More vols gone



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Lance McClain is gone and somebody else but I didn't catch the name.
I can't recall and I can't seem to find anything on the net about it. I'll try to find out where Lance went and who the other guy was.
The only other guys that would have been returning that aren't - besides McClain - are Scott Dean (backup C from Knoxville) and Ryan Butner (P from Florida). Only losing 3 players at this point is about par for the course. College baseball yearly roster attrition is sometimes mindboggling.

BTW - I'm basing this information solely off our fall baseball roster on There could be reasons why these 3 were left off the roster (grades, discipline); it's happened in the past.

Great to see you Perry. I was hoping you would stop by. Where did McClain end up going, have you heard?
For whatever reason they are leaving,but if it's their own choosing, "Don't let the door hit you in the ______ on the way out"!
Thanks, Jason. Been a rough year.

I don't know where McClain went. I'll see if I can find out.

With all the anticipation/excitement over football and then basketball, I've got to make sure someone is pumping up the BaseVOLS!


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