Mueller Report Imminent

Looks good on paper. Somebody email Wall Street and let them know.
I moved money back in yesterday. If you believe the market is fundamentally sound then this is a buying opportunity. If you don’t believe it’s sound and this trade spat will exacerbate it then get safe. It’s the holy grail of parimutuel betting.
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Shouldn't we expect all grownups to at least do their jobs?
We should. But we know that's unrealistic. Some jobs come with a higher expectation of professionalism. Once upon a time the POTUS was such a job. It will be again.
The polls weren't wrong. It was the way they were conducted and presented that was wrong. It's useless to (except for propaganda) to present a national popularity poll in a presidential race.
I don’t see why people can’t grasp this basic concept. Taking a local poll only relates to how those specific EC votes will be cast. Taking a national poll which has to include state of residency should include EC weighting. It’s not that hard to do.
bruh, the economy is in overdrive right now and trump still isn't polling above biden. It's a good thing that the US and China have worked out there differences and there was not a tarrif war that affected consumer spending, manufacturing or their respective stocks.

You r cute.
I don't know who's credible and who's not anymore, but I do believe there's enough to question the investigation, how it got started, the methods that were used, and who was ultimately pulling the strings. I don't think the entire truth is out there. For whatever reason, some don't believe that needs to be investigated. Why not? If the FBI has been politicized, we need to know. The problem is, who investigates the investigators? Something's rotten in Denmark. We need to stop with the political games and seek the truth, no matter how inconvenient it might be.

The FBI is run by the Department of Justice, which is run by the AG, who answers to the president. DOJ reviews FBI practices all the time. I think you were adding drama, but by asking these questions, the validity of your opinion on suspicious origins and methods of investigations takes a hit.

The article doesn’t even lay out a basis for Solomon’s conclusion. Or your conclusion, to the extent that they’re different. He says Steele uncovered the Russian efforts to influence the campaign, which have been confirmed, and then effectively says “but it shouldn’t have been investigated because he was wrong about where they were getting their money.” Some people might find that to be a compelling case for systemic criminal legal reform, but it’s not an indication of malfeasance, IMO.

Investigate away. Honestly, law enforcement does corrupt **** all the time. I see it all the time. Ruin the careers of anybody who deserves it. They don’t need to be in law enforcement. I don’t care about liars and scumbags in the FBI.

Literally the only reason I would be surprised by something legitimate coming out of this story is because of how weak and obviously partisan the narrative has been so far. Plus, literally nothing was stopping DOJ from conducting these inquiries for the last two years, except the same thing that’s stopping house democrats from impeaching: actually doing it would give the other side a win.
Never thought it would happen, only said it would be the most palatable alternative.
So you're firmly in the camp of repubs. who are not willing to do the right thing. Who knew?
I've stated my position....all in, cards on the table. If no one is willing to fold, someone's walking away with it all and the other completely broke.
What's poverty like there luth old boy?
No I’m Not bellyaching Just having a good laugh at you and your friends.
It really is funny how the left considers the right's view of them as bellyaching. Like you i find the blatant TDS and hypocrisy exhibited by their leadership amusing however at the same time pathetic and sad
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I don’t see why people can’t grasp this basic concept. Taking a local poll only relates to how those specific EC votes will be cast. Taking a national poll which has to include state of residency should include EC weighting. It’s not that hard to do.
As hog said, the polls were dead on the money, as shown by Hillary winning the popular vote by 3 million votes. Like you said, that didn't factor in the electoral college, which Trump won handedly. That's all that matters in the end.
I don’t see why people can’t grasp this basic concept. Taking a local poll only relates to how those specific EC votes will be cast. Taking a national poll which has to include state of residency should include EC weighting. It’s not that hard to do.

It is hard to do and that's why it isn't done. Popular votes can't possibly reconcile a winner take all EC method. The polling methods used are generally close, which is why they're used, historically the popular vote winner has also won the EC 40 times out of 45.
It is hard to do and that's why it isn't done. Popular votes can't possibly reconcile a winner take all EC method. The polling methods used are generally close, which is why they're used, historically the popular vote winner has also won the EC 40 times out of 45.

Times are a changing and I think it will be more common going forward, polling needs to adjust.
It is hard to do and that's why it isn't done. Popular votes can't possibly reconcile a winner take all EC method. The polling methods used are generally close, which is why they're used, historically the popular vote winner has also won the EC 40 times out of 45.
No it isn’t. I absolutely reject that. It requires a representative statistical sample from each state to determine a winner. Then apply the state’s relevant EC rules, winner take all or prop votes. Tally up the count. Easy peasy.

And yeah it likely only factors in during close votes like the last one however if they REALLY cared this is a solvable problem. But I’d guess the “abolish the EC for the will of the people!” is a more useful narrative to the MSM frankly 🤷‍♂️
How many of the other administrations had a rallying cry of 'drain the swamp'? I'll do all of those.

Just one more thing in the boneyard of Trumpisms, right next to “successful businessman” “Mexico will pay for it” “tells it like it is” and “Washington outsider who will be different from other politicians.”
No it isn’t. I absolutely reject that. It requires a representative statistical sample from each state to determine a winner. Then apply the state’s relevant EC rules, winner take all or prop votes. Tally up the count. Easy peasy.

And yeah it likely only factors in during close votes like the last one however if they REALLY cared this is a solvable problem. But I’d guess the “abolish the EC for the will of the people!” is a more useful narrative to the MSM frankly 🤷‍♂️

Reject it all you want, these polls are conducted nationally and garner a sample size large enough to establish a confidence level worth publishing. The cost and effort to conduct one is wholly different than conducting 50, it wouldn't be cost effective or yield significantly different results. As I stated, the EC and Popular vote match up 90% of the time.

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