Morgado Starting Tomorrow...



Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
If he was ever to step it up again the final game of the Auburn series would be the perfect time...hope we don't see another 3.2 inning 5-6 run outing that he's been doing lately

Tomorrow could get ugly in a hurry a la today if the Vols pitching doesn't step it up...this Auburn lineup (.350 team BA, 100 HRs) is one of the best offenses I've seen in the SEC in the past 5 years
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Even though Morgado hasn't faired well this season, the scouts are still all over him. Hopefully, he will pitch well and win the series.
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Morgado is due a good outing. Scouts wanna see how you perform when pressure is applied to the situation. If he can dial it up in this situation, it will surely impress the guys that carry radar guns and checkbooks. It's crucial that we spot him a couple of runs in the top of the first inning. Adrenaline+confidence=success.
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Not only do we need a good performance from Morgado, we need our bats to get going. We were pitiful at the plate yesterday as well as on the mound.
Well, they don't count total runs for the series, just the number of wins. Right now Auburn is up 21 - 9 on the run count. Hopefully, they will cool down and we will heat up. I think part of the reason we didn't hit well yesterday is that we got down large very early. We need to at least keep it close through the first few innings.

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