My second modest proposal in about a month (and this one you will like)



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
I propose that the Congress enact a statute requiring that all legislation be budget neutral, meaning that every program or action they take which will cost money include specifically how it will be paid for, whether it be cuts in some area or taxes raised in some respect. No more legislation without a publicly-disclosed plan to pay for it.
I like the principle, but it would further entrench career politicians. Seems like the money would move to the states with "tenured" congressional leadership.
It wouldn't work because the same body that enacts the statute would be the one to "revise" it or set it aside at the earliest convenience. Besides, it would not be enough to make it budget neutral because the fed is too large already and spends too much money and taxes away any chance at prosperity in this country. If anything, it should be budget negative in that no new spending can be enacted without reducing spending by double of the new expense.

But again, how would we the people enforce it?
Why would we need this? The current administration ran on this principle. I trust them...
Rots of ruck.

Wassup, you going to join the teabaggers?? :clapping:
Now we need to staff up to meet these new budgetary backup requirements. Yes, lets add more money to the budget he's already blown in his first year in office.
Now we need to staff up to meet these new budgetary backup requirements. Yes, lets add more money to the budget he's already blown in his first year in office.

Or put into Section I of the bill, "The OMB projects this Act will result in a cost to the General Revenue Funds of xxxxx, revenues for which will be generated by the following mechanisms: surcharge on premiums of .23 percent, cuts in the Medicare program of 12 %," etc, etc.

I know it will never happen. Just saying whichever party is trying to take control always promises to be above board about the finances, and then when push comes to shove never is (except for Clinton).
Or put into Section I of the bill, "The OMB projects this Act will result in a cost to the General Revenue Funds of xxxxx, revenues for which will be generated by the following mechanisms: surcharge on premiums of .23 percent, cuts in the Medicare program of 12 %," etc, etc.

I know it will never happen. Just saying whichever party is trying to take control always promises to be above board about the finances, and then when push comes to shove never is (except for Clinton).

Requirements cost money. It's just that simple. Add more of them and it costs more money.
Now we need to staff up to meet these new budgetary backup requirements. Yes, lets add more money to the budget he's already blown in his first year in office.

LOL at your avatar, don't know if I could get by with that.

Economic Stimulus Funds Went to Climategate Scientist.

"It's outrageous that economic stimulus money is being used to support research conducted by Michael Mann at the very time he’s under investigation by Penn State and is one of the key figures in the international Climategate scandal. Penn State should immediately return these funds to the U.S. Treasury," .....

"It's no wonder that Obama's stimulus plan is failing to produce jobs. Taxpayer dollars aren't being used in the ways most likely to spur job creation. The stimulus was not sold to the public as a way to reward a loyalist in the climate change debate. Nor was the stimulus sold as a way to promote the Obama Administration's position on the global warming theory. This misuse of stimulus money illustrates why tax cuts are a better way to stimulate the economy than letting the government decide where to spend taxpayer dollars. As is often the case, political considerations corrupt the distribution of government funds," .........

The $541,184 grant is for three years and was initiated in June 2009.


Mann, the creator of the now infamously discredited Hockey Stick Graph, landed money that came directly from the U.S. Treasury’s economic stimulus package, reveals the Washington free-market think-tank group The National Center For Public Policy Research (NCPPR).

Meanwhile the Obambi administration who the democrats claim in tougher on al-Qaeda than Bush was, diverts US spy satelites and valuble analysits away from hotspots like Afghanistan and Yemen and instead uses those resouces to count Polar bears.
This would ensure the rampant taxation; especially the hidden variety.

We will see more bogus accounting "demonstrating" the budget neutrality of legislation.
Requirements cost money. It's just that simple. Add more of them and it costs more money.

Well sure, but its not like either party has demonstrated fiscal restraint in the last 10 years. And while not perfect and perhaps easy to game the system (see below from bham), at least including the cost and a plan to pay for it will focus attention on the expense, rather than just the benefit to someone.

This would ensure the rampant taxation; especially the hidden variety.

We will see more bogus accounting "demonstrating" the budget neutrality of legislation.
This would ensure the rampant taxation; especially the hidden variety.

We will see more bogus accounting "demonstrating" the budget neutrality of legislation.

First we must become carbon neutral.

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." --John Adams

My father phoned from the Florida Keys this week. At 86, he likes warmer climates in winter, but there has been nothing warm in Florida lately -- it was zero degrees Celsius the morning he called.

Three decades ago, scientists coldly calculated that another ice age was imminent. (See AccuWeather's analysis of these predictions.) But, no longer. Today, they are prophesying that ice caps will melt within the next hundred years and swamp coastal lowlands. That is unless, and only unless, an international governing authority is established posthaste to control economic/industrial development that is blamed for global warming.


What is the truth?

Earth's climate is changing. It always has, and it always will. Mean global temperatures might, in fact, have trended upward, though recently, many climatologists are now suggesting that the planet might be in a 10-30 year cooling trend.


If anthropogenic (manmade) CO2 really has been responsible for a global warming trend over the last two decades, then why, with more man-caused CO2 today than at any other time in history, would the climate be cooling now? CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are estimated to have increased from 280 parts per million before 1750 (industrialization) to 387ppm today -- a 38 percent increase, so the ice age hype of the 1970s notwithstanding, how could a warming trend be interrupted?

The Obama administration and their Leftmedia minions are double-talking this apparent contradiction, claiming that global warming is responsible for global cooling, and the lemmings are buying it wholesale.

Moreover, why would those scientists who insist they can predict the temperature 100 years from now, fail to predict the current cooling trend?

There are many factors influencing climate. Variations in solar cycles, solar radiation deflection/absorption, the earth's core, ocean currents, complicated climate cycles, urban islands, rain forest depletion in some regions, reforestation in other regions and volcanic eruptions are just a few. The influence and interaction of all these factors and many more are much too complex to model precisely enough to draw conclusions about temperature rises and drops next month, much less next century.

According to the best scientific evidence available, much of our planet has been buried under ice for most of the last million years. The duration of the ice ages was about 100,000 years, the most recent beginning approximately 114,000 years ago when global temperatures abruptly plummeted. Just as suddenly, about 10,000 years ago the planet warmed and glaciers receded.

I checked, and there were no coal-burning fuel plants or SUVs in 8000 BC, but that will, of course, not deter the climate alarmists and their cult following.

The most recent effort at establishing an international economic/industrial regulatory body, ostensibly to control CO2 production, was the December '09 confab in Copenhagen. Representatives from 200 nations gathered an effort to draft a successor to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the last attempt at controlling CO2 output of industrialized countries.

Kyoto called for the reduction by 2010 of CO2 and other greenhouse gases to a level that was 5.2 percent less than their 1990 output, an average 29 percent cut of current emissions levels.

The accords failed at Kyoto and Copenhagen, primarily because the biggest growth in CO2 production is from China, India and other developing economies. These nations are not about to submit to international agreements to suppress or depress their industrial output.

Despite scandals involving global warming alarmists -- most recently the suppression of contradictory evidence by climatologists at the University of East Anglia -- and Albert Gore's outright lies at Copenhagen, it is important to understand that there is a relationship between CO2 levels and global temperature -- the "greenhouse effect."

Though 99 percent of our atmosphere consists of nitrogen (78 percent by volume) and oxygen (21 percent by volume), without greenhouse gasses, primarily in the form of water vapor, in the remaining one percent of air, the mean temperature of earths climate might be as much as 40C degrees lower.


However, the overriding question is not whether the climate is changing -- it is -- but why is the climate changing? Answering that question requires steady, rational analysis and conclusions, not hyped-up fear mongering driven by political agendas and bolstered by phony so-called "carbon credit" scams.

Though we mere mortals have a natural desire to predict the future and be the arbiters of our own destiny and that of our planet, when it comes to our ability to control global climate, the fact is we probably have less control than a butterfly has in a tornado.

Of course, all the hyperbole about climate change is not so much about global warming or cooling as it is about centralization of the global economy and usurpation of national sovereignty by supranational governing entities.

As Alexander Hamilton warned, "Of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people, commencing demagogues and ending tyrants."

Though the climate may be cooling or warming, Leftists never let facts impede their power grabbing agenda, and such is the case with Obama's "cap and trade" tax legislation.

After usurping the banking, investment, insurance and auto industries and attempting to slice up the national health care sector, the Obama administration will be redoubling its efforts to enact CO2 legislation in order to control the industrial sector of our economy.

The bottom line is this: Human activity does affect the climate. Every time you exhale CO2, you increase the concentration of that minuscule greenhouse gas in the atmosphere -- but if you want to make a positive impact upon the environment, don't hold your breath. Roll up your sleeves and promote liberty, because, per capita, it is the free nations of the world that have the cleanest environments.

Conservation is not a bad word -- it even shares the same root word as "conservative." Indeed, our family makes every effort to use energy and resources wisely. The "waste not, want not" principle is good economic practice.

But make no mistake; those who are attempting to enact global mandates are advancing, first and foremost, socialist economic agendas under the guise of concern for the global climate. The implication for liberty, in those few pockets of the world where it still exists, is ominous.

Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis!

Mark Alexander
Publisher, PatriotPost.US

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