Mueller Report Imminent

If you mean do I think this was an elaborate left-wing conspiracy to take down Trump, then you are correct, no I don't believe what ND posted to be what occurred.
What? So Barr saying Mueller can testify if he wants but the Muell saying No Comprende’ is me saying a left wing conspiracy to take down Trump? C’MON MAN!
The fact that it isn’t is why they aren’t credible. It’s all one sided and you know it. And don’t tell me that’s not what it says. I’ve already posted where it says exactly what I just posted dude. I really don’t see how it can be any clearer but maybe the paragraphs further down will clear it up for you. I doubt it because you are struggling with it but again I’ll post exactly what the article says:

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee and ranking member of its Subcommittee on Government Operations, told me late Thursday he had confirmed with U.S. officials that Kavalec's memo was forwarded to the FBI in the Oct. 13, 2016, email.
"This once again shows officials at the FBI and (Department of Justice) DOJ were well aware the dossier was a lie - from very early on in the process all the way to when they made the conscious decision to include it in a FISA application," he said. "The fact that Christopher Steele and his partisan research document were treated in any way seriously by our Intelligence Community leaders amounts to malpractice."

You can say it isn’t a big deal all you want but it goes right to the heart of this being a sham investigation from the start. To me that isn’t a mole hill but you likely voted for Hillary so of course you would see it differently.
What I’m struggling with is that you keep posting quotes that show the FBI had this memo, but you can’t articulate how that invalidates the warrant.

I’ve attached a highlighted photograph of the OpEd that “couldn’t be anymore clear” that shows exactly what her memo said.

So he was wrong about Miami. The fact that the FBI knew this has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of a warrant to listen to Carter Page’s phone calls.

The facts that they needed were corroborated by other means. They were also confirmed in the Mueller report.

The whole OpEd is textbook John Solomon. He has a history of making things that are totally legal look like scandals. People buy it because it connects the dots between their ignorance with confirmation bias. It’s ********, stop falling for it.

And I voted for Gary Johnson.


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That's about as convincing as any of your other summaries, counselor. Smirk all you like. You're whistling by the graveyard and everyone, including you, knows it.

I suppose it’s too much to hope that you’re going to actually articulate a basis for any of the stupid stuff you’re saying?

The only feels I’ll have if any of this turns out to be legitimate is the same mild embarrassment I had when it turned out my passionate defenses of Derek Dooley were completely wrong.

Maybe a bit more embarrassed since, unlike Dooley, I’ve seen absolutely nothing to make me think this is in any way credible.
Discussion with Jim Baker, former FBI General Counsel, on how he views the Russia investigation. One point he makes is that Russia is always on the FBI's radar screen.

Then Barr lied to Congress? That’s your implication?

The article also reminds us of this point.

And do not even try to deflect to the last sentence. His deference to Barr and Barr’s stated lack of objection puts this on Mueller and only Mueller.

We don't know the reason. Maybe Barr doesn't object in theory but there are ongoing discussions about testimony. It's a developing situation.

There's zero evidence that it's Mueller's call and he has said, "No, I don't want to testify."
And that cuts both ways Rocky. My reference to the Russian female attorney that met with Glen Simpson immediately before and after the Trump Tower meeting is totally white washed out of the narrative and even the Mueller report best I can tell. It absolutely screams of setup and reference your own spy novel innuendo fits perfectly. So we have a Russian attorney coordinating with a UK national paid for by the opposing candidate and feeding data to the FBI. What the actual hell?!

But... crickets....

Seems like a very complicated version of whataboutism.

Are you saying I’m just supposed to stop a discussion and go chasing after some vaguely related tangent?

I know who Glen Simpson is, but I’m not familiar enough to see the connection to what you guys are saying, so admittedly it’s not being covered.
Seems like a very complicated version of whataboutism.

Are you saying I’m just supposed to stop a discussion and go chasing after some vaguely related tangent?

I know who Glen Simpson is, but I’m not familiar enough to see the connection to what you guys are saying, so admittedly it’s not being covered.
Weak retort. Why is it whataboutism. On one side you expounded on the breath of detail in the report. And here you’re totally ok with a lack of reference at all that I can tell at all involving two foreign nationals, one of them Russian, coordinating a pitch to the Trump camp, an one of those foreign nationals is the feed to the FBI. These all happened, so where is the gory detail on that? 🤷‍♂️

Edit: yeah yeah I know RedState. However they are just the messenger, the information or lack there of on the Russian lawyer and Simpson is a given.

Somehow Robert Mueller Manages to Omit Some Very Interesting Information From His Report on the Trump Tower Meeting

Also worth noting is their stories did not corroborate when interviewed on the two meetings bracketing the Trump Tower meeting. So one of them made the effort to lie to cover it up. 🤷‍♂️
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bruh, the economy is in overdrive right now and trump still isn't polling above biden. It's a good thing that the US and China have worked out there differences and there was not a tarrif war that affected consumer spending, manufacturing or their respective stocks.
You still believing the polling numbers after 2016 is HILARIOUS

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It's remarkable we've heard almost nothing from Mueller himself the last two years. His hearing is going to be bonkers.
Discussion with Jim Baker, former FBI General Counsel, on how he views the Russia investigation. One point he makes is that Russia is always on the FBI's radar screen.

Baker is currently under investigation for leaks. He is trying to deflect. Not going to work. He's going down.
You still believing the polling numbers after 2016 is HILARIOUS


I mean, it's verifiable math.

I'm not even sure why I'm so shocked that so many people in here still don't get this. You're literally 'loling' at mathematics. I guess the old saying is true, people mock what they don't understand.
What I’m struggling with is that you keep posting quotes that show the FBI had this memo, but you can’t articulate how that invalidates the warrant.

I’ve attached a highlighted photograph of the OpEd that “couldn’t be anymore clear” that shows exactly what her memo said.

So he was wrong about Miami. The fact that the FBI knew this has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of a warrant to listen to Carter Page’s phone calls.

The facts that they needed were corroborated by other means. They were also confirmed in the Mueller report.

The whole OpEd is textbook John Solomon. He has a history of making things that are totally legal look like scandals. People buy it because it connects the dots between their ignorance with confirmation bias. It’s ********, stop falling for it.

And I voted for Gary Johnson.
The warrant to spy would be invalidated if the FBI didn’t verify the info is credible. You know that’s what I was saying since you don’t seem to be unintelligent. I assumed I didn’t have to explicitly say it but I have humored you. How do you know it’s BS? You don’t anymore than I know it to be 100% true. That’s why I said we will see if he has what he says and then we will see if it amounts to anything. My point was none of the MSM is breathing a word about this or any of the other potentially troubling things for the Democrats that have come out. Hopefully that clears it up for you but I’m guessing you understood me just fine and just wanted to argue.
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Your inability to understand how the presidential election process works is your problem.

Normally I'd heap an veiled insult on you regarding your inability to process abstract thought. But this sht isn't even abstract, at this point I almost feel bad about dogging on you earlier.
No doubt that he will testify but it's a bad look for the Dems if they have to subpoena him.
I don't think a subpoena will be necessary. Could be something as simple as a scheduling issue, we really have no clue. But he'll testify soon enough.
The longer it goes on, the more it appears to be a left-wing conspiracy to take down Trump. I'm not saying it is or it isn't, but we're talking about appearances. Dems pinned a lot of hope on the Mueller report supporting collusion, and it didn't do that. When it didn't do that did the screaming stop? No, it got louder. The Dems have gone off the rails demanding this and demanding that. In appearance, they gone from "we'll accept the Mueller report" to "well he must be guilty of something". I get that those on the left don't want to admit this, but they aren't helping their cause. Honestly, the best thing they could do is let Trump serve out his term without acting like butthurt brats pissed because HRC lost. People can claim this isn't about Hillary losing all they want, but seriously, that is what appears to be happening. Nothing seems to satisfy the left at this point. They just want to dig and dig and hope that they find something. They are coming off extremely petty. So much so that they screen Trump's own pettiness. Ask yourself, is that the bright thing to do with an election next year? The left needs to stop chasing Trump, focus on the issues, and gear up for the election. The smartest thing to do is just try to beat Trump in 2020. It continues to baffle me how the left doesn't see that.
It is a matter of perspective I suppose. The Right thinks it is a vast left wing liberal witch-hunt conspiracy thing since there was not sufficient evidence in the Mueller report to recommend further charges. The Left thinks there is sufficient evidence of obstruction of justice, at the least, while saying there are some shenanigans going on with the AG. Dems have done nothing differently than what Republicans would do in the same situation. It is what it is, political gamesmanship. The tables have flipped now; Republicans are doing the same thing those on the Left did pre-report; people are going to jail, the hammer is about to drop, just wait until this or that is declassified, blah blah. It is the same narrative, just reversed. I don't think anything will come of any of it.
I don't buy the butt-hurt "muh Hillary lost" narrative. But again, perspective I guess.
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Maybe it wasn’t all of them in on it together as that does seem unlikely but I do believe some individuals abused power to try and get him out. There’s been more evidence of such already than there has been of Trump colluding with Russia.
From what we have all read in the report there isn't much evidence of anything. Lots of smoke for both sides, but no evidence.
Normally I'd heap an veiled insult on you regarding your inability to process abstract thought. But this sht isn't even abstract, at this point I almost feel bad about dogging on you earlier.

Your fallacy was based on poll numbers showing Biden would win the presidential election.

I just reminded you that you chocked on the pole numbers in 2016 that said hiLIARy would win the general election.

All the pole numbers you want to stroke again doesn’t mean sh$t.
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