More Voters Blame Media Than Trump For Dividing The US


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
More American voters believe the media have contributed more to a political divide in the U.S. than President Trump, according to a new poll.

Although a majority of voters, 56 percent, reported that Trump has done more to divide the country than unite it, 64 percent responded that the media have done more to divide the country, a Politico/Morning Consult poll found.

Additionally, more voters believe Trump has done more to unite the country than the media have. Thirty percent reported Trump has done more to unite the country, in comparison to 17 percent who report that the media have done more to unite it.

Along party lines, 28 percent of Democrats reported the media have done more to unite the U.S., in comparison to 9 percent of Republicans and 14 percent of independents.

More voters blame media than Trump for dividing the US
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The media is a huge part of the problem

Enemy of the people am I right!? Well outside of Fox News that is. Also, I would love to see the level of reporting you would do as a journalist. It’s never too late to make a difference.
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Enemy of the people am I right!? Well outside of Fox News that is. Also, I would love to see the level of reporting you would do as a journalist. It’s never too late to make a difference.

If your going to quote him at least get his statement correct and don’t cherry pick . “ Fake News is the enemy of the people “ you guys sure do like to leave that one part out . So now we know you couldn’t be a journalist without a slant just like the rest of them .
This same poll finds that Trump does more to divide the country than Unite it. Not sure either one is necessarily a great statistic.

Additionally, more voters believe Trump has done more to UNITE the country than the media have. Thirty percent reported Trump has done more to unite the country, in comparison to 17 percent who report that the media have done more to unite it.
Additionally, more voters believe Trump has done more to UNITE the country than the media have. Thirty percent reported Trump has done more to unite the country, in comparison to 17 percent who report that the media have done more to unite it.
Dang, a whole 30%!Adam_Levine_yay.gif
L.A. Times Endorses 3 White Candidates in English — and Their Latino Rivals, in Spanish

The Los Angeles Times is facing criticism after it endorsed three white candidates in its English edition, but endorsed their Latino opponents in its Spanish edition.

L.A. Times Endorses 3 White Candidates in English -- and Their Latino Rivals, in Spanish | Breitbart
I'm not giving your favorite propaganda site a click. Still doesn't change the fact only a measly 30% think Lord Red Hat is uniting the country.
If your going to quote him at least get his statement correct and don’t cherry pick . “ Fake News is the enemy of the people “ you guys sure do like to leave that one part out . So now we know you couldn’t be a journalist without a slant just like the rest of them .
Shortly after assuming office in January 2017, President Donald Trump accused the press of being an “enemy of the American people.” Attacks on the media had been a hallmark of Trump’s presidential campaign, but this charge marked a dramatic turning point: language like this ventured into dangerous territory. Twentieth-century dictators—notably, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao—had all denounced their critics, especially the press, as “enemies of the people.” Their goal was to delegitimize the work of the press as “fake news” and create confusion in the public mind about what’s real and what isn’t; what can be trusted and what can’t be.
That, it seems, is also Trump’s goal.

Enemy of the People
“I’m hoping that you can hear what I’m saying,” she told the assembled journalists. “Because our democracy depends on you recognizing that you are being manipulated.”
The manipulators boyd was talking about were mostly alt-right and alt-light trolls, conspiracy theorists, and provocateurs. They would do or say something offensive or outrageous, bathe in the flood of negative publicity, and use the media’s coverage — particularly its storm of outraged, fact-checking, oppositional coverage — to whip up their base, generate interest in their ideas, and stoke the belief that the MSM was against them.
boyd was warning the journalists that the strategies of modern media manipulators were different — they had learned to thrive on negative coverage, and had discovered they could popularize ideas and recruit sympathizers by provoking the media into trying to discredit their noxious ideas.
"Enemy of the People": how Trump makes the media into the opposition
IMO, Obama and his handlers are more to blame than either Trump or the media. When he was elected I believed that he could become a great POTUS. Little did I realize that his legacy was going to be as an ass-hat, divisive, weakling, speech reader. He killed OBL, but he also killed off all those awesome full sized Chevy Blazers and GMC Jimmies.
Shortly after assuming office in January 2017, President Donald Trump accused the press of being an “enemy of the American people.” Attacks on the media had been a hallmark of Trump’s presidential campaign, but this charge marked a dramatic turning point: language like this ventured into dangerous territory. Twentieth-century dictators—notably, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao—had all denounced their critics, especially the press, as “enemies of the people.” Their goal was to delegitimize the work of the press as “fake news” and create confusion in the public mind about what’s real and what isn’t; what can be trusted and what can’t be.
That, it seems, is also Trump’s goal.

Enemy of the People

Fake , Fake , Fake , Fake .. even when they report exactly what he says , they leave out Fake and just say “enemy of the people . “
View attachment 174366View attachment 174368View attachment 174369View attachment 174370
Fake , Fake , Fake , Fake .. even when they report exactly what he says , they leave out Fake and just say “enemy of the people . “
He's basically saying any news outlet that offers critical coverage of him is fake news. They are correct in their reporting. Trump and his lackeys believes everything outside of glowing endorsements of Lord Snowflake is an enemy to the people; he said it pretty clearly in the tweets you posted.
“I’m hoping that you can hear what I’m saying,” she told the assembled journalists. “Because our democracy depends on you recognizing that you are being manipulated.”
The manipulators boyd was talking about were mostly alt-right and alt-light trolls, conspiracy theorists, and provocateurs. They would do or say something offensive or outrageous, bathe in the flood of negative publicity, and use the media’s coverage — particularly its storm of outraged, fact-checking, oppositional coverage — to whip up their base, generate interest in their ideas, and stoke the belief that the MSM was against them.
boyd was warning the journalists that the strategies of modern media manipulators were different — they had learned to thrive on negative coverage, and had discovered they could popularize ideas and recruit sympathizers by provoking the media into trying to discredit their noxious ideas.
"Enemy of the People": how Trump makes the media into the opposition

It's so like you to ignore what the people say and inject your own view.

the polling shows that people do think that the press is actually more divisive than the POTUS.

if people believe being divisive is bad and the press is the worst offender then yes the press is the biggest problem of the people
He's basically saying any news outlet that offers critical coverage of him is fake news. They are correct in their reporting. Trump and his lackeys believes everything outside of glowing endorsements of Lord Snowflake is an enemy to the people; he said it pretty clearly in the tweets you posted.

Don’t give me that “ he’s basically saying stuff “ that called your opinion . I only said if your going to quote him , why not quote his whole statement . Since we were talking about truth in media . When you leave out certain words from a statement someone made it’s called cherry picking . Cherry picking is wrong . 😉
He's basically saying any news outlet that offers critical coverage of him is fake news. They are correct in their reporting. Trump and his lackeys believes everything outside of glowing endorsements of Lord Snowflake is an enemy to the people; he said it pretty clearly in the tweets you posted.

Why is this so hard. Trump is wrong. He's a politician and attacking the press for political gain. Sucks but that's what politicians tend to do (seek political advantage). The Press on the other hand professes it's objectivity and Constitutional protection yet gets right in the gutter and in fact has lost objectivity (right and left). Reporting is completely mixed with editorializing. Facts are not checked. Politicians have always lied; the press at one time was believed. This polling data shows the ugly truth - the press jumped the shark. They can't blame that on Trump. They made the choice to react by losing their soul.
Don’t give me that “ he’s basically saying stuff “ that called your opinion . I only said if your going to quote him , why not quote his whole statement . Since we were talking about truth in media . When you leave out certain words from a statement someone made it’s called cherry picking . Cherry picking is wrong . 😉
Come on, those networks he listed have been critical of him, as they have all Presidents. Then he said they are enemies of the people. He is saying anyone that disagrees with him is an enemy of the people. It is right there in his tweets.
Come on, those networks he listed have been critical of him, as they have all Presidents. Then he said they are enemies of the people. He is saying anyone that disagrees with him is an enemy of the people. It is right there in his tweets.

Those networks have a job to do ... report the fact ( all of them and don’t slant them ) and let the people decide . They really do have a simple job, but they are too involved in the politics to just quote a simple statement .

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