My thoughts thus far



Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2007
1. For those who don't like the negativity, the arm chair quarterbacks and coaches, and irrational posts, it's probably best to stay off the boards for a few days following a loss.

2. Our depth has been exposed through injuries just like in previous seasons. With coaching changes, recruiting misses, and those who left the program we are in bad shape.

3. We all knew we were going to lose to Oregon, and should have seen it being really bad with the injury situations. They are an awesome team and my pick for the NC.

4. Worley doesn't look good, but he does manage the game and limits turnovers, so maybe that is the reason we're not seeing Peterman. I'll let the million dollar coaches decide. I remember a Jr. Jon Crompton looking equally inept and finding a way to turn it around. I truly believe Worley's problems are between the ears and can be fixed.

5. There were a couple of coaching decisions I did not like (not taking the penalty and giving Oregon 4th and goal at the 5, hoping they would kick a field goal. Boy did that backfire), but don't think it would have mattered in the end.

5. We all knew it would be a rough year, so let's just hang in there and hope we can get a win vs. UF, UGA, or SC.

6. Coming to the Auburn game this year and still think I picked a winner. Can't wait!

7. I'm a Vol fan and Memphis alum and it has been a very rough five or six years for both teams. I'm so desperate to see some decent football, I've starting watching (and enjoying) the NFL.

Would love to see a competitive team take the field weekend and show some pride! GO VOLS!
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My thoughts thus far:

1. Thank goodness Coach Butch Jones does not rely on VN for advice.
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4. Worley doesn't look good, but he does manage the game and limits turnovers, so maybe that is the reason we're not seeing Peterman. I'll let the million dollar coaches decide. I remember a Jr. Jon Crompton looking equally inept and finding a way to turn it around. I truly believe Worley's problems are between the ears and can be fixed.

No wheels and no arm strength. He just can't make the throws necessary.
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Crompton had way more upside than Worley. I want Worley to work out as much as anyone, but the fact of the matter is he's just not very good and won't beat many SEC teams.
Hi guys,

I have had a rough day or two here in the Birmingham area. The Bama nuts have made comments to me about our play Saturday, not much I can say to it. I did say that they gave A&M every opportunity to have that game and that if they played Oregon right now they would lose as well.

My thoughts on Saturday were the plays I seen ran were Fulmer like on Offense. Short plays, redirection plays on the run. I thought we had a stout offensive line, I am curious why we did not run "Smash Mouth" up the middle a bit more. I have also been torn about why we do not pass across the middle of the field, not just Saturday but for the past couple of years.

The secondary was lost on several plays, I seen Duck receivers run by them like they had blocks tied to their feet. I know we ran zone a lot but mercy I would have a hard time not at least making an effort to check that receiver.

Worley overthrew everyone that was open, which was few and far between. I did notice he seems to PANIC when he is stressed to make a decision, it was so obvious.

I will hush, looking forward to playing the gators Saturday... took the weekend off to be a part of it.

Go Vols!:rock:
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I so agree with number seven on your list. Peyton please and I do mean please do not retire until UT football is relevant again.
:rock:::I knew from the get go its going to be a long couples of YEARS not 1 at least 2 maybe 3, to get where we all wont to get to, now i didnt know that we are that bad at the QB, other than that we are raw, that wont get it in the SEC, we got to get behind the team and coach and let the team and the future RECRUITS know we are all in that where its at keeping this recruiting class together, if we can do that thats means more than winning for the future, its simple the 2014 class and the 2015 class will tell where we are headed.
Worley has issues that can't be coached. He lacks arm strength, and he's extremely slow. It's different if he was making bad reads, which he still does from time to time, but he simply lacks the psychical ability to play QB in the SEC. Especially in a read option style spread. It's time to hand the ball over to Peterman, Ferguson, or Dobbs. One of them will stand out in a real game IMO. It doesn't mean they wont make mistakes, but if they can give our offense a much needed boost to score points then I will be happy.
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Well, both Crompton and Worley were highly touted out of high school from what I remember and Worley has to have a little more mobility.

I just remember Crompton air mailing receivers and throwing in the dirt for his first couple of games as the starter.
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Worley has issues that can't be coached. He lacks arm strength, and he's extremely slow. It's different if he was making bad reads, which he still does from time to time, but he simply lacks the psychical ability to play QB in the SEC. Especially in a read option style spread. It's time to hand the ball over to Peterman, Ferguson, or Dobbs. One of them will stand out in a real game IMO. It doesn't mean they wont make mistakes, but if they can give our offense a much needed boost to score points then I will be happy.

See statement #1. I think you fit the armchair requirement.
4. Worley doesn't look good, but he does manage the game and limits turnovers, so maybe that is the reason we're not seeing Peterman. I'll let the million dollar coaches decide. I remember a Jr. Jon Crompton looking equally inept and finding a way to turn it around. I truly believe Worley's problems are between the ears and can be fixed.

No wheels and no arm strength. He just can't make the throws necessary.

Heard on the radio this morning from Jimmy Hyams that bUTch will probably open up competition in the q.b. department this week.

I said on here in July that Worley would win the job, but by the South Ala bam game, he would have lost it to someone else.

It should not be a big surprise. If you will recall that he didn't play well against Alabama, Arkansas & M.T.S.U., when he played for Bray, when Bray suffered a broken thumb during the UGA game in 2011.
Worley is a better practicer than the others, even when bray was here they said Worley looked better in practice. But bray produced. Having said that my point is that one of these freshmen could be gamers and show up when the lights are on. As many of you know my vote is for ferguson. Seeing his leadership has given me hope. I've heard he has best arm on team. He is just a gun slinger at times. His intangibles are good he's a winner and gamer, and has it factor. I say give him a shot. He already has a little chemistry with north they was throwing on a regular basis prior to enrolling in the summer.
See statement #1. I think you fit the armchair requirement.

Other than not turn the ball over, what has Worley done to prove to you that he will help us win games moving forward? You can spin it anyway you want. I'm not here to bash Worley, Im proud that he came to Tennessee, but he is not a good fit for this offense.
Other than not turn the ball over, what has Worley done to prove to you that he will help us win games moving forward? You can spin it anyway you want. I'm not here to bash Worley, Im proud that he came to Tennessee, but he is not a good fit for this offense.

You are your type keep saying that. What do you do if the others are worse. Do you start one even though the will do less than Him.
Other than not turn the ball over, what has Worley done to prove to you that he will help us win games moving forward? You can spin it anyway you want. I'm not here to bash Worley, Im proud that he came to Tennessee, but he is not a good fit for this offense.

Well you bashed him pretty good in your first post, and seemed to indicate that you (along with countless others here, lol) know better than the coaches.

He had a bad game, as did the entire team and coaching staff. He looked bad first half at WKU, but those were unusual cirmcumstances that dramtically affected the flow of the game. He wasn't very accurate vs. AP, but I believe that if there had been a better option at QB, it would have been implemented Game 1. Apparently there isn't one. I think the whole "QB position open" comments are intended to motivate Worley and pacify fans.

Honestly, I don't see many bright spots on this team, especially with the injuries. Maybe RB, but the OL continues to disappoint in the run game against stouter DLs, so it's negated.

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