My brother and I just met Joey Kent



Sep 8, 2012
He is the nicest Vol I've had the pleasure of meeting. The atmosphere here at Neyland is great!! Hope everyone got to make it out here.
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Joey is apparently a drug rep now. He works in some cities in my territory. I've seen his name on calendars for lunches with an office. Hoping I bump into him one day!
Joey Kent was a beast. Nice to know he's a nice guy too. The run and catch to open the game against Alabama was one of the defining moments of the Fulmer era. If he doesn't get hurt against UF in '95 that game would have been a barn burner to the end.
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if you are a child of the 90's joey kent should be forever ingrained into your memory.
He was so much fun to watch.
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He was super cool; we just happened to run into him crossing the road near the stadium. We didn't have a sharpie so he walked with us for like 5 min trying to track down someone who had one and then he signed my brother's authentic UT helmet and we got our picture with him. Super awesome guy. And I'm a 80's and 90's kid so Joey was my hero growing up.

We also had the luck (in addition to meeting current players) of meeting Heath Shuler AND Al Wilson. Pictures to follow once I'm at a computer, likely tomorrow. Anyone else have some interesting stories?
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Haha now how did I know this would be your response lol. That hit was legendary; I was 8 when I saw that game and for years I've referenced it as the hardest hit I've ever seen in CFB. 18 years later I'd say its still way up there in the top hardest hits I've personally seen.
I met Greg Kings mom and told her my boys had gotten his autograph several times over the years and he was always very nice. She gave me a big hug and thanked me, then she looked at my kids and told us the secret to raising good boys was string beans. I said yea ya gotta feed em good, she said honey, you take a can of string beans and go straight upside their head when they give you trouble! Teach 'em respect. I loved it.
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