Mueller Report Imminent

The other night, a shrill Trump acolyte screamed at Amash about a civil war if Trump is impeached.

Fact is, there is an element in the Trump base that has way, waaaaayyy, over-romanticized the notion that Trump is some sort of savior for their cause. They are unhinged. Angry. Unable to reason.

We have to get to a point where that segment has less of a voice within the GOP.

The libs have and a generation of weaklings have put us down a path to our own demise. If not a civil war it will be something far worse. It’s funny you call someone out as “unable to reason”.
The other night, a shrill Trump acolyte screamed at Amash about a civil war if Trump is impeached.

Fact is, there is an element in the Trump base that has way, waaaaayyy, over-romanticized the notion that Trump is some sort of savior for their cause. They are unhinged. Angry. Unable to reason.

We have to get to a point where that segment has less of a voice within the GOP.

So are saying that congress who we hired(voted) to do a job and who swore to uphold the constitution of the United States, who you believe has an open and shut case to impeach President Trump are afraid to do their job because someone screamed at Amash?

Congress is doing a disservice to the American people by not impeaching President Trump if they have the proof as you claim. So should they be impeached for failure to do their job? because if they have the proof and do not impeach then they are obstructing justice.

And the man of integrity that you are never answered the question about Lynch, Obama, Clinton, and Comey?
So are saying that congress who we hired(voted) to do a job and who swore to uphold the constitution of the United States, who you believe has an open and shut case to impeach President Trump are afraid to do their job because someone screamed at Amash?

Congress is doing a disservice to the American people by not impeaching President Trump if they have the proof as you claim. So should they be impeached for failure to do their job? because if they have the proof and do not impeach then they are obstructing justice.

And the man of integrity that you are never answered the question about Lynch, Obama, Clinton, and Comey?

It's not one person, is the problem.
I find it interesting the Dems in Congress are hanging their collective hats on grossly non committal comments by Mueller and are now seriously pushing for impeachment proceedings. Let er rip, tater chip! Mueller knew that’s what his comment would set off. So let them throw s*** right into that fan and see who it lands on. I know who I got my money on.
Hypothetical....If Pence was to resign for some reason, Trump would have to have his VP nominee confirmed by both houses of Congress, which frankly would never happen. If something were to happen to Trump before his new VP confirmation, Nancy Pelosi would be President of the US.
Hypothetical....If Pence was to resign for some reason, Trump would have to have his VP nominee confirmed by both houses of Congress, which frankly would never happen. If something were to happen to Trump before his new VP confirmation, Nancy Pelosi would be President of the US.

What is this based upon?
The libs have and a generation of weaklings have put us down a path to our own demise. If not a civil war it will be something far worse. It’s funny you call someone out as “unable to reason”.

Right. The evil Democrats held a gun to all to the heads of red state people so they would become intolerant, angry and clueless. Essentially, Trump empowered that nasty group of white trash to let their ignorance and prejudice hang out for all the world to see.
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Why would the House confirm a new VP would be the question. If Trump was impeached and removed from office, or had an accident, Madam President here we come.

Because it's a constitutional office? (assuming a reasonable nominee)

Ford was easily confirmed by a Democratic House.
Right. The evil Democrats held a gun to all to the heads of red state people so they would become intolerant, angry and clueless. Essentially, Trump empowered that nasty group of white trash to let their ignorance and prejudice hang out for all the world to see.

No they’re too weak to do anything like that. Their only power comes from morons electing morons into an office. Based on your post they’re hypocrites as well but we already knew that.
Right. The evil Democrats held a gun to all to the heads of red state people so they would become intolerant, angry and clueless. Essentially, Trump empowered that nasty group of white trash to let their ignorance and prejudice hang out for all the world to see.

If I may ask Mr. Tiger where do you reside? I would denounce this evil if it were occurring in my neighborhood.

I would never want to vacation or travel where these nasty prejudiced white trash people live.

I guess living in Tennessee and traveling the south and the west I have avoided these scum bags.

I am assuming this trash must reside up in the northern part of the United States.
Because it's a constitutional office? (assuming a reasonable nominee)

Ford was easily confirmed by a Democratic House.

I do not think there is any timetable. Just slow play the proceedings during an impeachment. As Volfanhill says, it is improbable. Just a curiosity. Now if Pence comes along and has Urbanmeyerism, then watch out.
If I may ask Mr. Tiger where do you reside? I would denounce this evil if it were occurring in my neighborhood.

I would never want to vacation or travel where these nasty prejudiced white trash people live.

I guess living in Tennessee and traveling the south and the west I have avoided these scum bags.

I am assuming this trash must reside up in the northern part of the United States.

I live in Nashville. You don't have to travel to see them. In fact, they are all around you in your home state.
No they’re too weak to do anything like that. Their only power comes from morons electing morons into an office. Based on your post they’re hypocrites as well but we already knew that.

How did you arrive at your hypocritical diagnoses from my post? Project much?

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