Mueller Report Imminent

Are you madder about the fact that Russia apparently did pull out all the stops to get your boy elected, or that Mueller outed Barr as a big fat red hat nut hugging liar?

Congress should subpoena Mueller today, but you know that’s not happening.

Congress should move to impeach President Trump with the mountain of evidence that you and constituents claim they have, but you know that’s not happening.

Why hasn’t Mueller been subpoenaed?

Why hasn’t congress began the impeachment process?
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I don't believe he will go down regardless who testifies.

You don't want him to testify and expose the bull that was his entire two year investigation.

Why do you think I care about anything more than the truth? Why do you think his testifying would change anything about what we know to this point?
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Congress should subpoena Mueller today, but you know that’s not happening.

Congress should move to impeach President Trump with the mountain of evidence that you and constituents claim they have, but you know that’s not happening.

Why hasn’t Mueller been subpoenaed?

Why hasn’t congress began the impeachment process?

Because Nancy likes watching the red-hats squirm? I'm rooting for the Congressional subpoenas.

Burn this sht down.
I've heard mentioned the Ruskies spent $46 thousand dollars to influence the election through social media. Can anyone confirm this? If so that's like buying a cup of coffee at Mickey Dee's in the world of political spending.
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Well Nancy needs impeached for not doing the f$&king job she is paid to do. If she has proof start the impeachment proceedings today.

I'd say she's doing her job pretty well, especially if it's getting the red-hats to squirm.
The go-to discrediting play from the playbook.

Mueller is 72 years old and apparently doesn't want to be in front of cameras anymore, but whatever.

Why isn't Nadler having a hissy fit over Mueller refusing to testify?

You know, like what happened with Barr.
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A rational expectation, I agree. Remind me, who can fire the AG?

We the people can. Produce the evidence, subpoena every dam one of them and put the proof in front of the American people?

If Nancy, Chuck, Amash, or anyone else has proof of collusion, obstruction or any other crime and doesn’t move with impeachment proceedings then they need to stand in front of a judge on charges of treason.
I've heard mentioned the Ruskies spent $46 thousand dollars to influence the election through social media. Can anyone confirm this? If so that's like buying a cup of coffee at Mickey Dee's in the world of political spending.
There were approximately 470 accounts opened from a notorious troll farm in St. Petersburg that was responsible for purchasing some 3,000 or so ads between June 2015 and May 2017... In U.S. dollars it would come out to about $100,000... it is a very small amount compared to how much is spent on ads during the election cycle (well over a billion). Chances are you probably did see an ad from a fake Russian account during the 2016 cycle but probably didn't give it a 2nd glance... they were typically not very professional looking in nature (from what I've seen). The Russians may not understand how accustomed Americans are to ignoring junk mail and advertisements... we spend most of the day ignoring the kind of crap they were putting out there. It's our every day normal.
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call Pelosi,Amas,Nadler,Schiff tell them to get this ball rolling. What are your liberal heros waiting on? Lets f'ing go

Changing the topic doesn't refute the fact that you lie all the time about the people that you oppose, including myself and Amash. The irony is Trump is 100x the socialist Amash is.
There were approximately 470 accounts opened from a notorious troll farm in St. Petersburg that was responsible for purchasing some 3,000 or so ads between June 2015 and May 2017... In U.S. dollars it would come out to about $100,000... it is a very small amount compared to how much is spent on ads during the election cycle (well over a billion). Chances are you probably did see an ad from a fake Russian account during the 2016 cycle but probably didn't give it a 2nd glance... they were typically not very professional looking in nature (from what I've seen). The Russians may not understand how accustomed Americans are to ignoring junk mail and advertisements... we spend most of the day ignoring the kind of crap they were putting out there. It's our every day normal.

They look just like what LG, EL and Looth post here every day.

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