Movie Thread



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Anybody seen any good movies lately. I watched American Wedding tonight. I thought it was decent but I did not think it was as good as the first. Anybody seen anything good??
I thought it was hilarious...I also picked up Freddy vs Jason, SWAT, Pirates of the Carribean, Jeepers Creepers 2, and T3 all in the past month...I enjoyed all of them! B)
Don't get me wrong it was hilarious.

I have seen T3. Again, I liked it but that girl was not very good in my opinion.

What is SWAT?

I saw Jeepers Creepers. How does the second one compare?
SWAT has Collin Ferril and Samuel Jackson...very good movie!

Jeepers Creepers2 has a better ending than the first...I'm a big horror movie fan so I love those cheesy horror movies! :ph34r:
SWAT sounds good I will definitely have to check that one out. I like some of the "cheezy" horror movies as well. Jeepers Creepers really held my interest for a movie that I thought would be really bad. I'll have to get the second one and see how it compares.

I really haven't been into the whol Jason/Freddie movies in a long long time so I am not sure about that one.

I am weird about movies. How much I like it is based on my expectations. If someone tells me that a movie is really really good. I tend to be disappointed. If I don't expect much, I tend to like them. Maybe some sort of personality disorder. :blink:
If the critics say its bad...then you know it's good ;) ..IMO! Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Jessica Beal comes out before too long...a must have for me! B)
That may be one worth seeing!! Looks like March 30th on video. Have you seen it or are you waiting for the DVD?
Well if I ever need any advice on a good horror I know who to ask.
Those were good movies. It's a trilogy? I can't remember if I have seen the third one or not. I will have to look into that.
I would chime in here, but my choices are all chick flicks, so I'd probably be wasting my time. BUT - one non-chick flick that EVERYBODY ought to see is Radio.
THAT is a wonderful movie! A true story too.
Well i'm not a big fan of chick flicks but like all good fallen warriors my better half pulls on my leash and I have to go see the occasional chick flick. I had to go see Radio and have to agree with Lady! RADIO is a great movie and even for an unemotional chap such as myself I found it hard to keep the tears back.

Ed Harris and Cuba Gooding Jr. are supperb.

On another note if you get a chance to see "The Last Samurai", do so. It's a great flick even though Tom Cruise is in it.
a mighty wind or best in show.both are funny as all get out.if you love mockumentaries you will like it.i just saw pirates and it was better than i thought.xmenII was pretty cool to.but i like comic books turned to movies anyway.
Good to have something off topic every once in awhile Freak. I don't follow BB closely enough to post intelligently on it (although I'm not sure that is a requirement) and don't have the time to keep up with recruiting. I also hate getting my hopes up with the all-everything, blue-chippers who commit to the Vols and end up being a complete waste of my VASF contribution (see Richard Howard, Brian Darden, etc.).

As for movies, the only new one that I have seen recently is Bad Santa. It was pretty funny, but even offended me in some scenes - which is pretty hard to do.

Love the mockumentaries. Best in Show and Spinal Tap are two favorites. Someone was telling me about another good one that came out not too long ago, but I can't remember the name of it. Big fan of the horror genre too. Nothing better than some good slasher movies with a gratuitous boob shot or two.

Rented Phone Booth and Changing Lanes a couple of weeks ago. Both were pretty good.
Nothing better than some good slasher movies with a gratuitous boob shot or two.

:lolup: :lolup: :lolup:

Good to see you are still around OldSchoolVol. Good Post..
Originally posted by vol_freak@Jan 23 2004, 02:37 PM
Nothing better than some good slasher movies with a gratuitous boob shot or two.

:lolup: :lolup: :lolup:

Good to see you are still around OldSchoolVol. Good Post..

:clap: :lolup: :lolup:

Amen bro! :naughty:

Well, I just wasted a lil over 2 hrs of my life watching The Hulk on DVD!! :yuck:
I got that DVD (Hulk) as a gift over Christmas and have never watched it. :shakehead:
Originally posted by vol_freak@Jan 23 2004, 11:38 PM
I got that DVD (Hulk) as a gift over Christmas and have never watched it. :shakehead:

The best thing about it is Jennifer Connely....definite babe...but thats it...decent story line, but too long and drawn out! :bad:
I may have to watch it just to check her out.

I got SWAT tonight. My problem is sometimes I rent these movies and then never get around to watching them. I bet I have paid Blockbuster $1000 in late fees. :banghead:
I like good ol' romantic movies like Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, Love Affair, etc., etc.,. Maybe I just like Tom Hanks. LOL
You've got mail was not too bad I guess. Tom Hanks is pretty good. What was the name of that sitcom he was in years ago?

Gatorbait, my image of you has totally changed now. You aren't supposed to go around saying things like that in public! :cool:

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