Mueller Report Imminent

The Democrat party is the party of tyranny.

AG Barr hasn't done anything illegal, hasn't obstructed anything. He released as much of the Mueller report as he could within the law. Yet we've got Democrats going on CNN essentially calling for his head. They're literally threatening him, members of Trump's cabinet, and Trump himself with jail time.

Talk about Congressional overreach.

This is the tyrannical insanity that several of you morons support.
The Democrat party is the party of tyranny.

AG Barr hasn't done anything illegal, hasn't obstructed anything. He released as much of the Mueller report as he could within the law. Yet we've got Democrats going on CNN essentially calling for his head. They're literally threatening him, members of Trump's cabinet, and Trump himself with jail time.

Talk about Congressional overreach.

This is the tyrannical insanity that several of you morons support.
They know the boomerang has made its turn.
No special legal training required.

You say his failure to reach a conclusion implies that he actually reached a conclusion, but the same conclusion you say he reached was actually announced with respect to a different issue. So there’s nothing stopping him from announcing that conclusion.

It tends to rule out the conclusion you say he reached.

That’s not law. That’s logic.

Just letting you know that this^ gave me a headache last night. Well done sir.
It's on the table. She just wants to seem reluctant.
I don't think it's really on the table. At this point, there is no way the Senate convicts. Impeachment without conviction doesn't really help the Dems. In fact, it runs the risk of making Trump a sympathetic character. That's the last thing Nancy wants to do.
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Probably when it’s corroborated by somebody that doesn’t have a history of making scandals from whole cloth, like John Solomon.

He’s like Jakob Wohl’s idol.
I don't know who's credible and who's not anymore, but I do believe there's enough to question the investigation, how it got started, the methods that were used, and who was ultimately pulling the strings. I don't think the entire truth is out there. For whatever reason, some don't believe that needs to be investigated. Why not? If the FBI has been politicized, we need to know. The problem is, who investigates the investigators? Something's rotten in Denmark. We need to stop with the political games and seek the truth, no matter how inconvenient it might be.
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Pocahontas loses her mind on the floor of the Senate demanding President Trump be impeached:rolleyes::D

3 things:
I always laugh when the far radical left talks about the Constitution
She is really trailing in the polls, she is trying to get the loony base fired up
Do it, please stop talking about it and let's get the impeachment proceedings rolling. I'm ready.
3 things:
I always laugh when the far radical left talks about the Constitution
She is really trailing in the polls, she is trying to get the loony base fired up
Do it, please stop talking about it and let's get the impeachment proceedings rolling. I'm ready.
If they do start impeachment proceedings they will be cutting their own throats going into the 2020 Elections and will guarantee President Trump is reelected and that the GOP regains control of Congress.
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I don't think it's really on the table. At this point, there is no way the Senate convicts. Impeachment without conviction doesn't really help the Dems. In fact, it runs the risk of making Trump a sympathetic character. That's the last thing Nancy wants to do.
I think ultimately you are right, and they're dangling the idea of there just to keep left wing of the party fired up. I do think though that they are watching polling numbers and would be fine with a non-conviction if they thought they could get away with it politically.
I think ultimately you are right, and they're dangling the idea of there just to keep left wing of the party fired up. I do think though that they are watching polling numbers and would be fine with a non-conviction if they thought they could get away with it politically.

I still think we'll see articles filed and hearings begin next fall so it will be an election issue.
I still think we'll see articles filed and hearings begin next fall so it will be an election issue.
What do you think the Democrats will do will President Trump is reelected and the Republicans regain control of Congress? I think there will be George Soros paid for riots that will go on for months after the Elections and the Democrats in the house will try to push impeachment regularly even though they will no longer control the House of Representatives.

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