My apologies



Junior Member
Nov 28, 2004
My apologies to the Vol Nation for being overly critical of UT going into the SEC Championship game.

Your boys did great! Much, much better than I had expected, and--I would venture to say--much better than ANY other SEC team could have done!

You all just might be unstoppable next year!

Anyhow, congrats on a great season!
takes class to come back and say that ...again thanks and good luck
Wow, thanks Rick. Stick around the Nation, we accept all... bball season is firing up, and some of the traffic will die down.
Thanks alot!!! It was just meant to be for yall this year!!! Come on down and have fun here in New Orleans................if you do, just be careful!!!!! :D

Go Vols!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Auburn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by rwemyss@Dec 6, 2004 3:25 PM
bball season is firing up, and some of the traffic will die down.

Now we cannot let that happen!!
I made a sililar comment/post on AU nation and they replied that they needed no compliments from a vol fan. They had no use for vol fans and they owened the vols.
Wow Dan... that shows they're just like bammers... just a different mascot, and different colors.

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