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Active Member
Dec 3, 2007
I've read where almost all college baseball players have fudged their height and some have even fudged their weight. It has been found that on a roster of 30 players, 25 have fudged their height and 14 have fudged their weight. Pretty incredible. Baseball players fudge 2 inches on average and basketball players fudge 3 on average. Knowing that Charles Barkley listed himself at 6'7" coming into the NBA draft and was closer to 6'4", I guess it's possible to do that. The NBA checks height and weight to the 1/2" and 1/2 lb on day of entry into NBA. Once you hit the NBA you have your height and weight put in the system. Since you can flux on weight and can grow a bit after entry they have a system called "check-back stats" which is performed by the trainer and he has to sign a form stating actuals and then a witness has to sign as well. Only the trainer is held accountable however. I thought that was interesting and I hope you guys do to! Johnny Bench was actually a tad shorter than 5'11" but was listed at 6'1" ...another interesting tidbit!
Just as long long as they can play. Size is not the final determinant on athletic ability... or ability to play baseball ... it helps but give me speed and strength any day
Speaking on bigness, tallness, etc... and baseball.

Scouts more so than height and weight will look at a players facial hair and how developed he is.

When scouting a player that is 16,17,18,19,20 you really want to know if the kid has absolutley any room to grow or if he has about reached his maximum.
I work in minor league baseball and i agree to the point that height weight do not matter.

I think this is true in baseball more than any other sport. The Reds have a top prospect RHP by the name of Johnny Cueto who I tower over...I am about 6 foot 175.....The big difference is that I cant throw 97 and I dont have a filthy slider.:)

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