My Biggest Fear...



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Is that we don't win, so we go after talented punks, who don't want to be motivated or disciplined, and we are back to square one.

1. Kiffin - He seem to recruit kids that had talent but had off the field issues. He at least was able to win and get kids fired up at times. The kids seem to respect him a bit. The "fun", "talking trash" guy.

2. Dooley - Recruited some talented guys but all the punks didn't respect him so it got worse ON the field. He was clueless and the kids had no one to look up too. He looked for kids with "class".. I guess... He's like the principle.

3. CBJ - so far, seems to middle of the road. He's getting the kids pumped up and he seems like a great motivator. But what if we don't win and win soon? Will he be able to motivate the kids or will he have to recruit talented punks just to compete? I look as Butch like a cool camp counselor. All the "stripes" stuff is cool but I feel like some kids would rather just play the game than play "big brother"... maybe if Butch turned it into a fraternity brotherhood, they would be cool.

People say that Pearl and Butch are similar. I agree in some aspects but Pearl is a little more like a Kiffin on how he relates to players. I really do hope for the best though. If history is like this below, I think it will!

Kiffin/Green - played with talented punks and just rolled with it.

Dooley/Buzzball - both had mediocre talent but both too nice and not respected enough and definitely didn't win enough

Pearl/Jones... Go Vols!!!!!
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I wonder if Kiffin took more attitude/personality risks in his first year (only year) than even he would usually because his recruiting window was shorter. Don't know, but the attitude players with talent might have been the most available that late. Just a theory, but makes sense. You take more risks when you really have to get talent and quick.
Is that we don't win, so we go after talented punks, who don't want to be motivated or disciplined, and we are back to square one.

1. Kiffin - He seem to recruit kids that had talent but had off the field issues. He at least was able to win and get kids fired up at times. The kids seem to respect him a bit. The "fun", "talking trash" guy.

2. Dooley - Recruited some talented guys but all the punks didn't respect him so it got worse ON the field. He was clueless and the kids had no one to look up too. He looked for kids with "class".. I guess... He's like the principle.

3. CBJ - so far, seems to middle of the road. He's getting the kids pumped up and he seems like a great motivator. But what if we don't win and win soon? Will he be able to motivate the kids or will he have to recruit talented punks just to compete? I look as Butch like a cool camp counselor. All the "stripes" stuff is cool but I feel like some kids would rather just play the game than play "big brother"... maybe if Butch turned it into a fraternity brotherhood, they would be cool.

People say that Pearl and Butch are similar. I agree in some aspects but Pearl is a little more like a Kiffin on how he relates to players. I really do hope for the best though. If history is like this below, I think it will!

Kiffin/Green - played with talented punks and just rolled with it.

Dooley/Buzzball - both had mediocre talent but both too nice and not respected enough and definitely didn't win enough

Pearl/Jones... Go Vols!!!!!

I've not heard anyone put it quite this way, but you may be right. Lets face it, college football coaching is a tough business. Your tenure at any one school in most situations is tenable at best. Motivating your players is a huge part of the job. As a college professor, I deal with this as well (motivation not the salary!) You have to consciously, self-critique constantly asking yourself "Am I getting the most out of this class (or team)?" Its no different than a really good CEO or manager in regards to their direct reports. I'm sure Steve Jobs faced this dilemma quite often. Motivating 18-22 years old guys (who have been catered too in most instances since elementary school) is tough - but that is just one of the reasons D1 coaches at high-profile schools make as much in 1 year as most others do in 10. For those that can do it, its a great long-term, enriching, profitable journey. For those that can't, they leave to sell insurance, become a talking head, or become a position coach on a weak team in the NFL.
Lol. I put this thread in the same category as 'will Butch jump ship for the NFL'. Turrrrible!
Is that we don't win, so we go after talented punks, who don't want to be motivated or disciplined, and we are back to square one.

1. Kiffin - He seem to recruit kids that had talent but had off the field issues. He at least was able to win and get kids fired up at times. The kids seem to respect him a bit. The "fun", "talking trash" guy.

2. Dooley - Recruited some talented guys but all the punks didn't respect him so it got worse ON the field. He was clueless and the kids had no one to look up too. He looked for kids with "class".. I guess... He's like the principle.

3. CBJ - so far, seems to middle of the road. He's getting the kids pumped up and he seems like a great motivator. But what if we don't win and win soon? Will he be able to motivate the kids or will he have to recruit talented punks just to compete? I look as Butch like a cool camp counselor. All the "stripes" stuff is cool but I feel like some kids would rather just play the game than play "big brother"... maybe if Butch turned it into a fraternity brotherhood, they would be cool.

People say that Pearl and Butch are similar. I agree in some aspects but Pearl is a little more like a Kiffin on how he relates to players. I really do hope for the best though. If history is like this below, I think it will!

Kiffin/Green - played with talented punks and just rolled with it.

Dooley/Buzzball - both had mediocre talent but both too nice and not respected enough and definitely didn't win enough

Pearl/Jones... Go Vols!!!!!

Buzz had better than mediocre talent and Bruce proved that getting a #2 seed with the same team the following year.

Dooley would lose with any level of talent ...and I'm completely clueless as to why anyone would call him nice. .. he was a complete jerk, to players, former players and even coaches. ... and I have no respect for any "man" who calls his players out in media week after week. The ball was in his court and HE turned it over.
I've not heard anyone put it quite this way, but you may be right. Lets face it, college football coaching is a tough business. Your tenure at any one school in most situations is tenable at best. Motivating your players is a huge part of the job. As a college professor, I deal with this as well (motivation not the salary!) You have to consciously, self-critique constantly asking yourself "Am I getting the most out of this class (or team)?" Its no different than a really good CEO or manager in regards to their direct reports. I'm sure Steve Jobs faced this dilemma quite often. Motivating 18-22 years old guys (who have been catered too in most instances since elementary school) is tough - but that is just one of the reasons D1 coaches at high-profile schools make as much in 1 year as most others do in 10. For those that can do it, its a great long-term, enriching, profitable journey. For those that can't, they leave to sell insurance, become a talking head, or become a position coach on a weak team in the NFL.

.........or marry an OB/GYN
I think my biggest fear is that sometime when I'm surf fishing, a Tiger Shark will sneak up and remove my leg.
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Dougie D, rather than belittle your post, I will try to give you a decent response.

1. Given today's social breakdowns, even police departments and such are stuck with recruiting people who turn out to be thugs. People in general are simply not as honorable as they once were, not that they were all that great to start with. But certainly a better breed than today.

2. Skilled athletes, being so desired, often become spoiled brats. The attention, fawning over them, privileges granted them, and more encourages self-centered attitudes. Just look at the young celebrities like Justin Bierber, Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes and so many others for example.

3. If you want top talent, you will risk getting punks and thugs, no matter what social strata you're dealing with.

So far with CBJ, we've been lucky, even DD had better luck than Fulmer despite some hiccups. But sooner or later, we are sure to get one or more who we will have to send packing. Your fear should be, not that we will hit a punk or thug, but that we may hit one who commits the unspeakable act of rape of murder. We will then fully comprehend why VU hid in a private cave at the start of the investigation. All this stuff that provoked your post can be traced to general social issues. Family breakdowns, discarding our moral center, me first attitudes, money-mongering, vainglorious outlooks, and privilege due to status (above the law so to speak) assumptions. Les miles and others have failed the test often, I think CBJ will pass his. His only solution when the proof is all in is to tell the offender to get up, get out, and don't even look back.
We are back to square one as it is, at this juncture there is absolutely no where to go but up. 2 Sec wins in 2 years is about as far down as you can get. 3 consecutive losing seasons make me want to puke. I want to get back to being competitive and don't care how we get there, at this point it really doesn't matter....just get there.
My biggest fear is that we don't take back Neyland Stadium. The competition has owned Neyland Stadium for several years now and it's time that Neyland Stadium should be feared once again!
3. CBJ - so far, seems to middle of the road. He's getting the kids pumped up and he seems like a great motivator. But what if we don't win and win soon? Will he be able to motivate the kids or will he have to recruit talented punks just to compete? I look as Butch like a cool camp counselor. All the "stripes" stuff is cool but I feel like some kids would rather just play the game than play "big brother"... maybe if Butch turned it into a fraternity brotherhood, they would be cool.

Not sure I totally agree with you on everything, but I do appreciate a different point of view than just "we will win because we are the best there is" It's easy to buy in to the hype because I want to buy in, but I would like to see at least a game or two before I declare CBJ the reincarnation of Gen Neyland.
I do think CBJ gets an A so far though.

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