Movies starring performers you like and dislike



Arsenal FC, Detroit Lions
Aug 10, 2006
Is there an actor or actress that you love that you will see any movie they are in regardless of what it’s about even if it’s not your type of film or might have negative reviews?

Is there a movie you would like to see but won’t just because you can’t stand an actor or actress that’s staring in it?
Is there an actor or actress that you love that you will see any movie they are in regardless of what it’s about even if it’s not your type of film or might have negative reviews?

Is there a movie you would like to see but won’t just because you can’t stand an actor or actress that’s staring in it?

No, but the latter is closer to true for me than the former. I need to hear a bunch of positive reception before I see a Johnny Depp movie.
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If Tom Hanks or Brad Pitt are in a movie, I’m almost definitely seeing it.

That being said, I have so little interest in this upcoming train movie Pitt is in.
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I’ll see any Adam Sandler film regardless of the reviews.
Won’t see any Mel Gibson movies no matter what.
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Jim Carrey
Sarah Jessica parker
Amy Schumer
Jennifer Anniston
Any musical performer (j lo, Britney, Timberlake, etc)
Any Baldwin
Any Oprah follower
Anyone with a political platform
Most ex-SNL cast members
Hundreds more
I try to keep an actors politics and other personal stuff out of my mind when I see a movie, and I can do that with everyone but Alec Baldwin. It's sad, because he's been in some good movies and he's been good on SNL.

It's difficult to watch any of his movies now, and I love hunt for red October and Miami blues
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I try to keep an actors politics and other personal stuff out of my mind when I see a movie, and I can do that with everyone but Alec Baldwin. It's sad, because he's been in some good movies and he's been good on SNL.

It's difficult to watch any of his movies now, and I love hunt for red October and Miami blues
After the Will Smith incident it’s hard to see him the same way.
I try to keep an actors politics and other personal stuff out of my mind when I see a movie, and I can do that with everyone but Alec Baldwin. It's sad, because he's been in some good movies and he's been good on SNL.

It's difficult to watch any of his movies now, and I love hunt for red October and Miami blues

Glengarry Glenn Ross I could watch once a month.
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Due to the terrible state of political division in
our country, my fandom of actors has been
tossed into a blender. Many that I once admired, I
now would never watch again.
Due to the terrible state of political division in our country, my fandom of actors has been
tossed into a blender. Many that I once admired, I
now would never watch again.

So you're just jumping all in on the deep end of the political division pool? You don't have to participate in the division.
I was reluctant to watch The Girlstbusters because I hate Melissa McCarthy. The Egon replacement helped, though.
For some reason, I’ve never liked Sally Field or Mark Harmon.
Like her better pre- Smokey and the Bandit. Places in the heart is one of my all time top 20 movies and the one where she was helping organize a union in mill was good also IMO
Like her better pre- Smokey and the Bandit. Places in the heart is one of my all time top 20 movies and the one where she was helping organize a union in mill was good also IMO
I watch movies that she’s in. Smokey and The Bandit is one of my faves, so I just have to tolerate her. I can’t think of a reason why I don’t like her. I just don’t. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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