My Bowl Thoughts



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
I know that going to the Peach Bowl for the second straight year is disappointing. We all knew that the BCS bid was a long shot. I am still flustered that we didn't get the Capital One bid either. Really we got snubbed by the BCS, the Outback, the Capital One, and the Cotton. But as bad as we feel as fans, the players feel worse. I spoke with many of my vol friends today and the sentiment was that we should not have even accepted the bid. None of them were planning on attending the game. I think their logic is flawed. Number one, it's not the Peach Bowls fault that the other bowls snubbed us. We need to show up in record numbers to support our Vols and show the other bowls that they made a mistake. We need to sell our lot of tickets and pack the Georgia Dome with UT orange. Let's let our players know that we support them. That is the only way we come out on top of this whole mess.
Well said, Freak . . .

Exactly how would a trip to the Capital One Bowl have made any of those bandwagon jumpers any happier??

You'd think those "fans" would realize that their apathy will only contribute to us getting snubbed again in the future? Let me state the obvious - they don't always put on bowl games for good matchups, it's all about how many people you can bring to town and how good the TV ratings will be.

...And anybody that suggests for a minute that we turn down a big payday, national television exposure and a chance to beat a regional recruiting rival is plain nuts! It's not like we're stuck in the Houston Bowl.
I agree it wouldn't make any sense to turn it down, it would just make our program look worse. ESPN would have a field day.
And let's be honest y'all, if Knoxville hosted a bowl and had a choice between an 8-4 Vol team or a 10 - 2, #10 in the nation Gator team, who would get THAT invitation??? B)

Good point Lady....You are a guranteed good draw if it's near home. Let's put it behind us and support the men of orange in providing the tigers with a major butt-whippin in Atlanta...

Anyone got a pick for the best bowl game matchup in the BCS set?

I'm for the Michigan - USC game. This will truly tell us what USC is made of since their strength of schedule is what really kept them out of the National Championship.

USC SOS - 37th
UM SOS - 14th

and for those of you keeping track our SOS took a huge dump as the year progressed.

UT SOS - 46th (YUCK!) This is a SOS set at 8, the hardest in the BCS rankings in week 5 outside of undefeated OU which was only 7. Oh well this was just another dagger in the heart when it came down to us get a BCS bid!

BLAH enough for one night!
Our opponents really let us down this year. Our schedule looked very tough heading into the season but it didn't work out that way.

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