Mueller Report Imminent

Finally an admission?


I believe the context is being misunderstood.
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On a scale of 1 to AOC, how mad are you guys that Mueller just wiped his ass on Barrs shirt? Mueller's integrity is the gift that keeps giving.

You don't understand. Mueller, Comey, Obama, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the British, the Australians--they're all out to get Trump because he's special.
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You don't understand. Mueller, Comey, Obama, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the British, the Australians--they're all out to get Trump because he's special.

I wouldn't go that far, but some of the players you listed had an axe to grind without cause and fabricated a lot of crap the MSM has been throwing around as gospel. The truth on this is somewhere in the middle, I'm quite sure.
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He didn't and he has forfeited what little integrity he had.

Oh, he did.

It's amusing that all this Mueller trashing never seems to come with a specificity of action, just general bellyaching about his involvement. As I said, it's not surprising that you'd feel this way given that he peed on your boy's leg yesterday while looking him in the eye. The booty-hurt of trump's tainted win would be funny if it weren't so sad.
Oh, he did.

It's amusing that all this Mueller trashing never seems to come with a specificity of action, just general bellyaching about his involvement. As I said, it's not surprising that you'd feel this way given that he peed on your boy's leg yesterday while looking him in the eye. The booty-hurt of trump's tainted win would be funny if it weren't so sad.

If the Muell feels that Barr mislead congress about his report, mischaracterized his findings or lied in any way about their conversations why is he refusing to testify? A man of honor would want to set the record straight wouldn't he?

The Muell pissed his own pants.
If the Muell feels that Barr mislead congress about his report, mischaracterized his findings or lied in any way about their conversations why is he refusing to testify? A man of honor would want to set the record straight wouldn't he?

The Muell pissed his own pants.

His testimony is in the 400-page report, it's a road map. You and everyone else that trashing him can't seem to put your finger on why you're doing so, just that his job was inconvenient to your partisan feelz. Try being honest with yourself. When you can articulate what he's done that's been immoral or unethical, I'll be all ears. Until then:

His testimony is in the 400-page report, it's a road map. You and everyone else that trashing him can't seem to put your finger on why you're doing so, just that his job was inconvenient to your partisan feelz. Try being honest with yourself. When you can articulate what he's done that's been immoral or unethical, I'll be all ears. Until then:


If the Muell feels that Barr mislead congress about his report, mischaracterized his findings or lied in any way about their conversations why is he refusing to testify? A man of honor would want to set the record straight wouldn't he?

The Muell pissed his own pants.

Right, cause if he testified you would totally change your tune about everything.
Two additional thoughts.

First, Mueller opened and closed by emphasizing that the Russians made a repeated and systematic effort to help Trump win and that all Americans should be alarmed by that. Given that our intelligence agencies have uniformly been saying that for two years, I sincerely hope that Trump will just drop the suggestion that it's not true. Seriously, he has got to acknowledge it and we need to prioritize stopping it from happening again.

Second, it is clear that Barr spun the report to help Trump. Right or wrong, that is not acceptable. The Congress should act to remove him from office, if nothing else.
2 more thoughts

You have absolutely zero original thoughts. You regurgitate information from the insane left.

And these things you bring to this forum are laughable at best. It’s like watching the drunk guy attempt to buy another case of beer.
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You don't understand. Mueller, Comey, Obama, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the British, the Australians--they're all out to get Trump because he's special.

It's really not difficult, he wasn't wanted in DC, he is "somewhat" an outsider (he is somewhat a part of the shell game as he had been involved in both parties for his own business gains), and he does want, I believe, to get rid of as much of the good ol boy network and party corruption where elected officials are nothing more than puppets and jesters in the kings court that is DC.

The place is as corrupt as can be imagined, both sides, and both sides care more about themselves and their "careers" than the duties elected to carry out. They care more about self gain, and gain for their family and friends, than duty.

There were individuals who made the choice to be political instead of apolitical, there were individuals who chose to take matters into their own hands to benefit the status quo of scratching backs and receiving personally from doing so.

The fact of the matter is that the only way things will change in DC is tear down the powers that be that don't want that power taken away, a power they should never of had in the first place.

I wish Trump was a better person, then,it would be easier for all to accept that the message is correct. He is what he is on the surface, and it only should be a surprise to people who don't deal with East coast elites and extremely wealthy individuals.

Maybe if he was a better human, someone who didn't have any questions about personal greed or gain by position, and was truly viewed as incorruptible and unable to be bought off, it would resonate better with people.

Because, that is the only thing that is going to clean DC up. Someone who really doesn't care about money at all, or someone so wealthy that it doesn't matter, they can't be bought or made to be a part of the machine. Time will tell.
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The fact that he just cannot bring himself to say that the Russians interfered to hurt HRC and to help him speaks volumes about his paranoia.


We really need to reconcile Barr and Mule’s statements. If Barr has transcripts watch out

We have the transcript homeslice, it's right here: The Mueller Report

Barr willfully misled Congress, (it's not even his first time) - and he got called out doing it. This isn't that hard to understand. Simple really. What's confusing?
Right, cause if he testified you would totally change your tune about everything.

******** Huff! The man spent two years and millions of dollars to come up with an ambiguous report, he needs to answer some questions about it. We either have an AG that lied a SP purposely muddying the waters or a press that is completely off base. He needs to be held accountable.

The fact is you don't want him to testify.
On a scale of 1 to AOC, how mad are you guys that Mueller just wiped his ass on Barrs shirt? Mueller's integrity is the gift that keeps giving.
On a scale of 1 to UT winning a NC in football happy, I am at UT winning 10 straight NCs happy. Because it's over, no collusion, no obstruction and your hack hero has been exposed.
******** Huff! The man spent two years and millions of dollars to come up with an ambiguous report, he needs to answer some questions about it. We either have an AG that lied a SP purposely muddying the waters or a press that is completely off base. He needs to be held accountable.

The fact is you don't want him to testify.

Why wouldn't I want him to testify? I don't care if Trump goes down or not. You do.
His testimony is in the 400-page report, it's a road map. You and everyone else that trashing him can't seem to put your finger on why you're doing so, just that his job was inconvenient to your partisan feelz. Try being honest with yourself. When you can articulate what he's done that's been immoral or unethical, I'll be all ears. Until then:


You are holding the "road map" upside down.
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