Mothers worth more than fathers (Data proves it)



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
The Father's Day Index: By the numbers - The Week

The 2013 monetary value of all of dad's household tasks.

Last year's dad value. According to Barbara Marquand at, the 2013 rise is mostly due to increased hourly wages for "drivers teachers, coaches, and plumbers."

Percent of moms who place dads' contributions at under $10,000. Ouch.

The annual value of dad's driving. The hourly wage was not increased for dropping kids off a block away from the mall and agreeing not to get out of the car.

The annual value of dad's landscaping skills, i.e. mowing the lawn and not hurting himself with gardening shears.

Annual value of dad's coaching of little league and various other sports teams that involve getting small children to take their fingers out of their mouths and focus.

Annual value of dad's pest removal. Killing spiders and disposing of cockroaches apparently does not add up.

Hours per week fathers spend with their children, nearly triple the time dads spent in 1965, according to Pew Research Center.

The number of stay-at-home dads currently in the United States, an increase of 78 percent from a decade ago.

The average amount spent on dads for Father's Day.

The average amount spent on moms for Mother's Day.

Mom's 2013 monetary value
Well of course because they know how to make sammiches....duh
So this doesn't take into consideration what Mom and Dad actually earn in terms of pay?
What about Dad's contribution to the economic viability of the household? The problem with these surveys is they are lout of context. If it really costs 83K to run your household, someone has to bring in the revenue.
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