Mueller Report Imminent

I live in Nashville. You don't have to travel to see them. In fact, they are all around you in your home state.

My job requires me to travel to Nashville quite often.

The next time I am in Nashville I would like to get together with you and observe these racist white trash.
Right. The evil Democrats held a gun to all to the heads of red state people so they would become intolerant, angry and clueless. Essentially, Trump empowered that nasty group of white trash to let their ignorance and prejudice hang out for all the world to see.

I like how you assume conservatives are intolerant - some of the most tolerant people I know are conservatives , they just don’t like to have things forced on them an live by a leave me and mine alone and there won’t be a problem , Angry - some of the most angry people I’ve ever met were progressive liberals , clueless - both parties have more than their share of this , White Trash - see last sentence , Ignorance - see last two sentences , Prejudice- again in my experiences some of the most racists and prejudice souls I’ve ever met and been around were southern Democrats .
I like how you assume conservatives are intolerant - some of the most tolerant people I know are conservatives , they just don’t like to have things forced on them an live by a leave me and mine alone and there won’t be a problem , Angry - some of the most angry people I’ve ever met were progressive liberals , clueless - both parties have more than their share of this , White Trash - see last sentence , Ignorance - see last two sentences , Prejudice- again in my experiences some of the most racists and prejudice souls I’ve ever met and been around were southern Democrats .

No, I never said all conservatives are intolerant.

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