 11,586,000 unemployed and in 1939 - seven years later- there were still 11,369,000 unemployed. In 1932 there were 16,620,000 on relief and in 1939 - after seven years - there were 19,648,000 on relief.

FDR supporter Merle Thorpe wrote in 1935, "We have given legislative status, either in whole or in part, to eight of the ten points of the Communist Manifesto of 1848; and, as some point out, done a better job of implementation than Russia."

It is almost amusing that FDR built a cult of personality just as Hitler and Stalin did - it is necessary in a tyranny because in rule by men, loyalty is not to law or country but to a person.

1935 Supreme Court unanimously ruled FDR's National Recovery Administration (NRA -a.k.a. Nuts Running America), the centerpiece of the New Deal, unconstitutional (Schechter v US).

The NRA was a total assault on free enterprise. Industry was to be straight jacketed into government-mandated cartels given the authority to set prices, determine production levels, and regulate the workplace.

This was something akin to Mussolini's fascist corporativism; and expanded executive power at the expense of the Congress and the courts. Democrat Senator Carter Glass denounced the NRA as "the utterly dangerous effort of the federal government at Washington to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this nation."

1936 Supreme Court ruled FDR's Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) unconstitutional (US v Butler). This was the program that plowed crops under and senselessly slaughtered millions of animals at a cost of $700,000,000 over two years. By cutting corn production the US had to import 30 million bushels from abroad. The Supreme Court ruled the AAA was "a central government exercising uncontrolled police power in every state of the union."

1937 with both the Social Security Act and the Wagner Act pending before the Supreme Court, FDR proposed in Congress that he pack the Supreme Court by "re-organizing" it by allowing him to appoint six new justices.

1938 Congress defeated FDR's dictator bill.

1938-1939 FDR stated a policy that the Soviet Union could build destroyers in the United States.

1940 - For the election, FDR repeatedly promised to keep the country out of war and then did everything in his power to involve the country in war. No national leader in history has ever so brazenly lied to his people.

8 Oct 1941 - FDR ordered US vessels to shoot German vessels on sight. FDR lied to Congress about the USS Greer and Kearny incidents, in an attempt to get them to declare war against Germany. He lost all credibility.

Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said FDR had a second-class intellect. The British Ambassador Lord Halifax called FDR's decision making like "a disorderly day's rabbit shooting." Secretary of War Stimson said FDR governed by a "topsy turvy, upside-down system of poor administration...The President is the poorest administrator I have ever worked under..." Harold Smith, Director of the Budget 1939-1946, said Roosevelt was "a very erratic administrator." FDR made a point of not reading books and not consulting experts.

FDR was full of tall tales about himself, for example that he had been a combatant in WWI when he had actually avoided service. Even FDR's friends called him mentally light, mendacious, lacking wit, unreliable, petty, vengeful and manipulative. His nicknames were Chief Disorganizer and Chief Manipulator. Walter Lippmann wrote of FDR "his mind is not very clear, his purposes are not simple, and his methods are not direct." Stimson said that "His mind does not follow easily a consecutive train of thought..." British Foreign Secretary Eden called the Roosevelt administration "a mad house." Lord Halifax said FDR's ideas were "pretty inchoate" and Eden called them "feckless"(feeble). FDR was the first President unable to write his own speeches. FDR's Secretary of Labor said he had a "streak of vanity and insincerity." His Secretary of Interior Ickes called him "an inactive and uninspiring President." Churchill said that FDR had no ideas at all. Lord Moran wrote that FDR had used his shrewdness to cover his ignorance.

FDR used the IRS to investigate his enemies, e.g. Father Coughlin, Rep. Hamilton Fish, publisher Moe Annenberg of the Philadelphia Inquirer and Charles Lindbergh. He also stopped investigations of his friends like Lyndon B. Johnson who had committed tax fraud.

FDR requested the FBI files of his political opponents.

FDR used the very worst elements of the mob to funnel New Deal money into big cities in order to bring the political machines to their knees and ultimately control them through the mafia. In NYC he used Jimmy Hines associate of the notorious Dutch Schutz; in Chicago it was Al Capone's man Ed Kelly; it was Frank Hague in New Jersey and this pattern was repeated across the country. FDR was mobbed up. (Flynn, Bk 2, ch 8, pt 1)

Roosevelt & the Congress raised the effective federal tax rate by 700% between 1932 & 1939.

"The 1942 act sharply changed tax policy in the US. The income tax base more than doubled in size, as the number of tax payers increased from 13M to 28M, while 50M were paying the victory tax. In 1943, yet another new tax bill introduced Americans to tax with-holding for the 1st time.

By the end of the war, millions of new tax payers had been drawn into the tax net, & individual & corporate income taxes accounted for 3/4 of the nation's federal tax burden -- up from less than 40% before the war.

Before the war, ~7% of the public paid some income taxes; at the height of the war, 64% of the population did so. 4M Americans were income tax payers in 1939; the number rose to 43M by 1945.

Lenin wrote that "Taxation with its offspring inflation, is the vital weapon to displace the system of free enterprise."


To understand the treason at Yalta, is to understand Roosevelt. All of his actions were bent in the same direction - dead left. He unceasingly promoted Communism at home and abroad to the full extent and possibility of his office. FDR was a hard-core Marxist as proved by his speeches - in his first inaugural he proposed 3 planks of the Communist Manifesto. In his first inaugural address, he proposed national land redistribution! Karl Marx explained his plan to destroy all constitutional government: "The surest way to overturn the social order is to debauch the currency." FDR carried that out with a vengeance by taking the US off the gold standard and confiscating all gold.

Charles Beard, the doyen of American socialists and creator of the ideas for FDR's NRA and AAA: "FDR accepts the inexorable collectivism of the American economy...national planning in industry, business, agriculture and government." "Individual economic activities and individual property rights will be altered and changed." FDR was bringing us to a 'collectivist democracy' and "worker's republic."

Earl Browder, a regular Bolshevik and General Secretary of the Communist Party USA, went wild with delight and excitement over FDR's speeches. "If the New Deal could be established, it should be possible to proceed from this, step by step, without violent overturning, to socialism." Earl, who was also a Russian spymaster, ran his base of operations from the White House and hired and fired administration officials at all levels. FDR pardoned him from a 5 year prison sentence in 1942.

Although FDR liked to pretend that Teddy Roosevelt and his family supported him, in 1935 in Philadelphia, Teddy, Jr. leveled this blast at FDR: "You have been faithless. You have usurped the function of Congress, hampered freedom of the press...You have urged Congress to pass laws that you knew were unconstitutional...You have broken your sacred oath taken on the Bible."

"Submission, not freedom is to be the future badge of the United States...the overturn of institutions, including the Constitution, is the avowed goal of his (FDR's) immediate advisors."-- Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby, in Portland, OR, Sept. 1934.

"Now to bring about government by oligarchy masquerading as democracy, it is fundamentally essential that practically all authority and control be centralized in our national government. The individual sovereignty of our states must first be destroyed, except in mere minor matters of legislation." -- FDR March 2, 1930

FDR pressed a bill to eliminate the right to bear arms.
When his Chief of Security Berle brought him information from the Communist courier Whittaker Chambers that there were 2 Soviet spy rings at the highest levels of his administration, naming names like Hiss, White and Silvermaster, FDR told him to "go jump in a lake." The report was suppressed for years. The KGB archives list 221 agents in the most sensitive sections of the Roosevelt administration in April 1941. There were probably a like number of Soviet military GRU agents.

In 1946 FDR's son Elliot wrote a book titled As He Saw It which was meant to be the memoir that his father never wrote. It quoted many important private conversations and opinions of FDR. The real inside story scandalized the keepers of FDR's myth, who said that it put the words of the communist newspaper The Daily Worker into his father's mouth. The truth hurts.

FDR exerted frenetic personal devotion to the cause of lend-lease to the communists, distinctly favoring Russia over Britain (and US) and if you read page 549 volume 3 of The Secret Diaries of Harold Ickes, Ickes makes it clear that in a choice between England and Russia FDR would have abandoned England: "if the (public) attitude had been one of angry suspicion or even resentment, we would have been confronted with the alternative of abandoning Great Britain or accepting communism..."

The US sent 150 P-40's (the newest) when we were woefully short. In 1944 Churchill publicly complained about Britain being treated worse than the Soviet Union (in 1943 we sent 5,000 planes to Russia; overall we sent 20,000 planes and 400,000 trucks - twice as many as they had had before the war, 9 million pairs of boots, complete factories as part of $11 billion in aid that was never expected to be paid back).

FDR's oil embargo of Japan forcing them South to take oil-rich Dutch Indonesia, is incomprehensible unless you realize FDR did it to relieve Japanese military threats to the Soviet Union.

Leftists like FDR believed that they were creating a new world order and that the Soviet motherland was its center. FDR, who defined himself as an internationalist, envisioned using the UN with himself and Stalin as co-leaders to bring New Deal Hitlerism to every corner of the world.

Yalta - gave Stalin's enslavement of 725 million people moral legitimacy (not counting 193 million Soviets). He lay in Stalin's lap the existence of little nations and the lives of little peoples he had sworn to defend.

FDR didn't demur at a single request or suggestion from Stalin. Just for signing the agreement, he was given Sakhalen Island, the Kurile Islands, Manchuria, Outer Mongolia, parts of China and 3,000 tanks, 75,000 motor vehicles and 5,000 planes for his Far East Army who were incapable of taking China without US aid.

Stalin demanded and got 20 million Germans for slave labor for an indefinite period. As Hopkins said "The Russians have given us so much at this conference that I don't think we should let them down." FDR told Stalin that he would make Britain give up Hong Kong.

Yalta - FDR's ambassador to China, Patrick Hurley, called FDR's secret agreement a "blueprint for the Communist conquest of China."

When Churchill prevented the communists from taking Greece on Christmas 1944, FDR was extremely angry and demanded that a commission be formed to rule Greece, headed by a Russian.

When the US took Italy in 1943, a US ship brought communist leader Togliatti from the SU and the allies gave almost all meterial and political favors to the communists in Italy and Yugoslavia. Italian Premier De Gasperi called it "the Roosevelt climate."

April 11, 1945, The 9th Army under General Simpson was 24 hours from Berlin with no resistance in front and they were ordered not to cross the Elbe. Simpson wrote that he had six or seven divisions, two Army corps, in very good shape, with railroads bringing in supplies and hundreds of 10-ton truck companies, and two bridges across the river.

He claimed there was no doubt that he could have taken Berlin easily 2 weeks before the Russians did. But FDR had given Berlin to Stalin at Yalta and so Eisenhower sent a unilateral telegram to Stalin, violating the chain of command and ignoring the combined chiefs, that Stalin could have Berlin.

Patton was stopped outside Prague and had to watch Germans killing civilians a few days before the Russians got there. FDR had agreed to immediately withdraw US and British troops from all of Germany after the surrender.

In 1990 Harry Hopkins was exposed as the top KGB top agent during the war. (Inside the KGB Chris Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky pp 287-288) In 1995 Hopkins was identified by the NSA in VENONA intercepts (KGB and GRU messages from DC to Moscow) as "Agent 19."

Originally in 1937-39 Hopkins was a GRU agent recruited by Akhmerov but was turned over to the KGB in August 1939. FDR's KGB cover name was "KAPITAN." (Source "Venona Source 19 and the Trident Conference of 1943" by Eduard Mark in IQ and National Security vol 13 (1998) no. 2)

See if you can detect a pattern in the Roosevelt administration - KGB agent Alger Hiss was No. 2 at the State Department, KGB agent Harry Dexter White was No. 2 at Treasury, and Harry Hopkins was No 2 in the country.

What is the significance of the fact that FDR's alter ego, his top advisor, Deputy President, Acting President, the man who controlled FDR completely, the President in all but name was a KGB agent? Harry called the American people "his enemy." He told FDR "the American people are too damn dumb to ever sense what we are doing to them."

At Yalta, FDR agreed to round up 2 million Russian nationals in Germany, Italy and France to be forcibly deported to Russia for execution.

At the Teheran Conference, Stalin made a toast that 50,000 Nazis should be summarily put in front of a firing squad. Churchill was shocked, "I will not be a party to any butchery in cold blood." FDR then said, "Shall we say 49,500?" Churchill left the room in protest.

In a word, FDR was a disaster. America, the greatest power on earth, lost the war and it was won by the brutal Soviet Union which had been flat on its back and inches from extinction. FDR achieved the worst possible result - Karl Marx did indeed win the war.

FDR gave at least 1,465 pounds of uranium (about 4 times as much fissionable U-235 as the US kept for itself), 417 tons of cadmium, 437 tons of cobalt, 12 tons of thorium, and 1100 ounces of heavy water as well as all the designs for the atom bomb and reactor to create plutonium. Without this assistance it would have taken the Soviet Union 10 years and all of their economic resources to make a bomb.

Frenchman Bonnier de la Chapelle, a paid U.S. agent under the control of the State Department's Robert Murphy, assassinated our ally the French leader Darlan. After seeing how that went down FDR cabled Churchill with a copy to Eisenhower on New Year's Day 1943 stating that if Free French leader Charles De Gaulle did not "play ball" that they would have to assassinate him.

Eisenhower was horrified and told aide Harry Butcher that if directly ordered to do it that he would set the assassination in motion and then resign from the Army. Churchill also was shocked by the idea and managed to nix it.

FDR ordered the assassination of Chiang kai Shek because he was not knuckling under to Mao and the Communists fast enough for FDR. In December 1943, FDR's military representative in China, General Joseph Stilwell told a subordinate, Col. Frank Dorn, that FDR was "fed up with Chiang and his tantrums, and said so. In fact, he told me in that Olympian manner of his, 'if you can't get along with Chiang, and can't replace him, get rid of him once and for all. You know what I mean, put in someone you can manage.'" Col. Dorn prepared a plan for an airplane mishap, in which there would be engine problems and, in the process of bailing out of the plane, Chiang and his wife would be given faulty parachutes. Fortunately Chinese security was too good and foiled the plot.(Freidel, p 561)

On August 12, 1944, Ensign Joe P. Kennedy, Jr. volunteered for a highly risky mission officially called "Operation Aphrodite" (also known as "Project Anvil") to pilot a PB4Y-1, the Navy version of the B-24, loaded with 21,470 pounds of explosives – a flying bomb -- across the English channel towards the German V-2 rocket sites on the other side.

His orders were to aim his plane at the sites and bail out before the plane was exploded by radio from an accompanying plane. Immediately after take-off from Winfarthing-Fersfield airfield a mysterious radio signal on the secret military frequency came up from the ground for a few seconds and detonated the plane killing Kennedy and the other officer on the plane, Lt. Wilford J. Willy.

Joe Kennedy, Sr. always believed that FDR had arranged the death of his son to hurt him - really the only possible explanation. We have the anomolous case of a US President murdering the brother of a future US President.

In 1974, after Truman's death, Merle Miller published a 1961 interview with Truman done on tape in front of three witnesses in his best seller entitled Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman. Truman, according to Miller, was in Boston in 1944 in the Ritz-Carlton hitting up Joseph Kennedy for campaign funds for FDR's run for fourth term, and "Old man Kennedy started throwing rocks at Roosevelt, saying he'd caused the war and so on. And then he said, 'Harry, what the hell are you doing campaigning for that crippled son of a bitch that killed my son Joe?'"

Franklin Delano Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, while sitting for a portrait by his Russian companion Elizabeth Shoumatoff.

Stalin, to his dying day, believed that FDR had been poisoned by nationalists who wanted to deprive Stalin of his best man in Washington.
It's nice to see someone on my side when it comes to FDR. Most think of him as a great president. I see him as one of the worst things that happened to the United States. He and Lincoln were as closed to 'tyrants' as we have seen. Nice post!!!
It's nice to see someone on my side when it comes to FDR. Most think of him as a great president. I see him as one of the worst things that happened to the United States. He and Lincoln were as closed to 'tyrants' as we have seen. Nice post!!!

Probably the three main factors that went into the making of the FDR myth and perpetuation of it are;

1. Slanted, biased journalism in the America media,

2. A socialist happy academia in America and

3. A very active and effective propaganda campaign by communists and their front groups.

If any one citizen will consider the real facts then they have to admit FDR was a super sorry POTUS from start to finish.

The only way to come to any other conclusion would be if one were a committed socialist, in which case FDR did quite a bit to advance world socialism and socialism in America.

One of, if not the worst feature of the advancement of socialism is amount of suffering it's peoples must endure the number of dead bodies it leaves behind.

You forgot Woodrow Wilson...

No I didn't forget WW, Bubba Clinton's favorite president, WW was a horrid POTUS, I agree with you, but this thread isn't about presidents in general, this thread is about dispelling the Roosevelt myth.
I'm sure there is good info but good Lord those posts are too long to read.
It's nice to see someone on my side when it comes to FDR. Most think of him as a great president. I see him as one of the worst things that happened to the United States. He and Lincoln were as closed to 'tyrants' as we have seen. Nice post!!!
Lincoln had reason to be a tyrant. FDR had no excuse.
I'm sure there is good info but good Lord those posts are too long to read.

FDR was a sorry POS!!!

Get it?? :)

Lincoln had reason to be a tyrant. FDR had no excuse.

Actually Lincoln was not the tyrant FDR was or for that matter Woodrow Wilson was either.

Lincoln was convinced, and rightfully so, that Britain was intent upon dividing America, (and Imperial Russia also,) in order to eventually conquer them and was completely committed to preserving the Union.

It is undeniable that Lincoln did in fact violate some principles of the constitution, yet he didn't ever do as FDR did and pursue a course that would make the constitution immaterial, FDR's constitution appears to be the communist manifesto.

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