Mueller Report Imminent

And ND40 shut Velo's thought down. Barr isn't preventing him from testifying.

I don’t know what the libs are thinking because it seems to me like everybody wants Mueller to testify . That can’t be good for the liberal agenda . Idk
They won’t believe anything ND40 posted. Which is why I said Bob can resign tomorrow if he so chooses.

The Muell is supposed to be this outstandingly great patriot that had to be protected from Trump so I would assume that he would jump at the chance to correct anything Barr was mischaracterizing or expose anything he is hiding.
And ND40 shut Velo's thought down. Barr isn't preventing him from testifying.
He claimed he isn't, but Trump has stated he doesn't want Mueller to testify. We aren't privy to behind the scenes stuff that could be holding it up. Or it could be something completely unrelated to Barr, we don't know.

Regardless, Mueller will testify, either voluntarily or through subpoena.
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When you get to the point where you are having to subpoena your supposedly “ star witness “ that is going to supposedly turn the whole thing around for you .... you probably should rethink what you are doing .
He said that is an option if needed, not a sure thing. Like I told hog, we don't know what is going on behind the scenes.

But Mueller will testify one way or the other.
No different than one drug dealer snitching on another to avoid prison time or take out a competitor. Happens every day.

Trumpets have abandoned issues of ethics and morals. The argument only has merit if the act was illegal. That's the benchmark you’ve set in the era of Donald Trump.

It wasn’t illegal.
This is very different and you know it. You're trying to wear a facade of neural observer and looking like a little girl putting on her mother's makeup. Just admit that you're carrying water.
They won’t believe anything ND40 posted. Which is why I said Bob can resign tomorrow if he so chooses.
If you mean do I think this was an elaborate left-wing conspiracy to take down Trump, then you are correct, no I don't believe what ND posted to be what occurred.
No, that’s not at all what he said.

He said she noted there was no consulate in Miami, which HE said was a “key claim about Trump-Russia collusion.”

What does the 10 days have to do with this being a “key claim?” Nothing. It’s only a “key claim” if it’s an essential element of what he’s setting forth. It wasn’t. The essential elements were that Carter page was meeting with the Russians and that the Russians were trying to influence the election.

He’s making mountains out of mole hills. The fact that this is where the narrative has gone on this issue is even more convincing that it’s total ********.

It probably would be all over CNN and MSNBC. I thought those weren’t credible news sources around here, so why does that matter?
The fact that it isn’t is why they aren’t credible. It’s all one sided and you know it. And don’t tell me that’s not what it says. I’ve already posted where it says exactly what I just posted dude. I really don’t see how it can be any clearer but maybe the paragraphs further down will clear it up for you. I doubt it because you are struggling with it but again I’ll post exactly what the article says:

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee and ranking member of its Subcommittee on Government Operations, told me late Thursday he had confirmed with U.S. officials that Kavalec's memo was forwarded to the FBI in the Oct. 13, 2016, email.
"This once again shows officials at the FBI and (Department of Justice) DOJ were well aware the dossier was a lie - from very early on in the process all the way to when they made the conscious decision to include it in a FISA application," he said. "The fact that Christopher Steele and his partisan research document were treated in any way seriously by our Intelligence Community leaders amounts to malpractice."

You can say it isn’t a big deal all you want but it goes right to the heart of this being a sham investigation from the start. To me that isn’t a mole hill but you likely voted for Hillary so of course you would see it differently.
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If you mean do I think this was an elaborate left-wing conspiracy to take down Trump, then you are correct, no I don't believe what ND posted to be what occurred.

The longer it goes on, the more it appears to be a left-wing conspiracy to take down Trump. I'm not saying it is or it isn't, but we're talking about appearances. Dems pinned a lot of hope on the Mueller report supporting collusion, and it didn't do that. When it didn't do that did the screaming stop? No, it got louder. The Dems have gone off the rails demanding this and demanding that. In appearance, they gone from "we'll accept the Mueller report" to "well he must be guilty of something". I get that those on the left don't want to admit this, but they aren't helping their cause. Honestly, the best thing they could do is let Trump serve out his term without acting like butthurt brats pissed because HRC lost. People can claim this isn't about Hillary losing all they want, but seriously, that is what appears to be happening. Nothing seems to satisfy the left at this point. They just want to dig and dig and hope that they find something. They are coming off extremely petty. So much so that they screen Trump's own pettiness. Ask yourself, is that the bright thing to do with an election next year? The left needs to stop chasing Trump, focus on the issues, and gear up for the election. The smartest thing to do is just try to beat Trump in 2020. It continues to baffle me how the left doesn't see that.
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If you mean do I think this was an elaborate left-wing conspiracy to take down Trump, then you are correct, no I don't believe what ND posted to be what occurred.
Maybe it wasn’t all of them in on it together as that does seem unlikely but I do believe some individuals abused power to try and get him out. There’s been more evidence of such already than there has been of Trump colluding with Russia.
Why do strict partisans lose all sense and reason when talking politics? When you believe your side can do no wrong, you're already mounting a losing argument. And that goes both ways, both parties.
The longer it goes on, the more it appears to be a left-wing conspiracy to take down Trump. I'm not saying it is or it isn't, but we're talking about appearances. Dems pinned a lot of hope on the Mueller report supporting collusion, and it didn't do that. When it didn't do that did the screaming stop? No, it got louder. The Dems have gone off the rails demanding this and demanding that. In appearance, they gone from "we'll accept the Mueller report" to "well he must be guilty of something". I get that those on the left don't want to admit this, but they aren't helping their cause. Honestly, the best thing they could do is let Trump serve out his term without acting like butthurt brats pissed because HRC lost. People can claim this isn't about Hillary losing all they want, but seriously, that is what appears to be happening. Nothing seems to satisfy the left at this point. They just want to dig and dig and hope that they find something. They are coming off extremely petty. So much so that they screen Trump's own pettiness. Ask yourself, is that the bright thing to do with an election next year? The left needs to stop chasing Trump, focus on the issues, and gear up for the election. The smartest thing to do is just try to beat Trump in 2020. It continues to baffle me how the left doesn't see that.
Question weez and I promise no comments including Weezer song titles this time. Who did you vote for in 2016 and who would you vote for today, Biden (or whoever you think will win the nomination) or Trump? Basically, I get the feeling you likely didn’t vote for Trump before and I’m curious to know if all this craziness has changed your mind at all. Your posts have definitely shifted.
If you mean do I think this was an elaborate left-wing conspiracy to take down Trump, then you are correct, no I don't believe what ND posted to be what occurred.

Nope. I meant where Barr said under oath that he would not stop Bob from appearing before Congress.
Question weez and I promise no comments including Weezer song titles this time. Who did you vote for in 2016 and who would you vote for today, Biden (or whoever you think will win the nomination) or Trump? Basically, I get the feeling you likely didn’t vote for Trump before and I’m curious to know if all this craziness has changed your mind at all. Your posts have definitely shifted.
I didn't vote in the 2016 Presidential election. I detested both candidates and chose not to support either. I still don't like Trump. He's not done a bad job as President, but he's still an obnoxious twit that spends too much time on Twitter. Thus far, no one has impressed me on the Dem side either. Truthfully, I hate partisan politics. I don't blindly support either party, but instead look for someone I can support with clear conscience. I'm not sure such people exist at the Presidential level anymore.
He claimed he isn't, but Trump has stated he doesn't want Mueller to testify. We aren't privy to behind the scenes stuff that could be holding it up. Or it could be something completely unrelated to Barr, we don't know.

Regardless, Mueller will testify, either voluntarily or through subpoena.

You act like Bob is some low level manager who signed a no compete clause contract from Chik Fil A or something. He can resign right now, this very moment, if he wants to testify and Barr or Trump can’t stop him.
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I didn't vote in the 2016 Presidential election. I detested both candidates and chose not to support either. I still don't like Trump. He's not done a bad job as President, but he's still an obnoxious twit that spends too much time on Twitter. Thus far, no one has impressed me on the Dem side either. Truthfully, I hate partisan politics. I don't blindly support either party, but instead look for someone I can support with clear conscience. I'm not sure such people exist at the Presidential level anymore.
That’s certainly fair. It is sad that those were the best people the parties could put up. I liked the fact that Trump wasn’t part of the political scene but I completely agree he needs to stay off Twitter. I think he feels that’s the only way to get his side of things out but I don’t think it so much that he defends himself, it’s more the way he goes about doing so. My views have tended to align more with Republicans but I have never believed in voting for someone because of a letter next to their name. The Democrats are making it really hard to keep that belief though.
This is very different and you know it. You're trying to wear a facade of neural observer and looking like a little girl putting on her mother's makeup. Just admit that you're carrying water.

So to summarize:

“Nuh huh!! You’re a little girl.”

Lol. That’s almost as persuasive as it is mature.
So to summarize:

“Nuh huh!! You’re a little girl.”

Lol. That’s almost as persuasive as it is mature.
That's about as convincing as any of your other summaries, counselor. Smirk all you like. You're whistling by the graveyard and everyone, including you, knows it.
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He claimed he isn't, but Trump has stated he doesn't want Mueller to testify. We aren't privy to behind the scenes stuff that could be holding it up. Or it could be something completely unrelated to Barr, we don't know.

Regardless, Mueller will testify, either voluntarily or through subpoena.
So you’re back to Barr lied to Congress then? I’d think if Nadler has any inkling of that in discussion with DOJ on the Muell’s testimony we’d already hear Phat Bastard screeching on that.
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